| =========================== |
| TableGen Language Reference |
| =========================== |
| |
| .. contents:: |
| :local: |
| |
| .. warning:: |
| This document is extremely rough. If you find something lacking, please |
| fix it, file a documentation bug, or ask about it on llvm-dev. |
| |
| Introduction |
| ============ |
| |
| This document is meant to be a normative spec about the TableGen language |
| in and of itself (i.e. how to understand a given construct in terms of how |
| it affects the final set of records represented by the TableGen file). If |
| you are unsure if this document is really what you are looking for, please |
| read the :doc:`introduction to TableGen <index>` first. |
| |
| Notation |
| ======== |
| |
| The lexical and syntax notation used here is intended to imitate |
| `Python's`_. In particular, for lexical definitions, the productions |
| operate at the character level and there is no implied whitespace between |
| elements. The syntax definitions operate at the token level, so there is |
| implied whitespace between tokens. |
| |
| .. _`Python's`: http://docs.python.org/py3k/reference/introduction.html#notation |
| |
| Lexical Analysis |
| ================ |
| |
| TableGen supports BCPL (``// ...``) and nestable C-style (``/* ... */``) |
| comments. TableGen also provides simple `Preprocessing Support`_. |
| |
| The following is a listing of the basic punctuation tokens:: |
| |
| - + [ ] { } ( ) < > : ; . = ? # |
| |
| Numeric literals take one of the following forms: |
| |
| .. TableGen actually will lex some pretty strange sequences an interpret |
| them as numbers. What is shown here is an attempt to approximate what it |
| "should" accept. |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| TokInteger: `DecimalInteger` | `HexInteger` | `BinInteger` |
| DecimalInteger: ["+" | "-"] ("0"..."9")+ |
| HexInteger: "0x" ("0"..."9" | "a"..."f" | "A"..."F")+ |
| BinInteger: "0b" ("0" | "1")+ |
| |
| One aspect to note is that the :token:`DecimalInteger` token *includes* the |
| ``+`` or ``-``, as opposed to having ``+`` and ``-`` be unary operators as |
| most languages do. |
| |
| Also note that :token:`BinInteger` creates a value of type ``bits<n>`` |
| (where ``n`` is the number of bits). This will implicitly convert to |
| integers when needed. |
| |
| TableGen has identifier-like tokens: |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| ualpha: "a"..."z" | "A"..."Z" | "_" |
| TokIdentifier: ("0"..."9")* `ualpha` (`ualpha` | "0"..."9")* |
| TokVarName: "$" `ualpha` (`ualpha` | "0"..."9")* |
| |
| Note that unlike most languages, TableGen allows :token:`TokIdentifier` to |
| begin with a number. In case of ambiguity, a token will be interpreted as a |
| numeric literal rather than an identifier. |
| |
| TableGen also has two string-like literals: |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| TokString: '"' <non-'"' characters and C-like escapes> '"' |
| TokCodeFragment: "[{" <shortest text not containing "}]"> "}]" |
| |
| :token:`TokCodeFragment` is essentially a multiline string literal |
| delimited by ``[{`` and ``}]``. |
| |
| .. note:: |
| The current implementation accepts the following C-like escapes:: |
| |
| \\ \' \" \t \n |
| |
| TableGen also has the following keywords:: |
| |
| bit bits class code dag |
| def foreach defm field in |
| int let list multiclass string |
| |
| TableGen also has "bang operators" which have a |
| wide variety of meanings: |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| BangOperator: one of |
| :!eq !if !head !tail !con |
| :!add !shl !sra !srl !and |
| :!or !empty !subst !foreach !strconcat |
| :!cast !listconcat !size !foldl |
| :!isa !dag !le !lt !ge |
| :!gt !ne |
| |
| |
| Syntax |
| ====== |
| |
| TableGen has an ``include`` mechanism. It does not play a role in the |
| syntax per se, since it is lexically replaced with the contents of the |
| included file. |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| IncludeDirective: "include" `TokString` |
| |
| TableGen's top-level production consists of "objects". |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| TableGenFile: `Object`* |
| Object: `Class` | `Def` | `Defm` | `Defset` | `Let` | `MultiClass` | |
| `Foreach` |
| |
| ``class``\es |
| ------------ |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| Class: "class" `TokIdentifier` [`TemplateArgList`] `ObjectBody` |
| TemplateArgList: "<" `Declaration` ("," `Declaration`)* ">" |
