blob: 92ea241c528139b2519248c104db5930a8d03cb7 [file] [log] [blame]
declare_args() {
# Install libc++ support headers.
libcxx_install_support_headers = true
libcxx_needs_site_config =
libcxx_abi_version != 1 || libcxx_abi_namespace != "" || libcxx_abi_unstable
if (libcxx_needs_site_config) {
write_cmake_config("write_config") {
input = ""
output = "$target_gen_dir/__config_site"
values = []
if (libcxx_abi_version != 1) {
values += [ "_LIBCPP_ABI_VERSION=$libcxx_abi_version" ]
if (libcxx_abi_namespace != "") {
values += [ "_LIBCPP_ABI_NAMESPACE=$libcxx_abi_namespace" ]
if (libcxx_abi_unstable) {
values += [ "_LIBCPP_ABI_UNSTABLE=" ]
# Generate a custom __config header. The new header is created
# by prepending __config_site to the current __config header.
action("concat_config") {
script = "//libcxx/utils/"
inputs = [
outputs = [
args = [
deps = [
copy("copy_config") {
sources = [
outputs = [
deps = [
copy("include") {
sources = [
deps = [
if (!libcxx_needs_site_config) {
sources += [ "__config" ]
} else {
deps += [ ":copy_config" ]
if (libcxx_install_support_headers) {
sources += [
if (target_os == "win") {
sources += [
outputs = [