| # RUN: llc -run-pass=livedebugvalues -o - %s | FileCheck %s |
| # |
| # This test is used to acknowledge situation when spill register is killed |
| # in instruction after the spill occurs. |
| # Generated MIR is changed in order to test case when instruction after |
| # possible spill, say instruction B, kills register different than than |
| # the one that is used in possible spill, say instruction A. In that case |
| # the instruction A is not recognized as spill. Changed instructions are |
| # commented in MIR below. |
| # |
| # ... |
| # A - possible spill instruction with register R2 |
| # B - instruction that kills R3 |
| # ... |
| # |
| # CHECK: bb.1.if.end: |
| # CHECK: DBG_VALUE $rbp, 0, !37, !DIExpression(DW_OP_constu, 44, DW_OP_minus), debug-location !58 |
| # CHECK-NOT: DBG_VALUE $rbp, 0, !36, !DIExpression(DW_OP_constu, 48, DW_OP_minus), debug-location !57 |
| |
| --- | |
| ; ModuleID = '<stdin>' |
| source_filename = "<stdin>" |
| target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128" |
| target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" |
| |
| %struct.firstStruct = type { i32, i8, %struct.secondStruct* } |
| %struct.secondStruct = type { i32, i8, i8* } |
| %struct.thirdStruct = type { %struct.fourthStruct, i32*, i8* } |
| %struct.fourthStruct = type { i32, i32, i32, i32 } |
| |
| @.str = private unnamed_addr constant [7 x i8] c"Error:\00", align 1 |
| @firstStruct = common local_unnamed_addr global %struct.firstStruct zeroinitializer, align 8, !dbg !0 |
| |
| ; Function Attrs: nounwind uwtable |
| define i32 @foo(i32 %variable2, i32 %variable1) local_unnamed_addr #0 !dbg !31 { |
| entry: |
| %const1 = bitcast i64 -9223372036854775808 to i64 |
| %0 = bitcast i64 %const1 to i64 |
| call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i32 %variable2, metadata !36, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !57 |
| call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i32 %variable1, metadata !37, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !58 |
| %call = tail call %struct.firstStruct* @func1(i32 %variable1) |
| %1 = ptrtoint %struct.firstStruct* %call to i64 |
| %2 = and i64 %1, %0 |
| %tobool = icmp eq i64 %2, 0 |
| br i1 %tobool, label %cleanup, label %if.end |
| |
| if.end: ; preds = %entry |
| %call1 = tail call %struct.thirdStruct* @func2(i32 %variable2, i32 %variable1) |
| %3 = ptrtoint %struct.thirdStruct* %call1 to i64 |
| %4 = and i64 %3, -123 |
| %tobool2 = icmp eq i64 %4, 0 |
| br i1 %tobool2, label %if.then3, label %private.exit |
| |
| if.then3: ; preds = %if.end |
| %5 = inttoptr i64 %2 to %struct.firstStruct* |
| %variableLocal11 = bitcast %struct.firstStruct* %5 to i32* |
| %6 = load i32, i32* %variableLocal11, align 8 |
| %variableLocal2 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.firstStruct, %struct.firstStruct* %5, i64 0, i32 1 |
| %7 = load i8, i8* %variableLocal2, align 4 |
| tail call void @func3(i32 %6, i8 zeroext %7, i8 zeroext 5, i8* inttoptr (i64 or (i64 ptrtoint ([7 x i8]* @.str to i64), i64 -92238) to i8*), i32 %variable2) |
| br label %cleanup |
| |
| private.exit: ; preds = %if.end |
| %8 = bitcast i64 %const1 to i64 |
| %9 = ptrtoint %struct.thirdStruct* %call1 to i64 |
| %10 = or i64 %9, %8 |
| %11 = inttoptr i64 %10 to i8* |
| %call5.i = tail call i8* @memset(i8* %11, i32 0, i64 16) |
| %call6 = tail call i32 @func4(%struct.thirdStruct* %call1) |
| %tobool7 = icmp eq i32 %call6, 0 |