| |
| A ``class`` declaration creates a record which other records can inherit |
| from. A class can be parametrized by a list of "template arguments", whose |
| values can be used in the class body. |
| |
| A given class can only be defined once. A ``class`` declaration is |
| considered to define the class if any of the following is true: |
| |
| .. break ObjectBody into its consituents so that they are present here? |
| |
| #. The :token:`TemplateArgList` is present. |
| #. The :token:`Body` in the :token:`ObjectBody` is present and is not empty. |
| #. The :token:`BaseClassList` in the :token:`ObjectBody` is present. |
| |
| You can declare an empty class by giving and empty :token:`TemplateArgList` |
| and an empty :token:`ObjectBody`. This can serve as a restricted form of |
| forward declaration: note that records deriving from the forward-declared |
| class will inherit no fields from it since the record expansion is done |
| when the record is parsed. |
| |
| Every class has an implicit template argument called ``NAME``, which is set |
| to the name of the instantiating ``def`` or ``defm``. The result is undefined |
| if the class is instantiated by an anonymous record. |
| |
| Declarations |
| ------------ |
| |
| .. Omitting mention of arcane "field" prefix to discourage its use. |
| |
| The declaration syntax is pretty much what you would expect as a C++ |
| programmer. |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| Declaration: `Type` `TokIdentifier` ["=" `Value`] |
| |
| It assigns the value to the identifier. |
| |
| Types |
| ----- |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| Type: "string" | "code" | "bit" | "int" | "dag" |
| :| "bits" "<" `TokInteger` ">" |
| :| "list" "<" `Type` ">" |
| :| `ClassID` |
| ClassID: `TokIdentifier` |
| |
| Both ``string`` and ``code`` correspond to the string type; the difference |
| is purely to indicate programmer intention. |
| |
| The :token:`ClassID` must identify a class that has been previously |
| declared or defined. |
| |
| Values |
| ------ |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| Value: `SimpleValue` `ValueSuffix`* |
| ValueSuffix: "{" `RangeList` "}" |
| :| "[" `RangeList` "]" |
| :| "." `TokIdentifier` |
| RangeList: `RangePiece` ("," `RangePiece`)* |
| RangePiece: `TokInteger` |
| :| `TokInteger` "-" `TokInteger` |
| :| `TokInteger` `TokInteger` |
| |
| The peculiar last form of :token:`RangePiece` is due to the fact that the |
| "``-``" is included in the :token:`TokInteger`, hence ``1-5`` gets lexed as |
| two consecutive :token:`TokInteger`'s, with values ``1`` and ``-5``, |
| instead of "1", "-", and "5". |
| The :token:`RangeList` can be thought of as specifying "list slice" in some |
| contexts. |
| |
| |
| :token:`SimpleValue` has a number of forms: |
| |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| SimpleValue: `TokIdentifier` |
| |
| The value will be the variable referenced by the identifier. It can be one |
| of: |
| |
| .. The code for this is exceptionally abstruse. These examples are a |
| best-effort attempt. |
| |
| * name of a ``def``, such as the use of ``Bar`` in:: |
| |
| def Bar : SomeClass { |
| int X = 5; |
| } |
| |
| def Foo { |
| SomeClass Baz = Bar; |
| } |
| |
| * value local to a ``def``, such as the use of ``Bar`` in:: |
| |
| def Foo { |
| int Bar = 5; |
| int Baz = Bar; |
| } |
| |
| Values defined in superclasses can be accessed the same way. |
| |
| * a template arg of a ``class``, such as the use of ``Bar`` in:: |
| |
| class Foo<int Bar> { |
| int Baz = Bar; |
| } |
| |
| * value local to a ``class``, such as the use of ``Bar`` in:: |
| |
| class Foo { |
| int Bar = 5; |
| int Baz = Bar; |
| } |
| |
| * a template arg to a ``multiclass``, such as the use of ``Bar`` in:: |
| |
| multiclass Foo<int Bar> { |
| def : SomeClass<Bar>; |
| } |
| |
| * the iteration variable of a ``foreach``, such as the use of ``i`` in:: |
| |
| foreach i = 0-5 in |
| def Foo#i; |
| |
| * a variable defined by ``defset`` |
| |
| * the implicit template argument ``NAME`` in a ``class`` or ``multiclass`` |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| SimpleValue: `TokInteger` |
| |
| This represents the numeric value of the integer. |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| SimpleValue: `TokString`+ |
| |
| Multiple adjacent string literals are concatenated like in C/C++. The value |
