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<!DOCTYPE DocBook>
< kimwitu++ part I: introduction >
<chapter><title>What is &kpp;?</title>
<para>This chapter sketches out the field on which &kpp; is usefully employed and
explains important terms. It develops an example to outline the advantages
of this tool compared to conventional techniques. The example will be used
throughout the following chapters to introduce concept by concept. The
complete code to make it work can be found in appendix <xref
<sect1><title>What for is &kpp; used?</title>
<para>To illustratively explain what we can do with the help of &kpp; we
call upon an example. Let us imagine we want to write a computer game.
Neat example. Respectable programmers as we are we calculate
the overall costs of the new project in advance. It will take us, say, 30
days, on each we need to have a pizza at 7 &euro; and 3 beer at 2 &euro;
each, but luckily meanwhile our grandma supports us with 100 &euro;. We
get the expression <inlineequation><alt>30*(8+3*2)-100</alt>
</inlinemediaobject> <?latex \(30 ( 8 + 3 \times 2) - 100\)?>
</inlineequation> and type it in postfix notation into our
You know, one of the antiquated devices knowing nothing about precedence
nor parentheses and expecting input in Reverse Polish Notation, where
operands precede their operator.</para>
<para>So we type <userinput>30 8 3 2 * + * 100 -</userinput>. Er, we cannot.
I remember. The calculator gave up the ghost last week. But don't
despair. We quickly program a new one.</para>
<sect1><title>A Simple Example</title>
<para>What exactly should the new calculator be able to do? Anyhow, it
would accept also variables. Why? Just imagine a drastic shortage of pizza
and beer what would urge us to setup a new expression again. We better use
a flexible one which can be seen in example <xref
linkend="exa:expression"/>, in which <varname>x</varname> is the price of
a beer and we know the price of a pizza always to be 4 times a beer.
<example id="exa:expression"><title>Sample Expression</title>
<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="figures/equation4.png"
</mediaobject><?latex \[30 ( 4 \times x + 3 \times x) - 100\]?>
<para>(and resulting input in <acronym>RPN</acronym>:
<userinput>30 4 x * 3 x * + * 100 -</userinput>)
<para>We now list the requirements on the calculator in proper order.
<orderedlist numeration="arabic" spacing="compact">
<listitem><para>We want it to analyse an input expression (term) of
digits, arithmetical operators, and variables.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>It should calculate the expression if possible or
simplify it at least.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>It then should output a result.</para></listitem>
<para>We assume the existence of a code component (a scanner) providing
us with syntactical tokens like operators, numbers and identifiers
(variables). We then need a description of
correct input, a grammar<indexterm><primary>grammar</primary></indexterm>.
Our example demands a valid arithmetical term
only to consist of numbers, identifiers, and the four arithmetical operators.
A formal notation as used by the parser generator &yacc; (see <xref
linkend="sec:yacc"/>) would look like in example <xref
<example id="exa:gramyacc"><title>&yacc; Grammar for Sample</title>
aritherm: simpleterm
| aritherm aritherm '+'
| aritherm aritherm '-'
| aritherm aritherm '*'
| aritherm aritherm '/';
simpleterm: NUMBER
<para>Such a grammar is made up of rules, each having two sides separated by
a colon. These rules describe how the left-hand side called
nonterminal<indexterm><primary>nonterminal</primary></indexterm> can be
composed of syntactical tokens called
terminals<indexterm><primary>terminal</primary></indexterm>, which
are typed in upper
case letters or as single quoted characters. Different alternatives are
separated by bar. The right-hand side may also contain nonterminals which
there can be regarded to be an application of their respective composition
<para>The first rule of this grammar defines an &aritherm;
to be a &simpleterm; or a composition of two &aritherm;s and an operator
sign. These &aritherm;s in turn may be composed according to the
&aritherm; rule. The second rule describes what an &aritherm; looks
like, if it is a &simpleterm;.</para>
<para>A common way to hold an input term internally is to
keep it as a syntax
tree</secondary></indexterm>, that is a hierarchical structure of
nodes<indexterm><primary>node</primary></indexterm> (upside
down tree). A nonterminal can be regarded as a node
type<indexterm><primary>node type</primary></indexterm> and every
alternative of the assigned right-hand side as one
&kind;<indexterm><primary>&kind;</primary></indexterm> of that type.
