blob: b00d253b5b174274b994879d529637d6941735f0 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Test module that runs llvm-profdata merge after executing the benchmark."""
from litsupport import shellcommand
from litsupport import testplan
def _mutateCommandline(context, commandline):
"""Adjust runscript to set a different value to the LLVM_PROFILE_FILE
environment variable for each execution."""
profilefile = context.tmpBase + ".profraw"
cmd = shellcommand.parse(commandline)
cmd.envvars.update({"LLVM_PROFILE_FILE": profilefile})
return cmd.toCommandline()
def _mutateScript(context, script):
return testplan.mutateScript(context, script, _mutateCommandline)
def mutatePlan(context, plan):
context.profilefiles = []
# Adjust run steps to set LLVM_PROFILE_FILE environment variable.
plan.runscript = _mutateScript(context, plan.runscript)
plan.profile_files += context.profilefiles
# Run profdata merge at the end
profdatafile = context.executable + ".profdata"
args = ["merge", "-output=%s" % profdatafile] + context.profilefiles
mergecmd = shellcommand.ShellCommand(context.config.llvm_profdata, args)
plan.profilescript += [mergecmd.toCommandline()]