blob: a5d86dceea93d4896395cd6bbd1b9d078683062f [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64-windows-msvc < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=X64
; RUN: llc -mtriple=i686-windows-msvc < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=X86
; This test case is equivalent to:
; void f() {
; try {
; try {
; may_throw();
; } catch (int &) {
; may_throw();
; }
; may_throw();
; } catch (double) {
; }
; }
%rtti.TypeDescriptor2 = type { i8**, i8*, [3 x i8] }
%eh.CatchHandlerType = type { i32, i8* }
$"\01??_R0N@8" = comdat any
$"\01??_R0H@8" = comdat any
@"\01??_7type_info@@6B@" = external constant i8*
@"\01??_R0N@8" = linkonce_odr global %rtti.TypeDescriptor2 { i8** @"\01??_7type_info@@6B@", i8* null, [3 x i8] c".N\00" }, comdat = private unnamed_addr constant %eh.CatchHandlerType { i32 0, i8* bitcast (%rtti.TypeDescriptor2* @"\01??_R0N@8" to i8*) }, section "llvm.metadata"
@"\01??_R0H@8" = linkonce_odr global %rtti.TypeDescriptor2 { i8** @"\01??_7type_info@@6B@", i8* null, [3 x i8] c".H\00" }, comdat = private unnamed_addr constant %eh.CatchHandlerType { i32 8, i8* bitcast (%rtti.TypeDescriptor2* @"\01??_R0H@8" to i8*) }, section "llvm.metadata"
define internal i8* @"\01?f@@YAXXZ.catch"(i8*, i8*) #4 personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 to i8*) {
%.i8 = call i8* @llvm.localrecover(i8* bitcast (void ()* @"\01?f@@YAXXZ" to i8*), i8* %1, i32 0)
%bc2 = bitcast i8* %.i8 to i32**
%bc3 = bitcast i32** %bc2 to i8*
invoke void @"\01?may_throw@@YAXXZ"()
to label %invoke.cont2 unwind label %lpad1
invoke.cont2: ; preds = %entry
ret i8* blockaddress(@"\01?f@@YAXXZ", %try.cont)
lpad1: ; preds = %entry
%lp4 = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
catch %eh.CatchHandlerType*
%recover = call i8* (...) 1, i8* bitcast (%eh.CatchHandlerType* to i8*), i32 1, i8* (i8*, i8*)* @"\01?f@@YAXXZ.catch1")
indirectbr i8* %recover, [label %invoke.cont2]
; CHECK-LABEL: "?f@@YAXXZ.catch":
; No code should be generated for the indirectbr.
; CHECK-NOT: jmp{{[ql]}} *
; X64: .seh_handlerdata
; X64-NEXT: .long ("$cppxdata$?f@@YAXXZ")@IMGREL
define internal i8* @"\01?f@@YAXXZ.catch1"(i8*, i8*) #4 personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 to i8*) {
%.i8 = call i8* @llvm.localrecover(i8* bitcast (void ()* @"\01?f@@YAXXZ" to i8*), i8* %1, i32 1)
%2 = bitcast i8* %.i8 to double*
%3 = bitcast double* %2 to i8*
invoke void () @llvm.donothing()
to label %done unwind label %lpad
ret i8* blockaddress(@"\01?f@@YAXXZ", %try.cont8)
lpad: ; preds = %entry
%4 = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
%recover = call i8* (...)
; CHECK-LABEL: "?f@@YAXXZ.catch1":
; No code should be generated for the indirectbr.
; CHECK-NOT: jmp{{[ql]}} *
; X64: ".L?f@@YAXXZ.catch1$parent_frame_offset" = 16
; X64: movq %rdx, 16(%rsp)
; X64: .seh_handlerdata
; X64: .long ("$cppxdata$?f@@YAXXZ")@IMGREL
define void @"\01?f@@YAXXZ"() #0 personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__CxxFrameHandler3 to i8*) {
%exn.slot = alloca i8*
%ehselector.slot = alloca i32
%0 = alloca i32*, align 8
%1 = alloca double, align 8
call void (...) @llvm.localescape(i32** %0, double* %1)
invoke void @"\01?may_throw@@YAXXZ"()
to label %invoke.cont unwind label %lpad2
invoke.cont: ; preds = %entry
br label %try.cont
lpad2: ; preds = %entry
%2 = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
catch %eh.CatchHandlerType*
catch %eh.CatchHandlerType*
%recover = call i8* (...) 1, i8* bitcast (%eh.CatchHandlerType* to i8*), i32 0, i8* (i8*, i8*)* @"\01?f@@YAXXZ.catch", i32 1, i8* bitcast (%eh.CatchHandlerType* to i8*), i32 1, i8* (i8*, i8*)* @"\01?f@@YAXXZ.catch1")
indirectbr i8* %recover, [label %try.cont, label %try.cont8]
try.cont: ; preds = %lpad2, %invoke.cont
invoke void @"\01?may_throw@@YAXXZ"()
to label %try.cont8 unwind label %lpad1
%3 = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
catch %eh.CatchHandlerType*
%recover2 = call i8* (...) 1, i8* bitcast (%eh.CatchHandlerType* to i8*), i32 1, i8* (i8*, i8*)* @"\01?f@@YAXXZ.catch1")
indirectbr i8* %recover2, [label %try.cont8]
try.cont8: ; preds = %lpad2, %try.cont
ret void
; No code should be generated for the indirectbr.