Every actual node thus is a &kind; of a node type with a specific number
of child nodes, which depends on the &kind;. For example
<constant>'+'</constant> is a &kind; of &aritherm; and it has 2 child
nodes, while <constant>NUMBER</constant> is a &kind; of &simpleterm; and
it has none. Figure <xref linkend="fig:syntaxtreex"/> shows a syntax tree
for our sample input term. Since every node is a
term<indexterm><primary>term</primary></indexterm> itself such a tree is
more generally called a term
tree<indexterm><primary>tree</primary><secondary>term tree</secondary></indexterm>.</para>
<figure id="fig:syntaxtreex">
<title>Syntax tree representing sample term</title>
fileref="imagesgen/syntaxtreex.png" align="center" format="PNG"/>
fileref="imagesgen/syntaxtreex" align="center" format="TEX"/>
<para>To summarise the task identified: we want to build a tree from the
which has been typed in, walk over the tree nodes, and perform appropriate
actions like calculating, simplifying or printing some results.</para>
<sect1><title>Conventional Approach</title>
<para>In a programming language a node type is usually represented as
a structured data type, that is, as a class in object oriented languages
and as a sort of record in others.
A &kind;, then, may be a class
variant or a subclass, and a variant record respectively. The
code fragment in example <xref linkend="exa:cppclass"/> illustrates a
possible implementation in &cpp; (the &kind; as a subclass). The classes
left out are to define similar.</para>
<example id="exa:cppclass"><title>Node Types as Classes with &cpp;</title>
class Aritherm { /* ... */ };
class Simpleterm : Aritherm { /* ... */ };
class Plus : public Aritherm
public :
Plus( Aritherm *a, Aritherm *b ) : t1 ( a ), t2 ( b )
{ /* ... */ };
Aritherm *t1, *t2;
class Number : public Simpleterm
public :
Number( int a ) : n ( a )
{ /* ... */ };
int n;
<para>From these classes we can instantiate &cpp; objects to represent our
sample tree. We can navigate through it by accessing the child nodes of
nodes. Not really yet, if you look closely at it. The child nodes are
private members and thus they can not be accessed. We have to make them
public or to add methods for their access. But what about the next step,
simplifying parts of the tree? The subtree
<inlineequation><alt>4*x+3*x</alt> <?latex \(4 \times x + 3 \times x\)?>
<inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="figures/equation1.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
</inlineequation> could be transformed to, right,
<inlineequation><alt>(4+3)*x</alt><?latex \(( 4 + 3 ) \times x\)?>
<inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="figures/equation2.png"
</inlineequation>, by putting <varname>x</varname> outside the parentheses,
as illustrated in figure <xref linkend="fig:simplify"/>.
For &cpp; this may look like listed in example <xref linkend="exa:cpp"/>.
<figure id="fig:simplify">
<title>Simplification of a samples subtree</title>
align="center" fileref="imagesgen/simplify.png" format="PNG"/>
align="center" fileref="imagesgen/simplify" format="TEX"/>
<example id="exa:cpp"><title>Term Substitution with &cpp;</title>
if( dynamic_cast<Sum> ( A ) !=0 &&
dynamic_cast<Mul> ( dynamic_cast<Sum>( A ) -> t1 ) !=0 &&
dynamic_cast<Mul> ( dynamic_cast<Sum>( A ) -> t2 ) !=0 &&
dynamic_cast<Mul> ( dynamic_cast<Sum>( A ) -> t1 ) -> t2 ==
dynamic_cast<Mul> ( dynamic_cast<Sum>( A ) -> t2 ) -> t2 )
A = new Mul ( new Sum (
dynamic_cast<Mul> ( dynamic_cast<Sum>( A ) -> t1 ) -> t1,
dynamic_cast<Mul> ( dynamic_cast<Sum>( A ) -> t2 ) -> t1 ),
dynamic_cast<Mul> ( dynamic_cast<Sum>( A ) -> t1 ) -> t2 );
<para>That seems quite complicated and it is even more so! Not only have we
to cast for every child node access, to avoid memory leaks we had to free
memory of unused nodes as old <varname>A</varname> and its child nodes.
