blob: fb4afa5140e1c5af44b8dd08a5090e7b247ea4ee [file] [log] [blame]
/*@z14.c:Fill Service:Declarations@*******************************************/
/* */
/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2000 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston ( */
/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
/* */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
/* any later version. */
/* */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
/* */
/* FILE: z14.c */
/* MODULE: Fill Service */
/* EXTERNS: FillObject() */
/* */
#include "externs.h"
#define TOO_TIGHT_BAD 1048576 /* 2^21; badness of a too tight line */
#define TOO_LOOSE_BAD 65536 /* 2^16; the max badness of a too loose line */
#define TIGHT_BAD 4096 /* 2^12; the max badness of a tight line */
#define LOOSE_BAD 4096 /* 2^12; the max badness of a loose line */
#define HYPH_BAD 128 /* 2^ 7; threshold for calling hyphenation */
#define HYPH_BAD_INCR 16 /* 2 ^4: the badness of one hyphen */
#define WIDOW_BAD_INCR 128 /* 2 ^7: the badness of one widow word */
#define SQRT_TOO_LOOSE 512 /* 2^ 9; sqrt(TOO_LOOSE_BAD) (used to be) */
#define SQRT_TIGHT_BAD 128 /* 2^ 7; sqrt(TIGHT_BAD) (used to be) */
#define SQRT_LOOSE_BAD 128 /* 2^ 7; sqrt(LOOSE_BAD) (used to be) */
#define SQRT_TOO_TIGHT 8192 /* 2^13; sqrt(TOO_TIGHT_BAD) (used to be) */
#define MAX_EXPAND 1
#define MAX_SHRINK 4
typedef struct {
OBJECT llink; /* link to gap before left end of interval */
OBJECT rlink; /* link to gap after right end of interval */
OBJECT cwid; /* link to current line width in multi case */
int nat_width; /* natural width of interval */
int space_width; /* natural width of spaces in the interval */
int badness; /* badness of this interval */
unsigned char class; /* badness class of this interval */
unsigned char tab_count; /* number of gaps with tab mode in interval */
int tab_pos; /* if tab_count > 0, this holds the position */
/* of the left edge of the object following */
/* the rightmost tab gap in the interval */
int width_to_tab; /* if tab_count > 0, the interval width up */
/* to but not including the rightmost tab */
/* */
/* Badness classes */
/* */
#define TOO_LOOSE 0 /* interval is too loose */
#define LOOSE 1 /* interval is loose but not too loose */
#define TIGHT 2 /* interval is tight but not too tight */
#define TOO_TIGHT 3 /* interval is too tight */
#define TAB_OVERLAP 4 /* interval has a tab and left part overlaps */
#define AT_END 5 /* interval ends at right end of paragraph */
#define UNBREAKABLE_LEFT 6 /* interval has an unbreakable gap at left */
#define UNBREAKABLE_RIGHT 7 /* interval has an unbreakable gap at right */
#define EMPTY_INTERVAL 8 /* interval is empty */
/* */
/* SetIntervalBadness(I) */
/* */
/* Private, calculates the badness and badness class of a non-empty */
/* interval. Does not take into account any unbreakable gap at either end. */
/* */
#define SetIntervalBadness(I, max_width, etc_width) \
{ OBJECT g; int badness; \
int col_width; \
/* initialize to saved badness of left-adjoining interval, if any */ \
/* and set width of column */ \
if( I.llink == x ) \
{ col_width = (I.cwid!=nilobj) ? bfc(constraint(I.cwid)) : max_width; \
I.badness = 0; \
} \
else \
{ col_width = (I.cwid!=nilobj) ? bfc(constraint(I.cwid)) : etc_width; \
Child(g, I.llink); \
I.badness = save_badness(g); \
} \
