blob: 00d1ebe618caeea15c92907fd54bb8a925df48f7 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR fortran/109186 - Verify that NEAREST produces same results at
! compile-time and run-time for corner cases
! Reported by John Harper
program p
implicit none
integer, parameter :: sp = selected_real_kind (6)
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind (13)
real(sp), parameter :: x1 = huge (1._sp), t1 = tiny (1._sp)
real(dp), parameter :: x2 = huge (1._dp), t2 = tiny (1._dp)
real(sp), volatile :: y1, z1
real(dp), volatile :: y2, z2
y1 = x1
z1 = nearest (y1, -1._sp)
if (nearest (x1, -1._sp) /= z1) stop 1
y2 = x2
z2 = nearest (y2, -1._dp)
if (nearest (x2, -1._dp) /= z2) stop 2
y1 = t1
z1 = nearest (y1, 1._sp)
if (nearest (t1, 1._sp) /= z1) stop 3
y2 = t2
z2 = nearest (y2, 1._dp)
if (nearest (t2, 1._dp) /= z2) stop 4