Furthermore the equality check between <varname>t1</varname> and
<varname>t2</varname> will merely compare pointer values, instead of
checking whether the subtrees are structurally equal. Thus we additionally
need to overload the equality operators. What a lot of trouble for such
a simple example!</para>
<sect1><title>&kpp; Approach</title>
<para>&kpp;'s<indexterm><primary>&kpp;</primary></indexterm> name
is formed after Swahili while the &lsquo;++&rsquo;
reminds on &cpp;. </para>
<informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
<tgroup cols="3">
<?latex-table-head lcl?>
<entry>plural prefix</entry>
<entry>adjectival prefix: &lsquo;being like&rsquo;</entry>
<para>Thus the name indicates affiliation to trees and to &cpp;. You
guessed it before, didn't you? More strictly spoken &kpp; is a tool which
allows to describe in an easy way how to manipulate and to evaluate a
given term tree. From these descriptions &cpp; code is
generated and compiled to a program which processes terms. That is why
&kpp; itself is called a term processor.</para>
<para>The code for building a tree, we have to write ourselves, or
we let preferably other tools generate it.
We use &yacc; to call term
creation routines which are generated from a &kpp; abstract grammar.
This we have to specify first. It is similar to the &yacc; grammar, but
its right-hand side alternatives are operators applied to nonterminals. An
abstract grammar for our sample can be seen in example <xref
linkend="exa:gramkpp"/>. The nonterminals <classname>integer</classname>
and <classname>casestring</classname> are predefined in &kpp;.</para>
<example id="exa:gramkpp"><title>Abstract Grammar for Sample</title>
aritherm: SimpleTerm ( simpleterm )
| Plus ( aritherm aritherm )
| Minus ( aritherm aritherm )
| Mul ( aritherm aritherm )
| Div ( aritherm aritherm );
simpleterm: Number ( integer )
| Ident ( casestring );
<para>Next we have to complete the &yacc; grammar by adding
semantic actions in braces to every alternative. These recursively
create a term tree which has its root element assigned to the variable
<varname>root_term</varname>. Example <xref linkend="exa:gramyaccp"/>
shows this grammar, in which <varname>$$</varname> denotes the term
under construction and <varname>$1</varname> and <varname>$2</varname>
its first and its second subterm<indexterm
significance="preferred"><primary>subterm</primary></indexterm> (child
<example id="exa:gramyaccp">
<title>Completed &yacc; Grammar for Sample</title>
aritherm: simpleterm
{ root_term = $$ = SimpleTerm( $1 ); }
| aritherm aritherm '+'
{ root_term = $$ = Plus( $1, $2 ); }
| aritherm aritherm '-'
{ root_term = $$ = Minus( $1, $2 ); }
| aritherm aritherm '*'
{ root_term = $$ = Mul( $1, $2 ); }
| aritherm aritherm '/'
{ root_term = $$ = Div( $1, $2 ); };
simpleterm: NUMBER
{ $$ = Number( $1 ); }
{ $$ = Ident( $1 ); };
<para>That is it for building a tree. Everything else is left to the
automatic code generation. Modifying or evaluating the tree
needs its own rules (see chapter <xref linkend="cha:modify"/>).
<sect1 id="ch:summary"><title>Summary</title>
<para>The language &kpp; is an extension of &cpp; for handling of term trees.
It allows the definition of term types<indexterm><primary>term
type</primary><see>node type</see></indexterm>, creation of terms, and provides
mechanisms for transforming and traversing trees as well as saving and
restoring them. Besides creating it in static code a tree can dynamically
be obtained by interfacing with compiler generator &cpp; code (as from
&yacc;/&bison;). The &kpp; processor generates &cpp; code from the contents
of &kpp; input (<filename>.k</filename>-files). Compilation of that code
yields the term processing program.</para>
<chapter><title>How to Define Term Types</title>
<para>This chapter describes possibilities to define term types, which make up
the &kpp; input. In &kpp; they are called
phyla<indexterm><primary>phyla</primary><see>phylum</see></indexterm> (singular
phylum)<indexterm><primary>phylum</primary></indexterm>, and that
is what we will call them from now on. A phylum instance is called a
term<indexterm significance="preferred"><primary>term</primary></indexterm>.