/* penalize widow lines, of the form [ <object> &1rt ... ] */ \
if( I.tab_count > 0 ) \
{ OBJECT glink = NextDown(NextDown(I.llink)); \
assert( type(glink) == LINK, "SIB: glink!"); \
Child(g, glink); \
if( type(g) == GAP_OBJ && mode(gap(g)) == TAB_MODE && \
units(gap(g)) == AVAIL_UNIT && width(gap(g)) == 1*FR ) \
I.badness += WIDOW_BAD_INCR; \
} \
if( col_width <= 0 ) \
{ if( I.nat_width == 0 ) \
{ I.class = TOO_LOOSE; \
I.badness += 0; \
} \
else \
{ I.class = TIGHT; \
I.badness += TOO_TIGHT_BAD; \
} \
} \
else if( I.tab_count > 0 && I.width_to_tab > I.tab_pos ) \
{ I.class = TAB_OVERLAP; \
I.badness += TOO_TIGHT_BAD; \
} \
else if( MAX_EXPAND*(col_width-I.nat_width) > 2*I.space_width ) \
{ I.class = I.tab_count > 0 ? LOOSE : TOO_LOOSE; \
badness = (SQRT_TOO_LOOSE*(col_width - I.nat_width)) / col_width; \
I.badness += badness * badness; \
} \
else if( I.nat_width <= col_width ) \
{ I.class = LOOSE; \
badness = (SQRT_LOOSE_BAD*(col_width - I.nat_width)) / col_width; \
I.badness += badness * badness; \
} \
else if( BackEnd->fractional_spacing_avail && allow_shrink && \
MAX_SHRINK*(I.nat_width-col_width) <= I.space_width ) \
{ I.class = TIGHT; \
badness = (SQRT_TIGHT_BAD*(col_width - I.nat_width)) / col_width; \
I.badness += badness * badness; \
} \
else \
{ I.class = TOO_TIGHT; \
/*** \
badness = (SQRT_TOO_TIGHT*(col_width-I.nat_width)) / col_width; \
I.badness += badness * badness; \
***/ \
I.badness += TOO_TIGHT_BAD; \
} \
assert( I.badness >= 0, "SetIntervalBadness: badness < 0!" ); \
} /* end macro SetIntervalBadness */
/* */
/* MoveRightToGap(I, x, rlink, right, max_width, etc_width, hyph_word) */
/* */
/* Private. Shared by IntervalInit and IntervalShiftRightEnd, for moving */
/* to the next gap to the right, setting save_space(newg), checking for */
/* hyphenation case, and setting the interval badness. */
/* */
#define MoveRightToGap(I,x,rlink,right,max_width,etc_width,hyph_word) \
{ OBJECT newg, foll, tmp; \
BOOLEAN jn, unbreakable_at_right = FALSE; \
debug0(DOF, DDD, "MoveRightToGap(I, x, rlink, right, -, -, -)"); \
/* search onwards to find newg, the next true breakpoint */ \
Child(tmp, rlink); \
debug2(DOF, DDD, "NextDefiniteWithGap(%s, %s)", EchoObject(x), \
EchoObject(tmp)); \
NextDefiniteWithGap(x, rlink, foll, newg, jn); \
/* set right link and calculate badness of the new interval */ \
if( rlink != x ) \
{ \
assert( Up(newg) == LastUp(newg), "MoveRightToGap: newg!" ); \
/* set save_space(newg) now so that it is OK to forget right */ \
debug0(DOF, DDD, " MoveRightToGap setting save_space(newg)"); \
if( I.cwid != nilobj ) etc_width = bfc(constraint(I.cwid)); \
if( mode(gap(newg)) == TAB_MODE ) \
{ save_space(newg) = ActualGap(0, back(foll,COLM), fwd(foll,COLM), \
&gap(newg), etc_width, 0) - back(foll, COLM); \
} \
else \
{ save_space(newg) = ActualGap(fwd(right, COLM), back(foll, COLM), \
fwd(foll,COLM), &gap(newg), etc_width, \
I.nat_width - fwd(right,COLM)) \
- back(foll, COLM) - fwd(right, COLM); \
} \
ifdebug(DOF, DDD, \
if( Down(newg) != newg ) \
{ OBJECT tmp; \
Child(tmp, Down(newg)); \
debug5(DOF, DDD, "newg %s: %s %s, gap = %s, save_space = %s", \
Image(type(newg)), Image(type(tmp)), EchoObject(tmp), \
EchoGap(&gap(newg)), EchoLength(save_space(newg))); \
} \
else debug3(DOF, DDD, "newg %s: gap = %s, save_space = %s", \
Image(type(newg)), EchoGap(&gap(newg)), \