| br i1 %tobool7, label %cleanup, label %if.then8 |
| |
| if.then8: ; preds = %private.exit |
| %12 = inttoptr i64 %2 to %struct.firstStruct* |
| tail call void @func5(%struct.thirdStruct* %call1, i32 0) |
| %rc_db = getelementptr inbounds %struct.firstStruct, %struct.firstStruct* %12, i64 0, i32 2 |
| %13 = bitcast %struct.secondStruct** %rc_db to i64* |
| %14 = load i64, i64* %13, align 8 |
| %tobool9 = icmp eq i64 %14, 0 |
| br i1 %tobool9, label %cleanup, label %land.lhs.true |
| |
| land.lhs.true: ; preds = %if.then8 |
| %15 = inttoptr i64 %4 to %struct.thirdStruct* |
| %tot_perf2 = bitcast %struct.thirdStruct* %15 to i32* |
| %16 = load i32, i32* %tot_perf2, align 8 |
| %tobool11 = icmp eq i32 %16, 0 |
| br i1 %tobool11, label %lor.lhs.false, label %if.then14 |
| |
| lor.lhs.false: ; preds = %land.lhs.true |
| %17 = inttoptr i64 %4 to %struct.thirdStruct* |
| %tot_bw = getelementptr inbounds %struct.thirdStruct, %struct.thirdStruct* %17, i64 0, i32 0, i32 1 |
| %18 = load i32, i32* %tot_bw, align 4 |
| %tobool13 = icmp eq i32 %18, 0 |
| br i1 %tobool13, label %cleanup, label %if.then14 |
| |
| if.then14: ; preds = %lor.lhs.false, %land.lhs.true |
| %19 = inttoptr i64 %14 to %struct.secondStruct* |
| %mc_origin = getelementptr inbounds %struct.secondStruct, %struct.secondStruct* %19, i64 0, i32 2 |
| %20 = bitcast i8** %mc_origin to i64* |
| %21 = load i64, i64* %20, align 8 |
| %22 = inttoptr i64 %21 to i8* |
| tail call void @func6(%struct.thirdStruct* %call1, i32 %variable1, i8* %22) |
| br label %cleanup |
| |
| cleanup: ; preds = %if.then14, %lor.lhs.false, %if.then8, %private.exit, %if.then3, %entry |
| %retval.0 = phi i32 [ 0, %if.then3 ], [ 0, %entry ], [ 1, %lor.lhs.false ], [ 1, %if.then8 ], [ 1, %private.exit ], [ 1, %if.then14 ] |
| ret i32 %retval.0 |
| } |
| |
| declare %struct.firstStruct* @func1(i32) local_unnamed_addr |
| |
| declare %struct.thirdStruct* @func2(i32, i32) local_unnamed_addr |
| |
| declare void @func3(i32, i8 zeroext, i8 zeroext, i8*, i32) local_unnamed_addr |
| |
| declare i32 @func4(%struct.thirdStruct*) local_unnamed_addr |
| |
| declare void @func5(%struct.thirdStruct*, i32) local_unnamed_addr |
| |
| declare void @func6(%struct.thirdStruct*, i32, i8*) local_unnamed_addr |
| |
| declare i8* @__memset_to_buf(i64, i8*, i32, i64) local_unnamed_addr |
| |
| declare i8* @memset(i8*, i32, i64) local_unnamed_addr |
| |
| ; Function Attrs: nounwind readnone speculatable |
| declare void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata, metadata, metadata) #1 |
| |
| ; Function Attrs: nounwind |
| declare void @llvm.stackprotector(i8*, i8**) #2 |
| |
| attributes #0 = { nounwind uwtable "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" } |
| attributes #1 = { nounwind readnone speculatable } |
| attributes #2 = { nounwind } |
| |
| !llvm.dbg.cu = !{!2} |
| !llvm.module.flags = !{!27, !28, !29} |
| !llvm.ident = !{!30} |
| |
| !0 = !DIGlobalVariableExpression(var: !1, expr: !DIExpression()) |
| !1 = distinct !DIGlobalVariable(name: "firstStruct", scope: !2, file: !3, line: 23, type: !11, isLocal: false, isDefinition: true) |
| !2 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C99, file: !3, producer: "clang version 4.0.0", isOptimized: true, runtimeVersion: 0, emissionKind: FullDebug, enums: !4, retainedTypes: !5, globals: !10) |
| !3 = !DIFile(filename: "inlineSpillerTest.c", directory: "/") |
| !4 = !{} |