<para>How are phyla defined? Example <xref linkend="exa:gramkpp"/> shows
that each phylum is defined as an enumeration of its &kind;s, each being
an operator applied to a number of phyla, maybe zero. So the operator
<constant>SimpleTerm</constant> takes one &simpleterm; phylum,
<constant>Plus</constant> takes two &aritherm; phyla. There are several
predefined phyla, of which <constant>integer</constant> and
<constant>casestring</constant> already have been mentioned. The latter
denotes a case sensitive character string. If a phylum is
defined more than once, all occurrences contribute to the first one. For
each phylum, a &cpp; class is generated.</para>
<indexterm id="idx:list" class="startofrange"><primary>list</primary></indexterm>
<para>We may want to define a phylum as a list of phyla. Imagine we wanted
not only to type one expression into our calculator but several ones at
once, separated in input by, say, a semicolon. The main phylum,
representing whole the input, would be a list of
&aritherm;s. This is a right-recursive definition of a list which may be a
nil (empty) list. The name of the list phylum prefixed by
<constant>Nil</constant><indexterm><primary>Nil</primary></indexterm> and
<constant>Cons</constant><indexterm><primary>Cons</primary></indexterm> make up
common names for the two list operators. The other way to define a list
phylum is to use the built-in
<constant>list</constant> operator. This not
only looks more simple but causes the generation of additional list
Example <xref linkend="exa:lists"/> shows both definitions. </para>
<example id="exa:lists">
<title>Recursive and built-in List Definition</title>
arithermlist: Nilarithermlist ( )
| Consarithermlist( aritherm arithermlist );
arithermlist: list aritherm;
<indexterm class="endofrange" startref="idx:list"/>
<sect1><title>Attributes<indexterm id="intro_attributes"
<para>Each phylum definition can contain declarations of attributes of
phylum or arbitrary &cpp; types. They follow the operator
enumeration as a block enclosed in braces. What purpose do they serve?
With them, we can attach additional information to nodes, which otherwise
could only unfavourably be represented in the tree. In our example, we may
take advantage of attributes by saving intermediate results to support
the calculation. Therefore we extend the definition of &aritherm; from
<xref linkend="exa:gramkpp"/> to example <xref
<example id="exa:gramattr1"><title>Phylum Definition with Attributes</title>
aritherm: SimpleTerm ( simpleterm )
| Plus ( aritherm aritherm )
| Minus ( aritherm aritherm )
| Mul ( aritherm aritherm )
| Div ( aritherm aritherm )
{ int result = 0;
bool evaluated = false;
bool computable = true;
<para>Attribute <varname>result</varname> should hold the intermediate
result of an &aritherm;, if it already has been evaluated
(<varname>evaluated</varname><constant>==true</constant>) and found
computable during the evaluation
(<varname>computable</varname><constant>==true</constant>), that is the
subterms contain no variables. The attributes can be initialized at the
declaration or inside an additional braces block which may follow
the declarations and can contain arbitrary &cpp; code. Example <xref
linkend="exa:gramattr2"/> shows an alternative to the initialization from
example <xref linkend="exa:gramattr1"/>.</para>
<example id="exa:gramattr2">
<title>Alternative Attributes Initialization</title>
<![CDATA[ { int result;
bool evaluated;
bool computable;
{ $0->result = 0;
$0->evaluated = false;
$0->computable = true; }
<para>That &cpp; code is executed when a term of that phylum has been
created. It can be referred to as <varname>$0</varname> and its
attributes can be accessed via the operator
<indexterm class="endofrange" startref="intro_attributes"/>
<chapter><title>Aid with Term Handling</title>
<para>This chapter describes techniques necessary and useful to traverse a
term structure: the application of term patterns and the
use of special &kpp; language constructs for term handling.</para>
<para>Patterns are a means to select specific terms which can be associated
with a desired action. Example <xref linkend="exa:pattern"/> shows some
patterns and explains what terms they match. Patterns are used in special
statements and in rewrite and unparse rules (see <xref
and <xref linkend="cha:modify"/> respectively).</para>
<example id="exa:pattern"><title>Patterns</title>
<![CDATA[ Plus( *, * )
// matches a term Plus with two subterms
c=Plus( a, b )
// matches a term Plus with two subterms, which are assigned to
// the variables a and b, while the term itself is assigned to c
Plus( a, a )
// similar to the previous case, but matches only if the two subterms
// are structurally equal; variable a gets assigned the first subterm
Plus( Mul( a, b ), * )
// matches a term Plus with two subterms, whereof the first one
// is a Mul term with the subterms assigned to the variables a and b
Plus( a, b ), Minus( a, b )
// matches if the term in question is either a Plus or a Minus; the
// two subterms then are assigned to the variables a and b]]>
<sect1 id="sec:specstatements"><title>Special Statements</title>
<para>&kpp; provides two statements as extensions to &cpp; which make it
more comfortable to deal with terms. These are the &with;-statement and
the &foreach;-statement. They can be used in functions and in the &cpp;
parts of unparse rules (see <xref linkend="sec:traverse"/>).</para>
<para>The &with;<indexterm><primary>&with;</primary></indexterm>-statement
can be considered as a
<constant>switch</constant>-statement for a phylum. It contains an
enumeration of patterns which must describe &kind;s of the specified
phylum. From these, the one is chosen which matches a given term best.