EchoLength(save_space(newg))); \
) \
/* sort out ending with hyphenation and/or being unbreakable */ \
/* NB ADD_HYPH is possible after a restart */ \
if( mode(gap(newg)) == HYPH_MODE || mode(gap(newg)) == ADD_HYPH ) \
{ if( hyph_allowed ) \
{ \
/* hyphenation is allowed, so add hyph_word to nat_width */ \
if( is_word(type(right)) && \
!(string(right)[StringLength(string(right))-1] == CH_HYPHEN) ) \
{ \
/* make sure hyph_word exists and is of the right font */ \
debug0(DOF, DDD, " MoveRightToGap checking hyph_word"); \
if( hyph_word == nilobj ) \
{ hyph_word = MakeWord(WORD, STR_HYPHEN, &fpos(x)); \
word_font(hyph_word) = 0; \
word_colour(hyph_word) = colour(save_style(x)); \
word_outline(hyph_word) = outline(save_style(x)); \
word_language(hyph_word) = language(save_style(x)); \
word_hyph(hyph_word) = hyph_style(save_style(x))==HYPH_ON; \
} \
if( word_font(hyph_word) != font(save_style(x)) ) \
{ word_font(hyph_word) = font(save_style(x)); \
FposCopy(fpos(hyph_word), fpos(x)); \
FontWordSize(hyph_word); \
} \
mode(gap(newg)) = ADD_HYPH; \
I.nat_width += size(hyph_word, COLM); \
debug0(DOF, DDD, " adding hyph_word from nat_width"); \
} \
} \
else \
{ \
/* hyphenation is not allowed, so this gap is unbreakable */ \
unbreakable_at_right = TRUE; \
} \
} \
else if( nobreak(gap(newg)) ) \
unbreakable_at_right = TRUE; \
I.rlink = Up(newg); \
debug2(DOF, DDD, " MoveRightToGap setting I.rlink to %s %s", \
Image(type(newg)), EchoObject(newg)); \
} \
else I.rlink = x; \
SetIntervalBadness(I, max_width, etc_width); \
if( unbreakable_at_right ) I.class = UNBREAKABLE_RIGHT; \
else if( I.class == TIGHT && mode(gap(newg)) == TAB_MODE ) \
I.class = TOO_TIGHT, I.badness = TOO_TIGHT_BAD; \
debug0(DOF, DDD, "MoveRightToGap returning."); \
/*@::IntervalInit(), IntervalShiftRightEnd()@*********************************/
/* */
/* IntervalInit(I, x, max_width, etc_width, hyph_word) */
/* */
/* Set I to the first interval of x. */
/* */
#define IntervalInit(I, x, max_width, etc_width, hyph_word) \
{ OBJECT rlink, right; BOOLEAN jn; \
debug0(DOF, DDD, "IntervalInit(I, x, -, -, hyph_word)"); \
I.llink = x; \
FirstDefinite(x, rlink, right, jn); \
if( rlink == x ) I.class = AT_END, I.rlink = x; \
else \
{ \
/* have first definite object, so set interval width etc. */ \
if( multi != nilobj ) \
{ Child(I.cwid, Down(multi)); \
} \
else I.cwid = nilobj; \
I.nat_width = size(right, COLM); \
I.space_width = 0; \
I.tab_count = 0; \
/* move to gap, check hyphenation there etc. */ \
MoveRightToGap(I,x,rlink,right,max_width,etc_width,hyph_word); \
} \
debug0(DOF, DDD, "IntervalInit returning."); \
} /* end macro IntervalInit */
/* */
/* IntervalShiftRightEnd(I, x, hyph_word, max_width, etc_width) */
/* */
/* Shift the right end of interval I one place to the right. */
/* */
#define IntervalShiftRightEnd(I, x, hyph_word, max_width, etc_width) \
{ OBJECT rlink, g, right; \
assert( I.class != AT_END, "IntervalShiftRightEnd: AT_END!" ); \
rlink = I.rlink; \
if( rlink == x ) I.class = AT_END; \
else \
{ \
/* I is optimal here so save its badness and left endpoint */ \
Child(g, rlink); \
assert( type(g) == GAP_OBJ, "IntervalShiftRightEnd: type(g)!" ); \
save_badness(g) = I.badness; \
save_prev(g) = I.llink; \
save_cwid(g) = I.cwid; \
/* if hyphenation case, must take away width of hyph_word */ \
/* and increase the badness to discourage breaks at this point */ \
