blob: 1965d549ac70758cada26145548841334fe4002f [file] [log] [blame]
/* ********************************************************** */
/* * * */
/* * TERMS * */
/* * * */
/* * $Module: TERM * */
/* * * */
/* * Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 * */
/* * MPI fuer Informatik * */
/* * * */
/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute * */
/* * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * */
/* * General Public License as published by the Free * */
/* * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * */
/* * or (at your option) any later version. * */
/* * * */
/* * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * */
/* * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * */
/* * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * */
/* * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * */
/* * License for more details. * */
/* * * */
/* * You should have received a copy of the GNU General * */
/* * Public License along with this program; if not, write * */
/* * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * */
/* * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */
/* * * */
/* * * */
/* $Revision$ * */
/* $State$ * */
/* $Date$ * */
/* $Author$ * */
/* * * */
/* * Contact: * */
/* * Christoph Weidenbach * */
/* * MPI fuer Informatik * */
/* * Stuhlsatzenhausweg 85 * */
/* * 66123 Saarbruecken * */
/* * Email: * */
/* * Germany * */
/* * * */
/* ********************************************************** */
/* $RCSfile$ */
#ifndef _TERM_
#define _TERM_
/* Includes */
#include "symbol.h"
#include "stack.h"
/* Structures */
/* In CHECK mode you can block the stamp for all terms,
so no other function can use the macro term_IncStamp(),
which must be used for initialization at the beginning
of a new traversal */
typedef struct term {
SYMBOL symbol;
union {
LIST termlist;
struct term* term;
} super;
LIST args;
NAT stamp;
NAT size;
/* Data Structures and Macros for Marking of variables, used in */
/* all functions extracting variables from terms. */
extern NAT term_MARK;
extern POINTER term_BIND[symbol__MAXVARIABLES][2];
#ifdef CHECK
extern BOOL term_BINDPHASE;
static __inline__ void term_StartBinding(void) { term_BINDPHASE=TRUE; }
static __inline__ void term_StopBinding(void) { term_BINDPHASE=FALSE; }
static __inline__ BOOL term_InBindingPhase(void) { return term_BINDPHASE; }
static __inline__ void term_StartBinding(void) { }
static __inline__ void term_StopBinding(void) { }
static __inline__ NAT term_NullMark(void)
return 0;
static __inline__ NAT term_BindingMark(SYMBOL Var)
return (NAT) term_BIND[symbol_VarIndex(Var)][0];
static __inline__ void term_SetBindingMark(SYMBOL Var, NAT Mark)
term_BIND[symbol_VarIndex(Var)][0] = (POINTER) Mark;
static __inline__ POINTER term_BindingValue(SYMBOL Var)
return term_BIND[symbol_VarIndex(Var)][1];
static __inline__ void term_SetBindingValue(SYMBOL Var, POINTER Value)
term_BIND[symbol_VarIndex(Var)][1] = Value;
static __inline__ void term_CreateBinding(SYMBOL Var, NAT Mark)
term_SetBindingMark(Var, Mark);
static __inline__ void term_ClearBinding(SYMBOL Var)
term_SetBindingMark(Var, term_NullMark());
static __inline__ void term_CreateValueBinding(SYMBOL Var, NAT Mark, POINTER Value)
term_SetBindingMark(Var, Mark);
term_SetBindingValue(Var, Value);
static __inline__ BOOL term_VarIsMarked(SYMBOL Var, NAT Mark)
return term_BindingMark(Var) >= Mark;
static __inline__ NAT term_ActMark(void)
NAT MarkVar;
if (term_MARK == NAT_MAX) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < symbol_MaxVars(); i++)
term_BIND[i][0] = (POINTER) term_NullMark();
term_MARK = 1;
MarkVar = term_MARK++;
return MarkVar;
static __inline__ void term_NewMark(void)
if (term_MARK == NAT_MAX) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < symbol_MaxVars(); i++)
term_BIND[i][0] = (POINTER) term_NullMark();
term_MARK = 1;
static __inline__ NAT term_OldMark(void)
return term_MARK - 1;
/* Macros */
static __inline__ TERM term_Null(void)
return (TERM)NULL;
static __inline__ SYMBOL term_TopSymbol(TERM T)
return T->symbol;
static __inline__ void term_RplacTop(TERM T, SYMBOL S)
T->symbol = S;
static __inline__ LIST term_SupertermList(TERM T)
return T->super.termlist;
static __inline__ void term_RplacSupertermList(TERM T, LIST L)
T->super.termlist = L;
static __inline__ LIST term_AtomsLiterals(TERM T)
return T->super.termlist;
static __inline__ TERM term_Superterm(TERM T)
return T->super.term;
static __inline__ void term_RplacSuperterm(TERM T1, TERM T2)
T1->super.term = T2;
static __inline__ BOOL term_IsVariable(TERM T)
return symbol_IsVariable(term_TopSymbol(T));
static __inline__ BOOL term_IsStandardVariable(TERM T)
return symbol_IsStandardVariable(term_TopSymbol(T));
static __inline__ BOOL term_IsIndexVariable(TERM T)
return symbol_IsIndexVariable(term_TopSymbol(T));
static __inline__ LIST term_ArgumentList(TERM T)
return T->args;
static __inline__ void term_RplacArgumentList(TERM T, LIST A)
T->args = A;
static __inline__ BOOL term_IsComplex(TERM T)
return term_ArgumentList(T) != NULL;
static __inline__ BOOL term_IsConstant(TERM T)
return !term_IsComplex(T) && !term_IsVariable(T);
static __inline__ BOOL term_IsAtom(TERM T)
return symbol_IsPredicate(term_TopSymbol(T));
static __inline__ BOOL term_IsDeclaration(TERM Term)
INPUT: A term.