Then the &cpp; code is executed, which was assigned to that pattern.
<para>Example <xref linkend="exa:with"/> takes a term of the phylum
and calculates the attribute <varname>result</varname>, if the term is a
sum or a difference,
by adding or subtracting the results of the subterms. The keyword
<constant>default</constant> serves as a special pattern in &with;, which
matches when none of the others does.</para>
<para>In the first case, the two subterms are assigned to the variables
<varname>a</varname> and <varname>b</varname>, which can be used in the
&cpp; part. The term itself is assigned to variable <varname>c</varname>
which thus refers to the same term as the variable <varname>at</varname>.
Variable <varname>at</varname> is visible throughout the entire &with;
body and it can be accessed in all &cpp; parts. It may get a new term
assigned as it is done in the second case whithin which the variable
<varname>at</varname> refers to the first subterm.</para>
<example id="exa:with">
<![CDATA[ aritherm at;
with ( at ) {
c = Plus ( a, b ) : { c -> result = a -> result + b -> result; }
Minus ( at, b ) : { c -> result = at -> result - b -> result; }
default : { }
<para>The second special construct is the
&foreach;<indexterm><primary>&foreach;</primary></indexterm>-statement, which
iterates over a term of a list phylum and performs the specified actions
for every list element. Example <xref linkend="exa:foreach"/> determines
the greatest <varname>result</varname> from the terms in the list
<example id="exa:foreach">
<![CDATA[ int max = 0;
foreach( a; arithermlist A ){
if( a -> result > max ) max = a -> result;
<chapter id="cha:modify"><title>Modifying and Evaluating Term Trees</title>
<para>This chapter describes how the tree of terms can be processed
once it has been created. On one hand we can change its structure and
hopefully simplify it by applying rewrite rules. On the other hand we
can step through it and create a formatted output by applying unparse
<para>Rewriting<indexterm><primary>rewriting</primary></indexterm> denotes
the process of stepping through the tree, seeking
the terms that match a pattern and substituting them by the appropriate
substitution term. Rewrite rules consist of two parts, where the
left-hand side is a pattern (as described in <xref
linkend="sec:patterns"/>) and the right-hand side is a substitution term
enclosed by angle brackets. A term must always be substituted by a simpler
one, that is by one that is nearer to the desired form of result.
Otherwise the substitution process may never stop.</para>
<para>Let us try simplifying according to figure <xref
linkend="fig:simplify"/> to demonstrate the usage of rewrite rules. What
would the rules look like in &kpp; to achieve a simplification of that
Example <xref linkend="exa:rewrite"/> shows a solution using rewriting. It
is quite short in comparison with example <xref linkend="exa:cpp"/>, isn't
<example id="exa:rewrite">
<title>Term Substitution using &kpp;</title>
<![CDATA[ Mul( Plus( a, b ), Plus( c, b ) ) -> <: Plus( Mul( a, c ), b )> ;]]>
<para>An equivalent part would cover the case that <varname>b</varname>
takes the first position in both subterms. The meaning of the colon will
be explained in <xref linkend="sec:views"/>.</para>
<sect1 id="sec:traverse"><title>Traversing</title>
<para>Originally unparsing was meant to be a reverse parse, used to give a
formatted output of the tree built. In general it should better be
as a way to traverse the tree. Unparse rules have a structure similar to
that of rewrite rules. The left-hand side consists of a pattern, the
right-hand side of a
list of unparse items enclosed by square brackets. Some more common
unparse items are strings, pattern variables, attributes, and blocks of
arbitrary &cpp; code enclosed in braces.</para>
<para>Unparsing starts by calling the
of a term, usually the root term,
and when a rule matches a term the
specified items are &lsquo;printed&rsquo;. Only string items are really
delivered to the current printer. This printer has to be defined by the
user, and it usually writes to the standard output or into a file.