| is the concatenation of the strings. |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| SimpleValue: `TokCodeFragment` |
| |
| The value is the string value of the code fragment. |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| SimpleValue: "?" |
| |
| ``?`` represents an "unset" initializer. |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| SimpleValue: "{" `ValueList` "}" |
| ValueList: [`ValueListNE`] |
| ValueListNE: `Value` ("," `Value`)* |
| |
| This represents a sequence of bits, as would be used to initialize a |
| ``bits<n>`` field (where ``n`` is the number of bits). |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| SimpleValue: `ClassID` "<" `ValueListNE` ">" |
| |
| This generates a new anonymous record definition (as would be created by an |
| unnamed ``def`` inheriting from the given class with the given template |
| arguments) and the value is the value of that record definition. |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| SimpleValue: "[" `ValueList` "]" ["<" `Type` ">"] |
| |
| A list initializer. The optional :token:`Type` can be used to indicate a |
| specific element type, otherwise the element type will be deduced from the |
| given values. |
| |
| .. The initial `DagArg` of the dag must start with an identifier or |
| !cast, but this is more of an implementation detail and so for now just |
| leave it out. |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| SimpleValue: "(" `DagArg` [`DagArgList`] ")" |
| DagArgList: `DagArg` ("," `DagArg`)* |
| DagArg: `Value` [":" `TokVarName`] | `TokVarName` |
| |
| The initial :token:`DagArg` is called the "operator" of the dag. |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| SimpleValue: `BangOperator` ["<" `Type` ">"] "(" `ValueListNE` ")" |
| |
| Bodies |
| ------ |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| ObjectBody: `BaseClassList` `Body` |
| BaseClassList: [":" `BaseClassListNE`] |
| BaseClassListNE: `SubClassRef` ("," `SubClassRef`)* |
| SubClassRef: (`ClassID` | `MultiClassID`) ["<" `ValueList` ">"] |
| DefmID: `TokIdentifier` |
| |
| The version with the :token:`MultiClassID` is only valid in the |
| :token:`BaseClassList` of a ``defm``. |
| The :token:`MultiClassID` should be the name of a ``multiclass``. |
| |
| .. put this somewhere else |
| |
| It is after parsing the base class list that the "let stack" is applied. |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| Body: ";" | "{" BodyList "}" |
| BodyList: BodyItem* |
| BodyItem: `Declaration` ";" |
| :| "let" `TokIdentifier` [ "{" `RangeList` "}" ] "=" `Value` ";" |
| |
| The ``let`` form allows overriding the value of an inherited field. |
| |
| ``def`` |
| ------- |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| Def: "def" [`Value`] `ObjectBody` |
| |
| Defines a record whose name is given by the optional :token:`Value`. The value |
| is parsed in a special mode where global identifiers (records and variables |
| defined by ``defset``) are not recognized, and all unrecognized identifiers |
| are interpreted as strings. |
| |
| If no name is given, the record is anonymous. The final name of anonymous |
| records is undefined, but globally unique. |
| |
| Special handling occurs if this ``def`` appears inside a ``multiclass`` or |
| a ``foreach``. |
| |
| When a non-anonymous record is defined in a multiclass and the given name |
| does not contain a reference to the implicit template argument ``NAME``, such |
| a reference will automatically be prepended. That is, the following are |
| equivalent inside a multiclass:: |
| |
| def Foo; |
| def NAME#Foo; |
| |
| ``defm`` |
| -------- |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| Defm: "defm" [`Value`] ":" `BaseClassListNE` ";" |
| |
| The :token:`BaseClassList` is a list of at least one ``multiclass`` and any |
| number of ``class``'s. The ``multiclass``'s must occur before any ``class``'s. |
| |
| Instantiates all records defined in all given ``multiclass``'s and adds the |
| given ``class``'s as superclasses. |
| |
| The name is parsed in the same special mode used by ``def``. If the name is |
| missing, a globally unique string is used instead (but instantiated records |
| are not considered to be anonymous, unless they were originally defined by an |
| anonymous ``def``) That is, the following have different semantics:: |
| |
| defm : SomeMultiClass<...>; // some globally unique name |
| defm "" : SomeMultiClass<...>; // empty name string |
| |
| When it occurs inside a multiclass, the second variant is equivalent to |