RETURNS: TRUE, if the term is a monadic atom, FALSE otherwise.
return (term_IsAtom(Term) && symbol_IsBaseSort(term_TopSymbol(Term)));
static __inline__ TERM term_FirstArgument(TERM T)
return (TERM) list_First(T->args);
static __inline__ void term_RplacFirstArgument(TERM T1, TERM T2)
list_Rplaca(T1->args, T2);
static __inline__ TERM term_SecondArgument(TERM T)
return (TERM) list_Second(T->args);
static __inline__ void term_RplacSecondArgument(TERM T1, TERM T2)
list_RplacSecond(T1->args, T2);
static __inline__ void term_Free(TERM T)
memory_Free((char*) T, sizeof(TERM_NODE));
static __inline__ BOOL term_EqualTopSymbols(TERM T, TERM S)
return symbol_Equal(term_TopSymbol(T), term_TopSymbol(S));
static __inline__ void term_EqualitySwap(TERM T)
Aux = term_FirstArgument(T);
list_Rplaca(term_ArgumentList(T), (POINTER) term_SecondArgument(T));
list_Rplaca(list_Cdr(term_ArgumentList(T)), (POINTER) Aux);
/* Macros and Variables for the term's stamp */
/* Maximum number of modules that use the term module's stamp */
#define term_MAXSTAMPUSERS 20
extern NAT term_STAMP;
static __inline__ NAT term_Stamp(void)
return term_STAMP;
static __inline__ BOOL term_StampBlocked(void)
return term_STAMPBLOCKED;
#ifdef CHECK
/* In CHECK mode 'term_StartStamp' is a real function defined in */
/* 'term.c'. */
static __inline__ void term_StopStamp(void)
/* Attention: */
/* You should check for Overflow before calling this function !!!!! */
/* Use "term_StampOverflow" to do this. */
/* If an overflow occurred, you have to reset the stamp of all terms */
/* you're using. */
static __inline__ void term_StartStamp(void)
static __inline__ void term_StopStamp(void)
{ }
static __inline__ NAT term_TermStamp(TERM T)
return T->stamp;
static __inline__ void term_SetTermStamp(TERM T)
T->stamp = term_STAMP;
static __inline__ NAT term_Size(TERM T)
return T->size;
static __inline__ void term_SetSize(TERM T, NAT s)
T->size = s;
static __inline__ BOOL term_AlreadyVisited(TERM T)
return T->stamp == term_STAMP;
static __inline__ BOOL term_HasTermStamp(TERM T)
return T->stamp == term_STAMP;
static __inline__ void term_ResetTermStamp(TERM T)
T->stamp = 0;
static __inline__ BOOL term_StampAlreadyReset(TERM T)
return T->stamp == 0;
/* Functions on Term Creation And Deletion */
void term_Init(void);
TERM term_Create(SYMBOL, LIST);
TERM term_CreateAddFather(SYMBOL, LIST);
TERM term_CreateStandardVariable(void);
void term_Delete(TERM);
void term_DeleteIterative(TERM);
/* Term Comparisons */
BOOL term_Equal(TERM, TERM);
BOOL term_EqualIterative(TERM, TERM); /* Unused */
BOOL term_VariableEqual(TERM, TERM);
BOOL term_IsGround(TERM);
BOOL term_IsTerm(TERM);
BOOL term_IsTermList(LIST);
BOOL term_AllArgsAreVar(TERM);
int term_CompareBySymbolOccurences(TERM, TERM);
int term_CompareAbstract(TERM, TERM);
BOOL term_CompareAbstractLEQ(TERM, TERM);
/* Low Level Term Functions */
TERM term_Copy(TERM);
TERM term_CopyIterative(TERM); /* Unused */
TERM term_CopyWithEmptyArgListNode(TERM, LIST, LIST*);
void term_PrintWithEmptyArgListNode(TERM);
BOOL term_ReplaceSubtermBy(TERM, TERM, TERM);
void term_ReplaceVariable(TERM, SYMBOL, TERM);
void term_ExchangeVariable(TERM, SYMBOL, SYMBOL);
BOOL term_SubstituteVariable(SYMBOL, TERM, TERM*);
NAT term_ComputeSize(TERM);
void term_InstallSize(TERM);
NAT term_Depth(TERM);
BOOL term_ContainsSymbol(TERM, SYMBOL);
BOOL term_Sharing(TERM);
void term_AddFatherLinks(TERM);
BOOL term_FatherLinksEstablished(TERM);
TERM term_TopLevelTerm(TERM);
BOOL term_HasPointerSubterm(TERM, TERM);
BOOL term_HasSubterm(TERM, TERM);
BOOL term_HasProperSuperterm(TERM, TERM);
TERM term_FindSubterm(TERM, SYMBOL);
LIST term_FindAllAtoms(TERM, SYMBOL);
BOOL term_CheckTerm(TERM);
NAT term_RootDistance(TERM);
BOOL term_RootDistanceSmaller(TERM,TERM);
static __inline__ LIST term_CopyTermList(LIST List)
INPUT: A list of TERMs.