| !5 = !{!6, !7} |
| !6 = !DIBasicType(name: "int", size: 32, encoding: DW_ATE_signed) |
| !7 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_typedef, name: "size_t", file: !8, line: 98, baseType: !9) |
| !8 = !DIFile(filename: "/tmp.h", directory: "/tmp") |
| !9 = !DIBasicType(name: "long long unsigned int", size: 64, encoding: DW_ATE_unsigned) |
| !10 = !{!0} |
| !11 = distinct !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, name: "firstStruct", file: !3, line: 18, size: 128, elements: !12) |
| !12 = !{!13, !16, !19} |
| !13 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "elem1", scope: !11, file: !3, line: 20, baseType: !14, size: 32) |
| !14 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_typedef, name: "uint32", file: !3, line: 4, baseType: !15) |
| !15 = !DIBasicType(name: "unsigned int", size: 32, encoding: DW_ATE_unsigned) |
| !16 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "elem2", scope: !11, file: !3, line: 21, baseType: !17, size: 8, offset: 32) |
| !17 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_typedef, name: "uint8", file: !3, line: 5, baseType: !18) |
| !18 = !DIBasicType(name: "unsigned char", size: 8, encoding: DW_ATE_unsigned_char) |
| !19 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "elem3", scope: !11, file: !3, line: 22, baseType: !20, size: 64, offset: 64) |
| !20 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: !21, size: 64) |
| !21 = distinct !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, name: "secondStruct", file: !3, line: 11, size: 128, elements: !22) |
| !22 = !{!23, !24, !25} |
| !23 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "structMember", scope: !21, file: !3, line: 13, baseType: !14, size: 32) |
| !24 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "elem4", scope: !21, file: !3, line: 14, baseType: !17, size: 8, offset: 32) |
| !25 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "elem5", scope: !21, file: !3, line: 15, baseType: !26, size: 64, offset: 64) |
| !26 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: null, size: 64) |
| !27 = !{i32 2, !"Dwarf Version", i32 4} |
| !28 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3} |
| !29 = !{i32 7, !"PIC Level", i32 2} |
| !30 = !{!"clang version 4.0.0 "} |
| !31 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "foo", scope: !3, file: !3, line: 50, type: !32, isLocal: false, isDefinition: true, scopeLine: 52, flags: DIFlagPrototyped, isOptimized: true, unit: !2, retainedNodes: !35) |
| !32 = !DISubroutineType(types: !33) |
| !33 = !{!34, !14, !14} |
| !34 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_typedef, name: "boolean", file: !3, line: 6, baseType: !6) |
| !35 = !{!36, !37, !38, !54, !55} |
| !36 = !DILocalVariable(name: "variable2", arg: 1, scope: !31, file: !3, line: 50, type: !14) |
| !37 = !DILocalVariable(name: "variable1", arg: 2, scope: !31, file: !3, line: 51, type: !14) |
| !38 = !DILocalVariable(name: "localVariable5", scope: !31, file: !3, line: 53, type: !39) |
| !39 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: !40, size: 64) |
| !40 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_typedef, name: "thirdStruct_", file: !3, line: 37, baseType: !41) |
| !41 = distinct !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, name: "thirdStruct", file: !3, line: 32, size: 256, elements: !42) |
| !42 = !{!43, !51, !53} |