if( mode(gap(g)) == ADD_HYPH ) \
{ I.nat_width -= size(hyph_word,COLM); \
save_badness(g) += HYPH_BAD_INCR; \
debug0(DOF, DDD, " subtracting hyph_word from nat_width"); \
} \
/* find definite object which must lie just to the right of g */ \
NextDefinite(x, rlink, right); \
assert( rlink != x, "IntervalShiftRightEnd: rlink == x!" ); \
/* modify I to reflect the addition of g and right */ \
if( mode(gap(g)) == TAB_MODE ) \
{ I.tab_count++; \
I.tab_pos = save_space(g); \
I.width_to_tab = I.nat_width; \
I.nat_width = save_space(g) + size(right, COLM); \
I.space_width = 0; \
} \
else \
{ I.nat_width += save_space(g) + size(right, COLM); \
I.space_width += save_space(g); \
} \
/* now shift one step to the right */ \
MoveRightToGap(I, x, rlink, right, max_width, etc_width,hyph_word); \
} \
} /* end macro IntervalShiftRightEnd */
/*@::IntervalShiftLeftEnd(), IntervalBadness()@*******************************/
/* */
/* IntervalShiftLeftEnd(I, x, max_width, etc_width) */
/* */
/* Shift the left end of interval I one place to the right. */
/* */
#define IntervalShiftLeftEnd(I, x, max_width, etc_width) \
{ OBJECT llink, left, lgap, y; BOOLEAN jn; \
debug1(DOF, DDD, "IntervalShiftLeftEnd(%s)", IntervalPrint(I, x)); \
assert( I.class != AT_END, "IntervalShiftLeftEnd: AT_END!" ); \
/* find left, the leftmost definite object of I */ \
llink = I.llink; \
NextDefinite(x, llink, left); \
assert( llink != x, "IntervalShiftLeftEnd: llink == x!" ); \
/* find lgap, the first true breakpoint following left */ \
NextDefiniteWithGap(x, llink, y, lgap, jn); \
assert( llink != x, "IntervalShiftLeftEnd: llink == x!" ); \
/* calculate width and badness of interval minus left and lgap */ \
if( mode(gap(lgap)) == TAB_MODE ) \
{ assert( I.tab_count > 0 || Up(lgap) == I.rlink, \
"IntervalShiftLeftEnd: tab_count <= 0!" ); \
I.tab_count--; \
if( I.tab_count == 0 ) I.nat_width -= save_space(lgap); \
} \
else /* take from nat_width, or if tab, from width_to_tab */ \
{ if( I.tab_count == 0 ) \
{ I.nat_width -= save_space(lgap) + size(left, COLM); \
I.space_width -= save_space(lgap); \
} \
else if( I.tab_count == 1 ) \
{ I.width_to_tab -= save_space(lgap) + size(left, COLM); \
} \
/* else no changes since tabs hide them */ \
} \
I.llink = Up(lgap); \
if( I.llink == I.rlink ) \
{ I.class = EMPTY_INTERVAL; \
I.badness = TOO_TIGHT_BAD + 1; \
} \
else \
{ \
if( save_cwid(lgap) != nilobj ) \
{ OBJECT tlink; \
tlink = NextDown(Up(save_cwid(lgap))); \
if( type(tlink) == ACAT ) I.cwid = save_cwid(lgap); \
else Child(I.cwid, tlink); \
} \
SetIntervalBadness(I, max_width, etc_width); \
if( nobreak(gap(lgap)) || ( !hyph_allowed && \
(mode(gap(lgap))==HYPH_MODE || mode(gap(lgap))==ADD_HYPH) ) ) \
} \
debug1(DOF, DDD, "IShiftLeftEnd returning %s", IntervalPrint(I, x)); \
} /* end macro IntervalShiftLeftEnd */
/* */
/* IntervalBadness(I) */
/* */
/* Return the badness of interval I. */
/* */
#define IntervalBadness(I) (I.badness)
/*@IntervalClass(), IntervalPrint()@******************************************/
/* */
/* IntervalClass(I) */
/* */
/* Return the badness class of interval I. */
/* */
#define IntervalClass(I) (I.class)
/* */
/* IntervalPrint(I, x) */
/* */
/* Return string image of the contents of interval I of ACAT x. */
/* */
static FULL_CHAR *IntervalPrint(INTERVAL I, OBJECT x)
{ static char *class_name[] =
