blob: 9a7d6c884db511f71c474bd08c8b06fd1b017d70 [file] [log] [blame]
//=- - Describe the AArch64 Target Machine --------*- tablegen -*-=//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Target-independent interfaces which we are implementing
include "llvm/Target/"
// AArch64 Subtarget features.
def FeatureFPARMv8 : SubtargetFeature<"fp-armv8", "HasFPARMv8", "true",
"Enable ARMv8 FP">;
def FeatureNEON : SubtargetFeature<"neon", "HasNEON", "true",
"Enable Advanced SIMD instructions", [FeatureFPARMv8]>;
def FeatureCrypto : SubtargetFeature<"crypto", "HasCrypto", "true",
"Enable cryptographic instructions">;
def FeatureCRC : SubtargetFeature<"crc", "HasCRC", "true",
"Enable ARMv8 CRC-32 checksum instructions">;
/// Cyclone has register move instructions which are "free".
def FeatureZCRegMove : SubtargetFeature<"zcm", "HasZeroCycleRegMove", "true",
"Has zero-cycle register moves">;
/// Cyclone has instructions which zero registers for "free".
def FeatureZCZeroing : SubtargetFeature<"zcz", "HasZeroCycleZeroing", "true",
"Has zero-cycle zeroing instructions">;
// Architectures.
def HasV8_1aOps : SubtargetFeature<"v8.1a", "HasV8_1aOps", "true",
"Support ARM v8.1a instructions", [FeatureCRC]>;
// Register File Description
include ""
include ""
// Instruction Descriptions
include ""
include ""
def AArch64InstrInfo : InstrInfo;
// AArch64 Processors supported.
include ""
include ""
include ""
def ProcA53 : SubtargetFeature<"a53", "ARMProcFamily", "CortexA53",
"Cortex-A53 ARM processors",
def ProcA57 : SubtargetFeature<"a57", "ARMProcFamily", "CortexA57",
"Cortex-A57 ARM processors",
def ProcCyclone : SubtargetFeature<"cyclone", "ARMProcFamily", "Cyclone",
FeatureZCRegMove, FeatureZCZeroing]>;
def : ProcessorModel<"generic", NoSchedModel, [FeatureFPARMv8,
def : ProcessorModel<"cortex-a53", CortexA53Model, [ProcA53]>;
def : ProcessorModel<"cortex-a57", CortexA57Model, [ProcA57]>;
// FIXME: Cortex-A72 is currently modelled as an Cortex-A57.
def : ProcessorModel<"cortex-a72", CortexA57Model, [ProcA57]>;
def : ProcessorModel<"cyclone", CycloneModel, [ProcCyclone]>;
// Assembly parser
def GenericAsmParserVariant : AsmParserVariant {
int Variant = 0;
string Name = "generic";
def AppleAsmParserVariant : AsmParserVariant {
int Variant = 1;
string Name = "apple-neon";
// Assembly printer
// AArch64 Uses the MC printer for asm output, so make sure the TableGen
// AsmWriter bits get associated with the correct class.
def GenericAsmWriter : AsmWriter {
string AsmWriterClassName = "InstPrinter";
int PassSubtarget = 1;
int Variant = 0;
bit isMCAsmWriter = 1;
def AppleAsmWriter : AsmWriter {
let AsmWriterClassName = "AppleInstPrinter";
int PassSubtarget = 1;
int Variant = 1;
int isMCAsmWriter = 1;
// Target Declaration
def AArch64 : Target {
let InstructionSet = AArch64InstrInfo;
let AssemblyParserVariants = [GenericAsmParserVariant, AppleAsmParserVariant];
let AssemblyWriters = [GenericAsmWriter, AppleAsmWriter];