blob: fec545e64b0682853137dfad4e92e781170d7989 [file] [log] [blame]
@ RUN: not llvm-mc -triple=thumbv7m-apple-darwin -show-encoding < %s 2> %t
@ RUN: FileCheck < %t %s
@ RUN: not llvm-mc -triple=thumbv6m -show-encoding < %s 2> %t
@ RUN: FileCheck < %t %s
.syntax unified
.globl _func
@ Check that the assembler rejects thumb instructions that are not valid
@ on mclass.
@ BLX (immediate)
blx _baz
@ CHECK: error: instruction requires: !armv*m
setend be
setend le
@ CHECK: error: invalid operand for instruction
@ CHECK: error: invalid operand for instruction