OBJECT link, y, g, z; int i;
static FULL_CHAR res[300];
if( I.llink == I.rlink ) return AsciiToFull("[]");
StringCopy(res, AsciiToFull(""));
if( I.cwid != nilobj )
{ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull("!"));
StringCat(res, EchoLength(bfc(constraint(I.cwid))));
StringCat(res, AsciiToFull("!"));
StringCat(res, AsciiToFull("["));
g = nilobj;
for( link = NextDown(I.llink); link != I.rlink; link = NextDown(link) )
{ assert(link != x, "IntervalPrint: link == x!");
Child(y, link);
debug2(DOF, DDD, "IntervalPrint at %s %s", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y));
assert(y != x, "IntervalPrint: y == x!");
if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ )
{ g = y;
if( Down(g) != g )
{ Child(z, Down(g));
StringCat(res, STR_SPACE);
StringCat(res, EchoCatOp(ACAT, mark(gap(g)), join(gap(g)))),
StringCat(res, is_word(type(z)) ? string(z) : Image(type(z)));
StringCat(res, STR_SPACE);
else for( i = 1; i <= hspace(g) + vspace(g); i++ )
StringCat(res, STR_SPACE);
else if( is_word(type(y)) )
StringCat(res, string(y)[0] == '\0' ? AsciiToFull("{}") : string(y));
else StringCat(res, Image(type(y)));
StringCat(res, AsciiToFull("] n"));
StringCat(res, EchoLength(I.nat_width));
StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(", "));
StringCat(res, EchoLength(I.space_width));
StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(" ("));
StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(class_name[I.class]));
StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(" "));
StringCat(res, StringInt(I.badness));
StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(")"));
if( I.tab_count > 0 )
{ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(" <"));
StringCat(res, StringInt(I.tab_count));
StringCat(res, STR_SPACE);
StringCat(res, EchoLength(I.width_to_tab));
StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(":"));
StringCat(res, EchoLength(I.tab_pos));
StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(">"));
return res;
} /* end IntervalPrint */
/* */
/* FillObject(x, c, multi, can_hyphenate, allow_shrink, extend_unbreakable, */
/* hyph_used) */
/* */
/* Break ACAT x into lines using optimal breakpoints. Set hyph_used to */
/* TRUE if any hyphenation was done. */
/* */
/* multi If multi is not nilobj, ignore c and use the */
/* sequence of constraints within multi for the */
/* successive lines. */
/* */
/* can_hyphenate TRUE if hyphenation is permitted during this fill. */
/* */
/* allow_shrink TRUE if gaps may be shrunk as well as expanded. */
/* */
/* extend_unbreakable TRUE if nobreak(gap()) fields are to be set so as */
/* to prevent gaps hidden under overstruck objects */
/* from becoming break points. */
/* */
OBJECT FillObject(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *c, OBJECT multi, BOOLEAN can_hyphenate,
BOOLEAN allow_shrink, BOOLEAN extend_unbreakable, BOOLEAN *hyph_used)
{ INTERVAL I, BestI; OBJECT res, gp, tmp, z, y, link, ylink, prev, next;
int max_width, etc_width, outdent_margin, f; BOOLEAN jn; unsigned typ;
static OBJECT hyph_word = nilobj;
BOOLEAN hyph_allowed; /* TRUE when hyphenation of words is permitted */
assert( type(x) == ACAT, "FillObject: type(x) != ACAT!" );
debug4(DOF, D, "FillObject(x, %s, can_hyph = %s, %s); %s",
EchoConstraint(c), bool(can_hyphenate),
multi == nilobj ? "nomulti" : "multi", EchoStyle(&save_style(x)));
