blob: 746604f9cd1ac0adc593f0ad94db619909996dec [file] [log] [blame]
* (c) 2000 The Regents of the University of California
* See the file COPYRIGHT_and_DISCLAIMER for a complete copyright
* notice, contact person, and disclaimer.
* $Revision$
* Preconditioned conjugate gradient (Omin) functions
/* This was based on the pcg.c formerly in struct_ls, with
changes (GetPrecond and stop_crit) for compatibility with the pcg.c
in parcsr_ls and elsewhere. Incompatibilities with the
parcsr_ls version:
- logging is different; no attempt has been made to be the same
- treatment of b=0 in Ax=b is different: this returns x=0; the parcsr
version iterates with a special stopping criterion
#include "krylov.h"
* hypre_PCGFunctionsCreate
hypre_PCGFunctions *
char * (*CAlloc) ( int count, int elt_size ),
int (*Free) ( char *ptr ),
void * (*CreateVector) ( void *vector ),
int (*DestroyVector) ( void *vector ),
void * (*MatvecCreate) ( void *A, void *x ),
int (*Matvec) ( void *matvec_data, double alpha, void *A,
void *x, double beta, void *y ),
int (*MatvecDestroy) ( void *matvec_data ),
double (*InnerProd) ( void *x, void *y ),
int (*CopyVector) ( void *x, void *y ),
int (*ClearVector) ( void *x ),
int (*ScaleVector) ( double alpha, void *x ),
int (*Axpy) ( double alpha, void *x, void *y ),
int (*PrecondSetup) ( void *vdata, void *A, void *b, void *x ),
int (*Precond) ( void *vdata, void *A, void *b, void *x )
hypre_PCGFunctions * pcg_functions;
pcg_functions = (hypre_PCGFunctions *)
CAlloc( 1, sizeof(hypre_PCGFunctions) );
pcg_functions->CAlloc = CAlloc;
pcg_functions->Free = Free;
pcg_functions->CreateVector = CreateVector;
pcg_functions->DestroyVector = DestroyVector;
pcg_functions->MatvecCreate = MatvecCreate;
pcg_functions->Matvec = Matvec;
pcg_functions->MatvecDestroy = MatvecDestroy;
pcg_functions->InnerProd = InnerProd;
pcg_functions->CopyVector = CopyVector;
pcg_functions->ClearVector = ClearVector;
pcg_functions->ScaleVector = ScaleVector;
pcg_functions->Axpy = Axpy;
/* default preconditioner must be set here but can be changed later... */
pcg_functions->precond_setup = PrecondSetup;
pcg_functions->precond = Precond;
return pcg_functions;
* hypre_PCGCreate
void *
hypre_PCGCreate( hypre_PCGFunctions *pcg_functions )
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data;
pcg_data = hypre_CTAllocF(hypre_PCGData, 1, pcg_functions);
pcg_data -> functions = pcg_functions;
/* set defaults */
(pcg_data -> tol) = 1.0e-06;
(pcg_data -> cf_tol) = 0.0;
(pcg_data -> max_iter) = 1000;
(pcg_data -> two_norm) = 0;
(pcg_data -> rel_change) = 0;
(pcg_data -> stop_crit) = 0;
(pcg_data -> matvec_data) = NULL;
(pcg_data -> precond_data) = NULL;
(pcg_data -> logging) = 0;
(pcg_data -> norms) = NULL;
(pcg_data -> rel_norms) = NULL;
return (void *) pcg_data;
* hypre_PCGDestroy
hypre_PCGDestroy( void *pcg_vdata )
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
hypre_PCGFunctions *pcg_functions = pcg_data->functions;
int ierr = 0;
if (pcg_data)
if ((pcg_data -> logging) > 0)
hypre_TFreeF( pcg_data -> norms, pcg_functions );
hypre_TFreeF( pcg_data -> rel_norms, pcg_functions );
(*(pcg_functions->MatvecDestroy))(pcg_data -> matvec_data);
(*(pcg_functions->DestroyVector))(pcg_data -> p);
(*(pcg_functions->DestroyVector))(pcg_data -> s);
(*(pcg_functions->DestroyVector))(pcg_data -> r);
hypre_TFreeF( pcg_data, pcg_functions );
hypre_TFreeF( pcg_functions, pcg_functions );
* hypre_PCGSetup
hypre_PCGSetup( void *pcg_vdata,
void *A,
void *b,
void *x )
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
hypre_PCGFunctions *pcg_functions = pcg_data->functions;
int max_iter = (pcg_data -> max_iter);
int (*precond_setup)() = (pcg_functions -> precond_setup);
void *precond_data = (pcg_data -> precond_data);
int ierr = 0;
(pcg_data -> A) = A;
* The arguments for CreateVector are important to
* maintain consistency between the setup and
* compute phases of matvec and the preconditioner.
