blob: 62d39b26c860055cbb3e99e436e7c4f0ba5407cc [file] [log] [blame]
//===- AsmLexer.h - Lexer for Assembly Files --------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This class declares the lexer for assembly files.
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCParser/MCAsmLexer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
#include <string>
namespace llvm {
class MemoryBuffer;
class MCAsmInfo;
/// AsmLexer - Lexer class for assembly files.
class AsmLexer : public MCAsmLexer {
const MCAsmInfo &MAI;
const char *CurPtr;
StringRef CurBuf;
bool isAtStartOfLine;
void operator=(const AsmLexer&) = delete;
AsmLexer(const AsmLexer&) = delete;
/// LexToken - Read the next token and return its code.
AsmToken LexToken() override;
AsmLexer(const MCAsmInfo &MAI);
~AsmLexer() override;
void setBuffer(StringRef Buf, const char *ptr = nullptr);
StringRef LexUntilEndOfStatement() override;
StringRef LexUntilEndOfLine();
const AsmToken peekTok(bool ShouldSkipSpace = true) override;
bool isAtStartOfComment(const char *Ptr);
bool isAtStatementSeparator(const char *Ptr);
const MCAsmInfo &getMAI() const { return MAI; }
int getNextChar();
AsmToken ReturnError(const char *Loc, const std::string &Msg);
AsmToken LexIdentifier();
AsmToken LexSlash();
AsmToken LexLineComment();
AsmToken LexDigit();
AsmToken LexSingleQuote();
AsmToken LexQuote();
AsmToken LexFloatLiteral();
AsmToken LexHexFloatLiteral(bool NoIntDigits);
} // end namespace llvm