ifdebug(DOF, DD, DebugObject(x); fprintf(stderr, "\n\n") );
*hyph_used = FALSE;
if( multi == nilobj )
/* set max_width (width of 1st line), etc_width (width of later lines) */
max_width = find_min(fc(*c), bfc(*c));
if( display_style(save_style(x)) == DISPLAY_OUTDENT ||
display_style(save_style(x)) == DISPLAY_ORAGGED )
{ outdent_margin = 2 * FontSize(font(save_style(x)), x);
etc_width = max_width - outdent_margin;
else etc_width = max_width;
assert( size(x, COLM) > max_width, "FillObject: initial size!" );
/* if column width is ridiculously small, exit with error message */
if( max_width <= 2 * FontSize(font(save_style(x)), x) )
Error(14, 6, "paragraph deleted (assigned width %s is too narrow)",
WARN, &fpos(x), EchoLength(max_width));
res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
word_font(res) = font(save_style(x));
word_colour(res) = colour(save_style(x));
word_outline(res) = outline(save_style(x));
word_language(res) = language(save_style(x));
word_hyph(res) = hyph_style(save_style(x)) == HYPH_ON;
back(res, COLM) = fwd(res, COLM) = 0;
ReplaceNode(res, x);
return res;
else max_width = etc_width = 0; /* not used really */
/* add &1rt {} to end of paragraph */
New(gp, GAP_OBJ); hspace(gp) = 1; vspace(gp) = 0;
tmp = MakeWord(WORD, STR_GAP_RJUSTIFY, &fpos(x));
Link(gp, tmp); Link(x, gp);
tmp = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
back(tmp, COLM) = fwd(tmp, COLM) = back(tmp, ROWM) = fwd(tmp, ROWM) = 0;
word_font(tmp) = 0;
word_colour(tmp) = 0;
word_outline(tmp) = 0;
word_language(tmp) = 0;
word_hyph(tmp) = 0;
underline(tmp) = UNDER_OFF;
Link(x, tmp);
/* if extend_unbreakable, run through x and set every gap in the */
/* shadow of a previous gap to be unbreakable */
if( extend_unbreakable )
{ int f, max_f; OBJECT g;
FirstDefinite(x, link, y, jn);
assert( link != x, "FillObject/extend_unbreakable: link == x!" );
f = max_f = size(y, COLM); prev = y;
NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn);
while( link != x )
/* add unbreakableness if gap is overshadowed by a previous one */
f += MinGap(fwd(prev, COLM), back(y, COLM), fwd(y, COLM), &gap(g))
- fwd(prev, COLM) + back(y, COLM);
if( f < max_f )
{ if( units(gap(g)) == FIXED_UNIT )
nobreak(gap(g)) = TRUE;
{ max_f = f;
/* on to next component and gap */
prev = y;
NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn);
/* initially we can hyphenate if hyphenation is on, but not first pass */
if( hyph_style(save_style(x)) == HYPH_UNDEF )
Error(14, 7, "hyphen or nohyphen option missing", FATAL, &fpos(x));
hyph_allowed = FALSE;
/* initialize I to first interval, BestI to best ending here, and run */
IntervalInit(I, x, max_width, etc_width, hyph_word); BestI = I;
while( IntervalClass(I) != AT_END )
debug0(DOF, D, "loop:");
debug1(DOF, D, " %s", IntervalPrint(I, x));
switch( IntervalClass(I) )
/* too loose, so save best and shift right end */
if( IntervalClass(I) == EMPTY_INTERVAL ||
IntervalBadness(BestI) <= IntervalBadness(I) )
I = BestI;
debug1(DOF, D, "BestI: %s\n", IntervalPrint(I, x));
/* NB no break */
IntervalShiftRightEnd(I, x, hyph_word, max_width, etc_width);
BestI = I;
case LOOSE:
case TIGHT:
/* reasonable, so check best and shift left end */
if( IntervalBadness(I) < IntervalBadness(BestI) ) BestI = I;
/* NB no break */
/* too tight, or unbreakable gap at left end, so shift left end */