(pcg_data -> p) = (*(pcg_functions->CreateVector))(x);
(pcg_data -> s) = (*(pcg_functions->CreateVector))(x);
(pcg_data -> r) = (*(pcg_functions->CreateVector))(b);
(pcg_data -> matvec_data) = (*(pcg_functions->MatvecCreate))(A, x);
precond_setup(precond_data, A, b, x);
* Allocate space for log info
if ((pcg_data -> logging) > 0)
(pcg_data -> norms) = hypre_CTAllocF( double, max_iter + 1,
(pcg_data -> rel_norms) = hypre_CTAllocF( double, max_iter + 1,
pcg_functions );
return ierr;
* hypre_PCGSolve
* We use the following convergence test as the default (see Ashby, Holst,
* Manteuffel, and Saylor):
* ||e||_A ||r||_C
* ------- <= [kappa_A(C*A)]^(1/2) ------- < tol
* ||x||_A ||b||_C
* where we let (for the time being) kappa_A(CA) = 1.
* We implement the test as:
* gamma = <C*r,r>/<C*b,b> < (tol^2) = eps
hypre_PCGSolve( void *pcg_vdata,
void *A,
void *b,
void *x )
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
hypre_PCGFunctions *pcg_functions = pcg_data->functions;
double tol = (pcg_data -> tol);
double cf_tol = (pcg_data -> cf_tol);
int max_iter = (pcg_data -> max_iter);
int two_norm = (pcg_data -> two_norm);
int rel_change = (pcg_data -> rel_change);
int stop_crit = (pcg_data -> stop_crit);
void *p = (pcg_data -> p);
void *s = (pcg_data -> s);
void *r = (pcg_data -> r);
void *matvec_data = (pcg_data -> matvec_data);
int (*precond)() = (pcg_functions -> precond);
void *precond_data = (pcg_data -> precond_data);
int logging = (pcg_data -> logging);
double *norms = (pcg_data -> norms);
double *rel_norms = (pcg_data -> rel_norms);
double alpha, beta;
double gamma, gamma_old;
double bi_prod, i_prod, eps;
double pi_prod, xi_prod;
double i_prod_0;
double cf_ave_0 = 0.0;
double cf_ave_1 = 0.0;
double weight;
double guard_zero_residual;
int i = 0;
int ierr = 0;
* With relative change convergence test on, it is possible to attempt
* another iteration with a zero residual. This causes the parameter
* alpha to go NaN. The guard_zero_residual parameter is to circumvent
* this. Perhaps it should be set to something non-zero (but small).