| !43 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "elem6", scope: !41, file: !3, line: 34, baseType: !44, size: 128) |
| !44 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_typedef, name: "fourthStruct_", file: !3, line: 30, baseType: !45) |
| !45 = distinct !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, name: "fourthStruct", file: !3, line: 25, size: 128, elements: !46) |
| !46 = !{!47, !48, !49, !50} |
| !47 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "elem7", scope: !45, file: !3, line: 26, baseType: !14, size: 32) |
| !48 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "elem8", scope: !45, file: !3, line: 27, baseType: !14, size: 32, offset: 32) |
| !49 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "elem9", scope: !45, file: !3, line: 28, baseType: !34, size: 32, offset: 64) |
| !50 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "elem10", scope: !45, file: !3, line: 29, baseType: !34, size: 32, offset: 96) |
| !51 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "elem11", scope: !41, file: !3, line: 35, baseType: !52, size: 64, offset: 128) |
| !52 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: !6, size: 64) |
| !53 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "elem12", scope: !41, file: !3, line: 36, baseType: !26, size: 64, offset: 192) |
| !54 = !DILocalVariable(name: "variable5", scope: !31, file: !3, line: 54, type: !34) |
| !55 = !DILocalVariable(name: "variable6", scope: !31, file: !3, line: 55, type: !56) |
| !56 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: !11, size: 64) |
| !57 = !DILocation(line: 50, column: 34, scope: !31) |
| !58 = !DILocation(line: 51, column: 34, scope: !31) |
| |
| ... |
| --- |
| name: foo |
| alignment: 4 |
| exposesReturnsTwice: false |
| legalized: false |
| regBankSelected: false |
| selected: false |
| tracksRegLiveness: true |
| registers: |
| liveins: |
| - { reg: '$edi', virtual-reg: '' } |
| - { reg: '$esi', virtual-reg: '' } |
| frameInfo: |
| isFrameAddressTaken: false |
| isReturnAddressTaken: false |
| hasStackMap: false |
| hasPatchPoint: false |
| stackSize: 56 |
| offsetAdjustment: -8 |
| maxAlignment: 4 |
| adjustsStack: true |
| hasCalls: true |
| stackProtector: '' |
| maxCallFrameSize: 0 |
| hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false |
| hasVAStart: false |
| hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false |
| savePoint: '' |
| restorePoint: '' |
| fixedStack: |
| - { id: 0, type: spill-slot, offset: -56, size: 8, alignment: 8, stack-id: 0, |
| callee-saved-register: '$rbx', callee-saved-restored: true } |
| - { id: 1, type: spill-slot, offset: -48, size: 8, alignment: 16, stack-id: 0, |
| callee-saved-register: '$r12', callee-saved-restored: true } |
| - { id: 2, type: spill-slot, offset: -40, size: 8, alignment: 8, stack-id: 0, |
| callee-saved-register: '$r13', callee-saved-restored: true } |
| - { id: 3, type: spill-slot, offset: -32, size: 8, alignment: 16, stack-id: 0, |
| callee-saved-register: '$r14', callee-saved-restored: true } |
| - { id: 4, type: spill-slot, offset: -24, size: 8, alignment: 8, stack-id: 0, |
| callee-saved-register: '$r15', callee-saved-restored: true } |
| - { id: 5, type: spill-slot, offset: -16, size: 8, alignment: 16, stack-id: 0, |
| callee-saved-register: '', callee-saved-restored: true } |
| stack: |
| - { id: 0, name: '', type: spill-slot, offset: -64, size: 4, alignment: 4, |