IntervalShiftLeftEnd(I, x, max_width, etc_width);
/* ***
PrevDefinite(x, I.llink, y);
if( can_hyphenate )
{ x = Hyphenate(x);
can_hyphenate = FALSE;
hyph_allowed = TRUE;
*hyph_used = TRUE;
else CorrectOversize(x, I.llink,
(I.cwid!=nilobj) ? bfc(constraint(I.cwid)) : etc_width);
*** */
assert(FALSE, "FillObject: IntervalClass(I)");
/* do end processing */
ifdebug(DOF, DD,
debug0(DOF, DD, "final result:");
debug1(DOF, DD, "%s", IntervalPrint(BestI, x));
while( BestI.llink != x )
{ BestI.rlink = BestI.llink;
Child(gp, BestI.rlink);
BestI.llink = save_prev(gp);
debug1(DOF, DD, "%s", IntervalPrint(BestI, x));
if( can_hyphenate && IntervalBadness(BestI) > HYPH_BAD )
/* the result is bad enough to justify the cost of a second attempt, */
/* with hyphenation turned on this time */
x = Hyphenate(x);
can_hyphenate = FALSE;
hyph_allowed = TRUE;
*hyph_used = TRUE;
else if( I.llink == x )
{ /* The result has only one line. Since the line did not fit initially, */
/* this must mean either that a large word was discarded or else that */
/* the line was only slightly tight */
if( multi == nilobj )
{ res = x;
back(res, COLM) = 0; fwd(res, COLM) = max_width;
{ New(res, VCAT);
adjust_cat(res) = FALSE;
ReplaceNode(res, x);
Link(res, x);
{ OBJECT lgap, llink;
New(res, VCAT);
adjust_cat(res) = FALSE;
back(res, COLM) = 0; fwd(res, COLM) = max_width;
ReplaceNode(res, x);
llink = I.llink;
/* break the lines of x */
while( llink != x )
{ New(y, ACAT);
adjust_cat(y) = adjust_cat(x);
FposCopy(fpos(y), fpos(x));
StyleCopy(save_style(y), save_style(x));
if( Down(res) != res &&
(display_style(save_style(y)) == DISPLAY_ADJUST ||
display_style(save_style(y)) == DISPLAY_OUTDENT) )
display_style(save_style(y)) = DO_ADJUST;
back(y, COLM) = 0;
fwd(y, COLM) = max_width;
/* if outdented paragraphs, add 2.0f @Wide & to front of new line */
if( display_style(save_style(x)) == DISPLAY_OUTDENT ||
display_style(save_style(x)) == DISPLAY_ORAGGED )
OBJECT t1, t2, z;
t1 = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
back(t1, COLM) = fwd(t1, COLM) = back(t1, ROWM) = fwd(t1, ROWM) = 0;
word_font(t1) = 0;
word_colour(t1) = 0;
word_outline(t1) = 0;
word_language(t1) = 0;
word_hyph(t1) = 0;
underline(t1) = UNDER_OFF;
New(t2, WIDE);
SetConstraint(constraint(t2), MAX_FULL_LENGTH, outdent_margin,
back(t2, COLM) = 0; fwd(t2, COLM) = outdent_margin;
underline(t2) = UNDER_OFF;
Link(t2, t1);
Link(y, t2);
New(z, GAP_OBJ);
hspace(z) = vspace(z) = 0;
Link(y, z);
/* move the line to below y */
TransferLinks(NextDown(llink), x, y);
/* add hyphen to end of previous line, if lgap is ADD_HYPH */
Child(lgap, llink);
if( mode(gap(lgap)) == ADD_HYPH )
{ OBJECT z; BOOLEAN under;
/* work out whether the hyphen needs to be underlined */
Child(z, LastDown(x));
under = underline(z);
/* add zero-width gap object */
New(z, GAP_OBJ);
debug0(DOF, DD, " adding hyphen\n");
hspace(z) = vspace(z) = 0;
underline(z) = under;
Link(x, z);
/* add hyphen */
z = MakeWord(WORD, STR_HYPHEN, &fpos(y));
word_font(z) = font(save_style(x));
word_colour(z) = colour(save_style(x));
word_outline(z) = outline(save_style(x));
word_language(z) = language(save_style(x));
word_hyph(z) = hyph_style(save_style(x)) == HYPH_ON;
underline(z) = under;
Link(x, z);
/* attach y to res, recycle lgap for gap separating the two lines */
Link(NextDown(res), y);
MoveLink(llink, NextDown(res), PARENT);
