blob: da3441e67b270bfbfbd554aa2cc759cc8dc64db0 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Target.h ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// Classes that handle the creation of target-specific objects. This is
/// similar to llvm::Target/TargetRegistry.
#include "BenchmarkResult.h"
#include "BenchmarkRunner.h"
#include "LlvmState.h"
#include "SnippetGenerator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetPassConfig.h"
#include "llvm/IR/CallingConv.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCInst.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h"
namespace llvm {
namespace exegesis {
struct PfmCountersInfo {
// An optional name of a performance counter that can be used to measure
// cycles.
const char *CycleCounter;
// An optional name of a performance counter that can be used to measure
// uops.
const char *UopsCounter;
// An IssueCounter specifies how to measure uops issued to specific proc
// resources.
struct IssueCounter {
const char *Counter;
// The name of the ProcResource that this counter measures.
const char *ProcResName;
// An optional list of IssueCounters.
const IssueCounter *IssueCounters;
unsigned NumIssueCounters;
static const PfmCountersInfo Default;
struct CpuAndPfmCounters {
const char *CpuName;
const PfmCountersInfo *PCI;
bool operator<(llvm::StringRef S) const {
return llvm::StringRef(CpuName) < S;
class ExegesisTarget {
explicit ExegesisTarget(llvm::ArrayRef<CpuAndPfmCounters> CpuPfmCounters)
: CpuPfmCounters(CpuPfmCounters) {}
// Targets can use this to add target-specific passes in assembleToStream();
virtual void addTargetSpecificPasses(llvm::PassManagerBase &PM) const {}
// Generates code to move a constant into a the given register.
// Precondition: Value must fit into Reg.
virtual std::vector<llvm::MCInst>
setRegTo(const llvm::MCSubtargetInfo &STI, unsigned Reg,
const llvm::APInt &Value) const = 0;
// Returns the register pointing to scratch memory, or 0 if this target
// does not support memory operands. The benchmark function uses the
// default calling convention.
virtual unsigned getScratchMemoryRegister(const llvm::Triple &) const {
return 0;
// Fills memory operands with references to the address at [Reg] + Offset.
virtual void fillMemoryOperands(InstructionTemplate &IT, unsigned Reg,
unsigned Offset) const {
"fillMemoryOperands() requires getScratchMemoryRegister() > 0");
// Returns the maximum number of bytes a load/store instruction can access at
// once. This is typically the size of the largest register available on the
// processor. Note that this only used as a hint to generate independant
// load/stores to/from memory, so the exact returned value does not really
// matter as long as it's large enough.
virtual unsigned getMaxMemoryAccessSize() const { return 0; }
// Creates a snippet generator for the given mode.
createSnippetGenerator(InstructionBenchmark::ModeE Mode,
const LLVMState &State) const;
// Creates a benchmark runner for the given mode.
createBenchmarkRunner(InstructionBenchmark::ModeE Mode,
const LLVMState &State) const;
// Returns the ExegesisTarget for the given triple or nullptr if the target
// does not exist.
static const ExegesisTarget *lookup(llvm::Triple TT);
// Returns the default (unspecialized) ExegesisTarget.
static const ExegesisTarget &getDefault();
// Registers a target. Not thread safe.
static void registerTarget(ExegesisTarget *T);
virtual ~ExegesisTarget();
// Returns the Pfm counters for the given CPU (or the default if no pfm
// counters are defined for this CPU).
const PfmCountersInfo &getPfmCounters(llvm::StringRef CpuName) const;
virtual bool matchesArch(llvm::Triple::ArchType Arch) const = 0;
// Targets can implement their own snippet generators/benchmarks runners by
// implementing these.
std::unique_ptr<SnippetGenerator> virtual createLatencySnippetGenerator(
const LLVMState &State) const;
std::unique_ptr<SnippetGenerator> virtual createUopsSnippetGenerator(
const LLVMState &State) const;
std::unique_ptr<BenchmarkRunner> virtual createLatencyBenchmarkRunner(
const LLVMState &State) const;
std::unique_ptr<BenchmarkRunner> virtual createUopsBenchmarkRunner(
const LLVMState &State) const;
const ExegesisTarget *Next = nullptr;
const llvm::ArrayRef<CpuAndPfmCounters> CpuPfmCounters;
} // namespace exegesis
} // namespace llvm