| stack-id: 0, callee-saved-register: '', callee-saved-restored: true, |
| debug-info-variable: '', debug-info-expression: '', |
| debug-info-location: '' } |
| - { id: 1, name: '', type: spill-slot, offset: -60, size: 4, alignment: 4, |
| stack-id: 0, callee-saved-register: '', callee-saved-restored: true, |
| debug-info-variable: '', debug-info-expression: '', |
| debug-info-location: '' } |
| constants: |
| body: | |
| bb.0.entry: |
| successors: %bb.9(0x30000000), %bb.1(0x50000000) |
| liveins: $edi, $esi, $r15, $r14, $r13, $r12, $rbx |
| |
| frame-setup PUSH64r killed $rbp, implicit-def $rsp, implicit $rsp |
| CFI_INSTRUCTION def_cfa_offset 16 |
| CFI_INSTRUCTION offset $rbp, -16 |
| $rbp = frame-setup MOV64rr $rsp |
| CFI_INSTRUCTION def_cfa_register $rbp |
| frame-setup PUSH64r killed $r15, implicit-def $rsp, implicit $rsp |
| frame-setup PUSH64r killed $r14, implicit-def $rsp, implicit $rsp |
| frame-setup PUSH64r killed $r13, implicit-def $rsp, implicit $rsp |
| frame-setup PUSH64r killed $r12, implicit-def $rsp, implicit $rsp |
| frame-setup PUSH64r killed $rbx, implicit-def $rsp, implicit $rsp |
| frame-setup PUSH64r undef $rax, implicit-def $rsp, implicit $rsp |
| CFI_INSTRUCTION offset $rbx, -56 |
| CFI_INSTRUCTION offset $r12, -48 |
| CFI_INSTRUCTION offset $r13, -40 |
| CFI_INSTRUCTION offset $r14, -32 |
| CFI_INSTRUCTION offset $r15, -24 |
| DBG_VALUE $edi, $noreg, !36, !DIExpression(), debug-location !57 |
| DBG_VALUE $esi, $noreg, !37, !DIExpression(), debug-location !58 |
| $ebx = MOV32rr $esi |
| DBG_VALUE $ebx, $noreg, !37, !DIExpression(), debug-location !58 |
| $r15d = MOV32rr $edi |
| DBG_VALUE $r15d, $noreg, !36, !DIExpression(), debug-location !57 |
| renamable $r14 = MOV64ri -9223372036854775808 |
| $edi = MOV32rr $ebx |
| CALL64pcrel32 @func1, csr_64, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit $edi, implicit-def $rsp, implicit-def $ssp, implicit-def $rax |
| $r13 = MOV64rr $rax |
| renamable $ecx = XOR32rr undef $ecx, undef $ecx, implicit-def dead $eflags |
| renamable $r13 = AND64rr killed renamable $r13, renamable $r14, implicit-def $eflags |
| JCC_1 %bb.9, 4, implicit $eflags |
| |
| bb.1.if.end: |
| successors: %bb.2(0x30000000), %bb.3(0x50000000) |
| liveins: $ebx, $r13, $r14, $r15d |
| |
| ; The instruction below is inserted additionally in order to test part of the code. |
| $r12d = MOV32rr $r15d |
| MOV32mr $rbp, 1, $noreg, -48, $noreg, renamable $r15d :: (store 4 into %stack.0) |
| ; The instruction below is altered ($r15d -> $r12d) in order to test part of the code. |
| ; The original instruction "$edi = MOV32rr killed $r15d |
| $edi = MOV32rr killed $r12d |
| MOV32mr $rbp, 1, $noreg, -44, $noreg, renamable $ebx :: (store 4 into %stack.1) |
| $esi = MOV32rr killed $ebx |
| CALL64pcrel32 @func2, csr_64, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit $edi, implicit $esi, implicit-def $rsp, implicit-def $ssp, implicit-def $rax |
| $r12 = MOV64rr $rax |
| $r15 = MOV64rr $r12 |
| renamable $r15 = AND64ri8 killed renamable $r15, -123, implicit-def $eflags |
| JCC_1 %bb.2, 4, implicit $eflags |
| |
| bb.3.private.exit: |
| successors: %bb.9(0x30000000), %bb.4(0x50000000) |
| liveins: $r12, $r13, $r14, $r15 |
| |
| renamable $r14 = OR64rr killed renamable $r14, renamable $r12, implicit-def dead $eflags |
| $esi = XOR32rr undef $esi, undef $esi, implicit-def dead $eflags |
| dead $edx = MOV32ri 16, implicit-def $rdx |
| $rdi = MOV64rr killed $r14 |