hspace(lgap) = 0;
vspace(lgap) = 1;
GapCopy(gap(lgap), line_gap(save_style(x)));
if( Down(lgap) != lgap ) DisposeChild(Down(lgap));
/* move on to previous line */
llink = save_prev(lgap);
/* attach first line, x, to res */
Link(NextDown(res), x);
back(x, COLM) = 0;
fwd(x, COLM) = max_width;
if( display_style(save_style(x)) == DISPLAY_ADJUST ||
display_style(save_style(x)) == DISPLAY_OUTDENT )
display_style(save_style(x)) = DO_ADJUST;
/* if last line contains only the {} from final &1rt {}, delete the line */
/* and the preceding gap */
Child(y, LastDown(res));
if( Down(y) == LastDown(y) )
{ DisposeChild(LastDown(res));
assert( Down(res) != LastDown(res), "almost empty paragraph!" );
/* else delete the final &1rt {} from the last line, to help clines */
{ Child(z, LastDown(y));
assert( type(z)==WORD && string(z)[0]=='\0', "FillObject: last word!" );
Child(z, LastDown(y));
assert( type(z) == GAP_OBJ, "FillObject: last gap_obj!" );
/* set unbreakable bit of first and last inter-line gaps, if required */
if( nobreakfirst(save_style(x)) && Down(res) != LastDown(res) )
{ Child(gp, NextDown(Down(res)));
assert( type(gp) == GAP_OBJ, "FillObject: type(gp) != GAP_OBJ (a)!" );
nobreak(gap(gp)) = TRUE;
if( nobreaklast(save_style(x)) && Down(res) != LastDown(res) )
{ Child(gp, PrevDown(LastDown(res)));
assert( type(gp) == GAP_OBJ, "FillObject: type(gp) != GAP_OBJ (b)!" );
nobreak(gap(gp)) = TRUE;
/* recalculate the width of the last line, since it may now be smaller */
assert( LastDown(res) != res, "FillObject: empty paragraph!" );
Child(y, LastDown(res));
FirstDefinite(y, link, z, jn);
assert( link != y, "FillObject: last line is empty!" );
f = back(z, COLM); prev = z;
NextDefiniteWithGap(y, link, z, gp, jn);
while( link != y )
f += MinGap(fwd(prev, COLM), back(z, COLM), fwd(z, COLM), &gap(gp));
prev = z;
NextDefiniteWithGap(y, link, z, gp, jn);
fwd(y, COLM) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, f + fwd(prev, COLM));
/* make last line DO_ADJUST if it is oversize */
if( size(y, COLM) > max_width ) display_style(save_style(y)) = DO_ADJUST;
/* rejoin unused hyphenated gaps so that kerning will work across them */
if( *hyph_used && type(res) == VCAT )
{ for( link = Down(res); link != res; link = NextDown(link) )
{ Child(y, link);
if( type(y) == ACAT )
{ for( ylink = Down(y); ylink != y; ylink = NextDown(ylink) )
{ Child(gp, ylink);
if( type(gp) == GAP_OBJ && width(gap(gp)) == 0 &&
mode(gap(gp)) == ADD_HYPH )
/* possible candidate for joining, look into what's on each side */
Child(prev, PrevDown(ylink));
Child(next, NextDown(ylink));
if( is_word(type(prev)) && is_word(type(next)) &&
word_font(prev) == word_font(next) &&
word_colour(prev) == word_colour(next) &&
word_outline(prev) == word_outline(next) &&
word_language(prev) == word_language(next) &&
underline(prev) == underline(next) )
debug2(DOF, D, "joining %s with %s", EchoObject(prev),
typ = type(prev) == QWORD || type(next) == QWORD ? QWORD : WORD;
tmp = MakeWordTwo(typ, string(prev), string(next), &fpos(prev));
word_font(tmp) = word_font(prev);
word_colour(tmp) = word_colour(prev);
word_outline(tmp) = word_outline(prev);
word_language(tmp) = word_language(prev);
word_hyph(tmp) = word_hyph(prev);
underline(tmp) = underline(prev);
MoveLink(ylink, tmp, CHILD);
debug0(DOF, D, "FillObject exiting");
return res;
} /* end FillObject */