guard_zero_residual = 0.0;
* Start pcg solve
/* compute eps */
if (two_norm)
/* bi_prod = <b,b> */
bi_prod = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(b, b);
/* bi_prod = <C*b,b> */
precond(precond_data, A, b, p);
bi_prod = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(p, b);
eps = tol*tol;
if ( bi_prod > 0.0 ) {
if ( stop_crit && !rel_change ) { /* absolute tolerance */
eps = eps / bi_prod;
else /* bi_prod==0.0: the rhs vector b is zero */
/* Set x equal to zero and return */
(*(pcg_functions->CopyVector))(b, x);
if (logging > 0)
norms[0] = 0.0;
rel_norms[i] = 0.0;
ierr = 0;
return ierr;
/* r = b - Ax */
(*(pcg_functions->CopyVector))(b, r);
(*(pcg_functions->Matvec))(matvec_data, -1.0, A, x, 1.0, r);
/* Set initial residual norm */
if (logging > 0 || cf_tol > 0.0)
i_prod_0 = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(r,r);
if (logging > 0) norms[0] = sqrt(i_prod_0);
/* p = C*r */
precond(precond_data, A, r, p);
/* gamma = <r,p> */
gamma = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(r,p);
while ((i+1) <= max_iter)
/* s = A*p */
(*(pcg_functions->Matvec))(matvec_data, 1.0, A, p, 0.0, s);
/* alpha = gamma / <s,p> */
alpha = gamma / (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(s, p);
gamma_old = gamma;
/* x = x + alpha*p */
(*(pcg_functions->Axpy))(alpha, p, x);
/* r = r - alpha*s */
(*(pcg_functions->Axpy))(-alpha, s, r);
/* s = C*r */
precond(precond_data, A, r, s);
/* gamma = <r,s> */
gamma = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(r, s);
/* set i_prod for convergence test */
if (two_norm)
i_prod = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(r,r);
i_prod = gamma;
#if 0
if (two_norm)
printf("Iter (%d): ||r||_2 = %e, ||r||_2/||b||_2 = %e\n",
i, sqrt(i_prod), (bi_prod ? sqrt(i_prod/bi_prod) : 0));
printf("Iter (%d): ||r||_C = %e, ||r||_C/||b||_C = %e\n",
i, sqrt(i_prod), (bi_prod ? sqrt(i_prod/bi_prod) : 0));
/* log norm info */
if (logging > 0)
norms[i] = sqrt(i_prod);
rel_norms[i] = bi_prod ? sqrt(i_prod/bi_prod) : 0;
/* check for convergence */
if (i_prod / bi_prod < eps)
if (rel_change && i_prod > guard_zero_residual)
pi_prod = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(p,p);
xi_prod = (*(pcg_functions->InnerProd))(x,x);
if ((alpha*alpha*pi_prod/xi_prod) < eps)
* Optional test to see if adequate progress is being made.
* The average convergence factor is recorded and compared
* against the tolerance 'cf_tol'. The weighting factor is
* intended to pay more attention to the test when an accurate
* estimate for average convergence factor is available.
if (cf_tol > 0.0)
cf_ave_0 = cf_ave_1;
cf_ave_1 = pow( i_prod / i_prod_0, 1.0/(2.0*i));
weight = fabs(cf_ave_1 - cf_ave_0);
weight = weight / max(cf_ave_1, cf_ave_0);
weight = 1.0 - weight;
#if 0
printf("I = %d: cf_new = %e, cf_old = %e, weight = %e\n",
i, cf_ave_1, cf_ave_0, weight );
if (weight * cf_ave_1 > cf_tol) break;
/* beta = gamma / gamma_old */
beta = gamma / gamma_old;
/* p = s + beta p */
(*(pcg_functions->ScaleVector))(beta, p);
(*(pcg_functions->Axpy))(1.0, s, p);
#if 0
if (two_norm)
printf("Iterations = %d: ||r||_2 = %e, ||r||_2/||b||_2 = %e\n",
i, sqrt(i_prod), (bi_prod ? sqrt(i_prod/bi_prod) : 0));
printf("Iterations = %d: ||r||_C = %e, ||r||_C/||b||_C = %e\n",
i, sqrt(i_prod), (bi_prod ? sqrt(i_prod/bi_prod) : 0));
* Print log
#if 0
if (logging > 0)
if (two_norm)
printf("Iters ||r||_2 ||r||_2/||b||_2\n");