RETURNS: A deep copy of the list, i.e. the terms are copied, too.
return list_CopyWithElement(List, (POINTER (*)(POINTER))term_Copy);
static __inline__ void term_CopyTermsInList(LIST List)
INPUT: A list of TERMs.
EFFECT: Replaces every term in the list with its copy.
list_NMapCar(List, (POINTER (*)(POINTER)) term_Copy);
static __inline__ void term_DeleteTermList(LIST List)
INPUT: A list of TERMs.
RETURNS: Nothing.
EFFECT: The list is freed together with its elements.
list_DeleteWithElement(List, (void (*)(POINTER))term_Delete);
static __inline__ BOOL term_ListContainsTerm(LIST List, TERM Term)
INPUT: A list of TERMs.
RETURNS: TRUE, if <List> contains <Term>, FALSE otherwise.
Terms are compared with respect to the term_Equal function.
return list_Member(List, Term, (BOOL (*)(POINTER,POINTER))term_Equal);
static __inline__ LIST term_DeleteDuplicatesFromList(LIST List)
INPUT: A list of TERMs.
RETURNS: The list where duplicate terms are removed.
EFFECT: Terms are compared with respect to the term_Equal function.
The duplicate terms are not deleted.
return list_DeleteDuplicates(List, (BOOL (*)(POINTER, POINTER))term_Equal);
static __inline__ LIST term_DestroyDuplicatesInList(LIST Terms)
INPUT: A list of terms.
RETURNS: The list where all duplicate terms are removed.
EFFECTS: The terms are compared with respect to the term_Equal function.
The duplicate terms are deleted, too.
return list_DeleteDuplicatesFree(Terms, (BOOL (*)(POINTER,POINTER))term_Equal,
(void (*)(POINTER))term_Delete);
/* Term Input and Output Functions */
void term_Print(TERM);
void term_PrettyPrint(TERM);
void term_FPrint(FILE*, TERM);
void term_TermListPrint(LIST);
void term_TermListFPrint(FILE*, LIST);
void term_PrintPrefix(TERM);
void term_FPrintPrefix(FILE*, TERM);
void term_TermListPrintPrefix(LIST);
void term_TermListFPrintPrefix(FILE*, LIST);
void term_FPrintOtterPrefix(FILE*, TERM);
void term_TermListFPrintOtterPrefix(FILE*, LIST);
void term_FPrintPosition(FILE*,TERM,TERM);
static __inline__ void term_PrintPosition(TERM TopTerm, TERM Subterm)
term_FPrintPosition(stdout, TopTerm, Subterm);
/* High Level Term Functions */
void term_ToCoVariables(TERM);
NAT term_Bytes(TERM);
void term_MarkVariables(TERM, NAT);
void term_CountSymbols(TERM);
LIST term_ListOfVariables(TERM);
LIST term_VariableSymbols(TERM);
LIST term_ListOfAtoms(TERM,SYMBOL);
LIST term_ListOfConstants(TERM);
LIST term_ListOfFunctions(TERM);
NAT term_NumberOfVarOccs(TERM);
NAT term_NumberOfSymbolOccurrences(TERM, SYMBOL);
BOOL term_ContainsFunctions(TERM);
BOOL term_ContainsVariable(TERM,SYMBOL);
SYMBOL term_MaxVar(TERM);
void term_StartMinRenaming(void);
void term_StartMaxRenaming(SYMBOL);
TERM term_Rename(TERM);
SYMBOL term_GetRenamedVarSymbol(SYMBOL);
LIST term_RenamePseudoLinear(TERM, SYMBOL);
/* Stamp Functions */
/* Currently only in CHECK mode */
#ifdef CHECK
void term_StartStamp(void);
void term_SetTermSubtermStamp(TERM T);
NAT term_GetStampID(void);
BOOL term_StampOverflow(NAT);