blob: 59420c8ecd6844a987ccae05468847d22b12d1d3 [file] [log] [blame]
# This build file is just enough to get check-clang to pass, it's missing
# several things from the CMake build:
# - linking in clangTidyPlugin and clangIncludeFixerPlugin from
# clang-tools-extra (which doesn't have any GN build files yet)
# - using libclang.exports
# - a build target copying the Python bindings
# - the GN linux build always builds without -fPIC (as if LLVM_ENABLE_PIC=OFF
# in the CMake build), so libclang is always a static library on linux
# - the GN build doesn't have LIBCLANG_BUILD_STATIC
libclang_target_type = "shared_library"
if (host_os != "win" && host_os != "mac") {
# ELF targets need -fPIC to build shared libs but they aren't on by default.
# For now, make libclang a static lib there.
libclang_target_type = "static_library"
target(libclang_target_type, "libclang") {
configs += [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:clang_code" ]
deps = [
if (clang_enable_arcmt) {
deps += [ "//clang/lib/ARCMigrate" ]
if (host_os == "win") {
defines = [ "_CINDEX_LIB_" ]
sources = [
if (host_os == "mac") {
ldflags = [
# See llvm_setup_rpath() in CMake.
# FIXME: Use libclang.exports