blob: fb27f6e405896b6f925353f70d3102221af60085 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-additional-options -Wuninitialized }
! Purpose of this testcase (from the commit log):
! This patch fixes lowering of derived-type mappings which select elements
! of arrays of derived types, and similar. These would previously lead
! to ICEs.
! This testcase does not show any uninitialized warnings when compiled with -O
! (as done). For -O0, see testcase file 'array-with-dt-1a.f90'.
type t
integer, allocatable :: A(:,:)
end type t
type(t), allocatable :: b(:)
! Remark: Semantically, the following line requires that 'b'
! is already present on the device.
!$acc update host(b)
! Remark: Semantically, the following lines require that b is allocated
! and present on the device. The last line also requires the same for 'A'.
!$acc update host(b(:))
!$acc update host(b(1)%A)
!$acc update host(b(1)%A(:,:))