printf("----- ------------ ------------ \n");
printf("Iters ||r||_C ||r||_C/||b||_C\n");
printf("----- ------------ ------------ \n");
for (j = 1; j <= i; j++)
printf("% 5d %e %e\n", j, norms[j], rel_norms[j]);
(pcg_data -> num_iterations) = i;
return ierr;
* hypre_PCGSetTol
hypre_PCGSetTol( void *pcg_vdata,
double tol )
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
int ierr = 0;
(pcg_data -> tol) = tol;
return ierr;
* hypre_PCGSetConvergenceTol
hypre_PCGSetConvergenceFactorTol( void *pcg_vdata,
double cf_tol )
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
int ierr = 0;
(pcg_data -> cf_tol) = cf_tol;
return ierr;
* hypre_PCGSetMaxIter
hypre_PCGSetMaxIter( void *pcg_vdata,
int max_iter )
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
int ierr = 0;
(pcg_data -> max_iter) = max_iter;
return ierr;
* hypre_PCGSetTwoNorm
hypre_PCGSetTwoNorm( void *pcg_vdata,
int two_norm )
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
int ierr = 0;
(pcg_data -> two_norm) = two_norm;
return ierr;
* hypre_PCGSetRelChange
hypre_PCGSetRelChange( void *pcg_vdata,
int rel_change )
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
int ierr = 0;
(pcg_data -> rel_change) = rel_change;
return ierr;
* hypre_PCGSetStopCrit
hypre_PCGSetStopCrit( void *pcg_vdata,
int stop_crit )
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
int ierr = 0;
(pcg_data -> stop_crit) = stop_crit;
return ierr;
* hypre_PCGGetPrecond
hypre_PCGGetPrecond( void *pcg_vdata,
HYPRE_Solver *precond_data_ptr )
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
int ierr = 0;
*precond_data_ptr = (HYPRE_Solver)(pcg_data -> precond_data);
return ierr;
* hypre_PCGSetPrecond
hypre_PCGSetPrecond( void *pcg_vdata,
int (*precond)(),
int (*precond_setup)(),
void *precond_data )
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
hypre_PCGFunctions *pcg_functions = pcg_data->functions;
int ierr = 0;
(pcg_functions -> precond) = precond;
(pcg_functions -> precond_setup) = precond_setup;
(pcg_data -> precond_data) = precond_data;
return ierr;
* hypre_PCGSetLogging
hypre_PCGSetLogging( void *pcg_vdata,
int logging)
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
int ierr = 0;
(pcg_data -> logging) = logging;
return ierr;
* hypre_PCGGetNumIterations
hypre_PCGGetNumIterations( void *pcg_vdata,
int *num_iterations )
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
int ierr = 0;
*num_iterations = (pcg_data -> num_iterations);
return ierr;
* hypre_PCGPrintLogging
hypre_PCGPrintLogging( void *pcg_vdata,
int myid)
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
int num_iterations = (pcg_data -> num_iterations);
int logging = (pcg_data -> logging);
double *norms = (pcg_data -> norms);
double *rel_norms = (pcg_data -> rel_norms);
int i;
int ierr = 0;
if (myid == 0)
if (logging > 0)
for (i = 0; i < num_iterations; i++)
printf("Residual norm[%d] = %e ", i, norms[i]);
printf("Relative residual norm[%d] = %e\n", i, rel_norms[i]);
return ierr;
* hypre_PCGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm
hypre_PCGGetFinalRelativeResidualNorm( void *pcg_vdata,
double *relative_residual_norm )
hypre_PCGData *pcg_data = pcg_vdata;
int num_iterations = (pcg_data -> num_iterations);
int logging = (pcg_data -> logging);
double *rel_norms = (pcg_data -> rel_norms);
int ierr = -1;
if (logging > 0)
*relative_residual_norm = rel_norms[num_iterations];
ierr = 0;
return ierr;