blob: 9a6763d5606ae7b556ddff03afa61b83b3f74c44 [file] [log] [blame]
This fuzzed program's source comes from The test targets function bool
VisitGenericSelectionExpr(const GenericSelectionExpr *E) and
FindDesignatorMismatch(QualType ObjType,const SubobjectDesignator &A,const
SubobjectDesignator &B,bool &WasArrayIndex) in ExprConstant.cpp.
#include <stdio.h>
// Macro is needed for necessary coverage
#define gen_sw(a) _Generic(a, const char * : 1, default : 8, int : 123);
int main() {
int i = 0;
printf("%s\n", _Generic(i + (2L + 42), long
: "long", int
: "int", long long
: "long long"));
return 0;