Variable items and attribute items are further unparsed, code fragments
are executed. If no pattern matches then the default rule is used, which
exists for every phylum operator and which simply unparses the
<para>We could do quite a lot of different things with the information saved
in the tree. It just depends on the rules we use. For example we choose to
print the input term in infix notation, because it is better readable to
<![CDATA[ Plus( a, b ) -> [infix: "(" a "+" b ")" ];]]>
For every <constant>Plus</constant> term this rule prints an opening
parenthesis, unparses the first subterm, prints a plus sign, unparses the
second subterm, and then prints the closing parenthesis. The other
operators are handled by similar rules.</para>
<para>We also may want to eventually compute the result of
expressions. This can be achieved with rules like this.</para>
<![CDATA[ c = Plus( a, b ) -> [: a b { c -> result = a -> result + b -> result; } ];]]>
<para>Here the subterms are unparsed and then an attribute of the term gets
assigned the sum of the subterm results. This will work only if these do
not contain <constant>Ident</constant>s. The meaning of the colon will be
explained in <xref linkend="sec:views"/>.</para>
<para>The &cpp; code is enclosed by braces, but can itself contain
braces in matching pairs. If a single brace is needed, as when
mixing code and variable items, it has to be escaped with the dollar
sign. Example <xref linkend="exa:escapedbrace"/> shows an application.
If the function yields <constant>true</constant> the first branch
is taken, and
<varname>b</varname> is unparsed before <varname>a</varname>.</para>
<example id="exa:escapedbrace">
<title>Escaped Braces in Unparse Rule</title>
<![CDATA[ Plus( a, b ) -> [ : { if( smaller_than( a, b ) ) } ${
b "+" a $}
{ else } ${
a "+" b $} ];]]>
<title>Views<indexterm class="startofrange"
<para>The whole process of rewriting and unparsing as well as parts of it
can be executed under different views. Each rule contains a view list
between the respective opening brace and the colon, and it is used only
if the current view appears
in the list. This allows to specify different rules for a pattern. If a
term is visited twice under different views, different rules are
applied. These rules can be merged into one by listing all right-hand sides
after one left-hand side, separating them by a comma.</para>
<para>Example <xref linkend="exa:rewriteview"/> defines two rewrite views
(<constant>simplify</constant> and <constant>canonify</constant>) and
two rules, each of which will only be applied to a matching term if the
current view is among
the specified ones. The first rule replaces the quotient of the same two
identifiers by the number <literal>1</literal>, the second expresses
the associativity of addition. Both change the tree.</para>
<example id="exa:rewriteview">
<title>Views in Rewrite Rules</title>
<![CDATA[ %rview simplify, canonify;
Div( SimpleTerm( Ident( a ) ), SimpleTerm( Ident( a ) ) )
-> < simplify: SimpleTerm( Number( mkinteger( 1 ) ) ) >;
Plus( Plus( a, b ), c )
-> < canonify: Plus( a, Plus( b, c ) ) >;]]>
<para>Example <xref linkend="exa:unparseview"/> defines two unparse views
(<constant>infix</constant> and <constant>postfix</constant>) and two
rules for the same pattern, the one of which is used which matches both
the term and the current view. It is possible to force a variable item to
be unparsed under a desired view by specifying it after the variable and
an intermediate colon. Subterm <varname>b</varname> is further
unparsed under the view <constant>check_zero</constant> instead of the
view <constant>infix</constant>.</para>
<informalexample id="exa:specview">
<![CDATA[ %uview check_zero;
Div( a, b ) -> [ infix : a "/" b : check_zero ];
<example id="exa:unparseview">
<title>Views in Unparse Rules</title>
<![CDATA[ %uview infix, postfix;
Plus( a, b ) -> [ infix : a "+" b ],
[ postfix : a b "+" ];]]>
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<para><indexterm class="endofrange" startref="idx:view"/></para>
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