blob: c8a6b0f8412798c883f8982c50b412b6971b3ea7 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-std=gnu" } ! suppress the warning about line 15
! Thrashes the fix for PR29400, where the scalar initializers
! were not expanded to arrays with the appropriate shape.
! Contributed by Francois-Xavier Coudert <>
integer,parameter :: i(1,1) = 0, j(2) = 42
if (any (maxloc(j+j,mask=(j==2)) .ne. 0)) STOP 1
if (size(j+j) .ne. 2) STOP 2
if (minval(j+j) .ne. 84) STOP 3
if (minval(j,mask=(j==2)) .ne. huge (j)) STOP 4
if (maxval(j+j) .ne. 84) STOP 5
if (maxval(j,mask=(j==2)) .ne. -huge (j)-1) STOP 6
if (sum(j,mask=j==2) .ne. 0) STOP 7
if (sum(j+j) .ne. 168) STOP 8
if (product(j+j) .ne. 7056) STOP 9
if (any(ubound(j+j) .ne. 2)) STOP 10
if (any(lbound(j+j) .ne. 1)) STOP 11
if (dot_product(j+j,j) .ne. 7056) STOP 12
if (dot_product(j,j+j) .ne. 7056) STOP 13
if (count(i==1) .ne. 0) STOP 14
if (any(i==1)) STOP 15
if (all(i==1)) STOP 16