blob: 0dc54baf14473936f4b00412bda2e29858d9aee6 [file] [log] [blame]
# LLVM buildbot needs to watch multiple projects within a single repository.
# TODO: Handle both author and committer for a commit to build a correct blame list later.
import re
from twisted.python import log
from datetime import datetime
from twisted.internet import defer
from buildbot.util import bytes2unicode
from buildbot.plugins import changes
class LLVMPoller(changes.GitPoller):
Poll LLVM repository for changes and submit them for builds scheduling.
Following Multiple LLVM Projects.
This source will poll a remote LLVM git _monorepo_ for changes and submit
them for builds scheduling."""
_repourl = ""
compare_attrs = ["repourl", "branches", "workdir",
"pollInterval", "gitbin", "usetimestamps",
"category", "project",
def _check_branches(branch):
if branch == "refs/heads/main":
# Always listen for changes in the main branch.
return True
# We are also interested in the release branches.
# Some builders will be building changes from there as well.
return"refs\/heads\/release\/\d\d+.*", branch)
def __init__(self,
repourl=_repourl, branches=_check_branches,
self.cleanRe = re.compile(r"Require(?:s?)\s*.*\s*clean build", re.IGNORECASE + re.MULTILINE)
self.cleanCfg = re.compile(r"(CMakeLists\.txt$|\.cmake$|\.cmake\.in$)")
# Note: We always watch all the projects, then schedulers decide
# to build or not to build.
super().__init__(repourl=repourl, branches=branches, **kwargs)
def _transform_path(self, fileList):
Parses the given list of files, and returns a list of two-entry tuples
(PROJECT, [FILES]) if PROJECT is watched one,
or None otherwise.
NOTE: we don't change result path, just extract a project name.
#log.msg("LLVMPoller: _transform_path: got a file list: %s" % fileList)
result = {}
# It is possible that this commit does not change anything.
if not fileList:
return result
# turn libcxxabi/include/__cxxabi_config.h into
# ("libcxxabi", "libcxxabi/include/__cxxabi_config.h")
# and filter projects we are not watching.
for path in fileList:
if not path:
pieces = path.split('/')
project = pieces[0] if len(pieces) > 1 else 'llvm-project'
#log.msg("LLVMPoller: _transform_path: processing path %s: project: %s" % (path, project))
# Collect file path for each detected projects.
if project in result:
result[project] = [path]
log.msg("LLVMPoller: _transform_path: result: %s" % result)
return [(k, result[k]) for k in result]
def _process_changes(self, newRev, branch):
Read changes since last change.
- Read list of commit hashes.
- Extract details from each commit.
- Add changes to database.
# initial run, don't parse all history
if not self.lastRev:
# get the change list
revListArgs = (['--ignore-missing'] +
['--format=%H', '{}'.format(newRev)] +
['^' + rev
for rev in sorted(self.lastRev.values())] +
self.changeCount = 0
results = yield self._dovccmd('log', revListArgs, path=self.workdir)
# process oldest change first
revList = results.split()
if self.buildPushesWithNoCommits and not revList:
existingRev = self.lastRev.get(branch)
if existingRev != newRev:
revList = [newRev]
if existingRev is None:
# This branch was completely unknown, rebuild
log.msg('LLVMPoller: rebuilding {} for new branch "{}"'.format(
newRev, branch))
# This branch is known, but it now points to a different
# commit than the last time we saw it, rebuild.
log.msg('LLVMPoller: rebuilding {} for updated branch "{}"'.format(
newRev, branch))
self.changeCount = len(revList)
self.lastRev[branch] = newRev
if self.changeCount:
log.msg('LLVMPoller: processing {} changes: {} from "{}" branch "{}"'.format(
self.changeCount, revList, self.repourl, branch))
for rev in revList:
dl = defer.DeferredList([
], consumeErrors=True)
results = yield dl
# check for failures
failures = [r[1] for r in results if not r[0]]
if failures:
for failure in failures:
failure, "while processing changes for {} {}".format(newRev, branch))
# just fail on the first error; they're probably all related!
log.msg('>>> LLVMPoller: begin change adding cycle for revision: %s' % rev)
timestamp, author, committer, files, comments = [r[1] for r in results]
where = self._transform_path(files)
projects = list()
properties = dict()
#log.msg('LLVMPoller: walking over transformed path/projects: %s' % where)
for wh in where:
where_project, where_project_files = wh
#log.msg('LLVMPoller: processing transformed pair: %s, files:' % where_project, where_project_files)
projects += [where_project]
if or \
any([m for f in where_project_files for m in [] if m]):
log.msg("LLVMPoller: creating a change with the 'clean_obj' property for r%s" % rev)
properties['clean_obj'] = (True, "change")
log.msg("LLVMPoller: creating a change rev=%s" % rev)
log.msg(" >>> branch=%s, revision=%s, timestamp=%s, author=%s, committer=%s, project=%s, files=%s, comments=\"%s\", properties=%s" % \
bytes2unicode(rev, encoding=self.encoding), datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp), author, committer,
projects, files, comments, properties))
committer=committer if committer != author else None,
revision=bytes2unicode(rev, encoding=self.encoding),
category=self.category, ## TODO: Figure out if we could support tags here
project=",".join(projects) if projects else "llvm-project",
# Always promote an external github url of the LLVM project with the changes.
repository=self.repourl if self.repourl.startswith('') else self._repourl,
src='git', # Must be one of the buildbot.process.users.srcs