| ``defm NAME : ...``. More generally, when ``defm`` occurs in a multiclass and |
| its name does not contain a reference to the implicit template argument |
| ``NAME``, such a reference will automatically be prepended. That is, the |
| following are equivalent inside a multiclass:: |
| |
| defm Foo : SomeMultiClass<...>; |
| defm NAME#Foo : SomeMultiClass<...>; |
| |
| ``defset`` |
| ---------- |
| .. productionlist:: |
| Defset: "defset" `Type` `TokIdentifier` "=" "{" `Object`* "}" |
| |
| All records defined inside the braces via ``def`` and ``defm`` are collected |
| in a globally accessible list of the given name (in addition to being added |
| to the global collection of records as usual). Anonymous records created inside |
| initializier expressions using the ``Class<args...>`` syntax are never collected |
| in a defset. |
| |
| The given type must be ``list<A>``, where ``A`` is some class. It is an error |
| to define a record (via ``def`` or ``defm``) inside the braces which doesn't |
| derive from ``A``. |
| |
| ``foreach`` |
| ----------- |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| Foreach: "foreach" `ForeachDeclaration` "in" "{" `Object`* "}" |
| :| "foreach" `ForeachDeclaration` "in" `Object` |
| ForeachDeclaration: ID "=" ( "{" `RangeList` "}" | `RangePiece` | `Value` ) |
| |
| The value assigned to the variable in the declaration is iterated over and |
| the object or object list is reevaluated with the variable set at each |
| iterated value. |
| |
| Note that the productions involving RangeList and RangePiece have precedence |
| over the more generic value parsing based on the first token. |
| |
| Top-Level ``let`` |
| ----------------- |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| Let: "let" `LetList` "in" "{" `Object`* "}" |
| :| "let" `LetList` "in" `Object` |
| LetList: `LetItem` ("," `LetItem`)* |
| LetItem: `TokIdentifier` [`RangeList`] "=" `Value` |
| |
| This is effectively equivalent to ``let`` inside the body of a record |
| except that it applies to multiple records at a time. The bindings are |
| applied at the end of parsing the base classes of a record. |
| |
| ``multiclass`` |
| -------------- |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| MultiClass: "multiclass" `TokIdentifier` [`TemplateArgList`] |
| : [":" `BaseMultiClassList`] "{" `MultiClassObject`+ "}" |
| BaseMultiClassList: `MultiClassID` ("," `MultiClassID`)* |
| MultiClassID: `TokIdentifier` |
| MultiClassObject: `Def` | `Defm` | `Let` | `Foreach` |
| |
| Preprocessing Support |
| ===================== |
| |
| TableGen's embedded preprocessor is only intended for conditional compilation. |
| It supports the following directives: |
| |
| .. productionlist:: |
| LineBegin: ^ |
| LineEnd: "\n" | "\r" | EOF |
| WhiteSpace: " " | "\t" |
| CStyleComment: "/*" (.* - "*/") "*/" |
| BCPLComment: "//" (.* - `LineEnd`) `LineEnd` |
| WhiteSpaceOrCStyleComment: `WhiteSpace` | `CStyleComment` |
| WhiteSpaceOrAnyComment: `WhiteSpace` | `CStyleComment` | `BCPLComment` |
| MacroName: `ualpha` (`ualpha` | "0"..."9")* |
| PrepDefine: `LineBegin` (`WhiteSpaceOrCStyleComment`)* |
| : "#define" (`WhiteSpace`)+ `MacroName` |
| : (`WhiteSpaceOrAnyComment`)* `LineEnd` |
| PrepIfdef: `LineBegin` (`WhiteSpaceOrCStyleComment`)* |
| : "#ifdef" (`WhiteSpace`)+ `MacroName` |
| : (`WhiteSpaceOrAnyComment`)* `LineEnd` |
| PrepElse: `LineBegin` (`WhiteSpaceOrCStyleComment`)* |
| : "#else" (`WhiteSpaceOrAnyComment`)* `LineEnd` |
| PrepEndif: `LineBegin` (`WhiteSpaceOrCStyleComment`)* |
| : "#endif" (`WhiteSpaceOrAnyComment`)* `LineEnd` |
| PrepRegContentException: `PredIfdef` | `PredElse` | `PredEndif` | EOF |
| PrepRegion: .* - `PrepRegContentException` |
| :| `PrepIfDef` |
| : (`PrepRegion`)* |
| : [`PrepElse`] |
| : (`PrepRegion`)* |
| : `PrepEndif` |
| |
| :token:`PrepRegion` may occur anywhere in a TD file, as long as it matches |
| the grammar specification. |
| |
| :token:`PrepDefine` allows defining a :token:`MacroName` so that any following |
| :token:`PrepIfdef` - :token:`PrepElse` preprocessing region part and |
| :token:`PrepIfdef` - :token:`PrepEndif` preprocessing region |
| are enabled for TableGen tokens parsing. |
| |
| A preprocessing region, starting (i.e. having its :token:`PrepIfdef`) in a file, |
| must end (i.e. have its :token:`PrepEndif`) in the same file. |
| |
| A :token:`MacroName` may be defined externally by using ``{ -D<NAME> }`` |
| option of TableGen. |