| CALL64pcrel32 @memset, csr_64, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit $rdi, implicit $esi, implicit $rdx, implicit-def $rsp, implicit-def $ssp, implicit-def dead $rax |
| $rdi = MOV64rr $r12 |
| CALL64pcrel32 @func4, csr_64, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit $rdi, implicit-def $rsp, implicit-def $ssp, implicit-def $eax |
| renamable $ecx = MOV32ri 1 |
| TEST32rr killed renamable $eax, renamable $eax, implicit-def $eflags |
| JCC_1 %bb.9, 4, implicit $eflags |
| |
| bb.4.if.then8: |
| successors: %bb.8(0x30000000), %bb.5(0x50000000) |
| liveins: $r12, $r13, $r15 |
| |
| $esi = XOR32rr undef $esi, undef $esi, implicit-def dead $eflags |
| $rdi = MOV64rr $r12 |
| CALL64pcrel32 @func5, csr_64, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit $rdi, implicit $esi, implicit-def $rsp, implicit-def $ssp |
| renamable $rax = MOV64rm killed renamable $r13, 1, $noreg, 8, $noreg :: (load 8 from %ir.13) |
| TEST64rr renamable $rax, renamable $rax, implicit-def $eflags |
| JCC_1 %bb.8, 4, implicit $eflags |
| |
| bb.5.land.lhs.true: |
| successors: %bb.6(0x30000000), %bb.7(0x50000000) |
| liveins: $rax, $r12, $r15 |
| |
| CMP32mi8 renamable $r15, 1, $noreg, 0, $noreg, 0, implicit-def $eflags :: (load 4 from %ir.tot_perf2, align 8) |
| JCC_1 %bb.7, 5, implicit $eflags |
| |
| bb.6.lor.lhs.false: |
| successors: %bb.8(0x30000000), %bb.7(0x50000000) |
| liveins: $rax, $r12, $r15 |
| |
| CMP32mi8 killed renamable $r15, 1, $noreg, 4, $noreg, 0, implicit-def $eflags :: (load 4 from %ir.tot_bw) |
| JCC_1 %bb.8, 4, implicit $eflags |
| |
| bb.7.if.then14: |
| successors: %bb.8(0x80000000) |
| liveins: $rax, $r12 |
| |
| renamable $rdx = MOV64rm killed renamable $rax, 1, $noreg, 8, $noreg :: (load 8 from %ir.20) |
| $rdi = MOV64rr killed $r12 |
| $esi = MOV32rm $rbp, 1, $noreg, -44, $noreg :: (load 4 from %stack.1) |
| CALL64pcrel32 @func6, csr_64, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit $rdi, implicit $esi, implicit $rdx, implicit-def $rsp, implicit-def $ssp |
| |
| bb.8.cleanup: |
| successors: %bb.9(0x80000000) |
| |
| renamable $ecx = MOV32ri 1 |
| JMP_1 %bb.9 |
| |
| bb.2.if.then3: |
| successors: %bb.9(0x80000000) |
| liveins: $r13 |
| |
| renamable $edi = MOV32rm renamable $r13, 1, $noreg, 0, $noreg :: (load 4 from %ir.variableLocal11, align 8) |
| renamable $esi = MOVZX32rm8 killed renamable $r13, 1, $noreg, 4, $noreg :: (load 1 from %ir.variableLocal2, align 4) |
| renamable $ecx = MOV32ri @.str, implicit-def $rcx |
| renamable $rcx = OR64ri32 killed renamable $rcx, -92238, implicit-def dead $eflags |
| $edx = MOV32ri 5 |
| $r8d = MOV32rm $rbp, 1, $noreg, -48, $noreg :: (load 4 from %stack.0) |
| CALL64pcrel32 @func3, csr_64, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit $edi, implicit $esi, implicit $edx, implicit $rcx, implicit $r8d, implicit-def $rsp, implicit-def $ssp |
| renamable $ecx = XOR32rr undef $ecx, undef $ecx, implicit-def dead $eflags |
| |
| bb.9.cleanup: |
| liveins: $ecx |
| |
| $eax = MOV32rr killed $ecx |
| $rsp = ADD64ri8 $rsp, 8, implicit-def dead $eflags |
| $rbx = POP64r implicit-def $rsp, implicit $rsp |
| $r12 = POP64r implicit-def $rsp, implicit $rsp |
| $r13 = POP64r implicit-def $rsp, implicit $rsp |
| $r14 = POP64r implicit-def $rsp, implicit $rsp |
| $r15 = POP64r implicit-def $rsp, implicit $rsp |
| $rbp = POP64r implicit-def $rsp, implicit $rsp |
| RETQ $eax |
| |
| ... |