; CHECK-NOT: jmp{{[ql]}} *
; X64: .seh_handlerdata
; X64-NEXT: .long ("$cppxdata$?f@@YAXXZ")@IMGREL
; X86: .section .xdata,"dr"
; CHECK: .align 4
; X64: "$cppxdata$?f@@YAXXZ":
; X64-NEXT: .long 429065506
; X64-NEXT: .long 4
; X64-NEXT: .long ("$stateUnwindMap$?f@@YAXXZ")@IMGREL
; X64-NEXT: .long 2
; X64-NEXT: .long ("$tryMap$?f@@YAXXZ")@IMGREL
; X64-NEXT: .long 6
; X64-NEXT: .long ("$ip2state$?f@@YAXXZ")@IMGREL
; X64-NEXT: .long 32
; X64-NEXT: .long 0
; X64-NEXT: .long 1
; X86: "L__ehtable$?f@@YAXXZ":
; X86-NEXT: .long 429065506
; X86-NEXT: .long 4
; X86-NEXT: .long ("$stateUnwindMap$?f@@YAXXZ")
; X86-NEXT: .long 2
; X86-NEXT: .long ("$tryMap$?f@@YAXXZ")
; X86-NEXT: .long 0
; X86-NEXT: .long 0
; X86-NEXT: .long 0
; X86-NEXT: .long 1
; CHECK-NEXT:"$stateUnwindMap$?f@@YAXXZ":
; CHECK-NEXT: .long -1
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0
; CHECK-NEXT: .long -1
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0
; CHECK-NEXT:"$tryMap$?f@@YAXXZ":
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 1
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 1
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 2
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 1
; CHECK-NEXT: .long ("$handlerMap$0$?f@@YAXXZ")
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 2
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 3
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 1
; CHECK-NEXT: .long ("$handlerMap$1$?f@@YAXXZ")
; CHECK-NEXT:"$handlerMap$0$?f@@YAXXZ":
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 8
; CHECK-NEXT: .long "??_R0H@8"
; CHECK-NEXT: .long "{{.?}}L?f@@YAXXZ$frame_escape_0"
; CHECK-NEXT: .long "?f@@YAXXZ.catch"
; X64-NEXT: .long ".L?f@@YAXXZ.catch$parent_frame_offset"
; CHECK-NEXT:"$handlerMap$1$?f@@YAXXZ":
; CHECK-NEXT: .long 0
; CHECK-NEXT: .long "??_R0N@8"
; CHECK-NEXT: .long "{{.?}}L?f@@YAXXZ$frame_escape_1"
; CHECK-NEXT: .long "?f@@YAXXZ.catch1"
; X64-NEXT: .long ".L?f@@YAXXZ.catch1$parent_frame_offset"
; X64-NEXT:"$ip2state$?f@@YAXXZ":
; X64-NEXT: .long .Lfunc_begin0
; X64-NEXT: .long 2
; X64-NEXT: .long .Ltmp0
; X64-NEXT: .long 0
; X64-NEXT: .long .Lfunc_begin1
; X64-NEXT: .long 3
; X64-NEXT: .long .Lfunc_begin2
; X64-NEXT: .long -1
; X64-NEXT: .long .Ltmp13
; X64-NEXT: .long 1
; X64-NEXT: .long .Ltmp16
; X64-NEXT: .long 0
; X86: "___ehhandler$?f@@YAXXZ": # @"__ehhandler$?f@@YAXXZ"
; X86: movl $"L__ehtable$?f@@YAXXZ", %eax
; X86: jmp ___CxxFrameHandler3 # TAILCALL
declare void @"\01?may_throw@@YAXXZ"() #1
declare i32 @__CxxFrameHandler3(...)
; Function Attrs: nounwind readnone
declare i32*) #2
; Function Attrs: nounwind
declare void* nocapture, i8* nocapture) #3
; Function Attrs: nounwind
declare void #3
; Function Attrs: nounwind
declare i8* #3
; Function Attrs: nounwind
declare void @llvm.localescape(...) #3
; Function Attrs: nounwind readnone
declare i8* @llvm.localrecover(i8*, i8*, i32) #2
declare void @llvm.donothing()
attributes #0 = { "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="false" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "no-realign-stack" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" "wineh-parent"="?f@@YAXXZ" }
attributes #1 = { "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="false" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "no-realign-stack" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
attributes #2 = { nounwind readnone }
attributes #3 = { nounwind }
attributes #4 = { "wineh-parent"="?f@@YAXXZ" }