blob: 734463a78a59bf88d54944621d67f06bb58436b0 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test assumed rank finalizers
module finalizable_m
! F2018: para 1: "Otherwise, if there is an elemental final
! subroutine whose dummy argument has the same kind type parameters
! as the entity being finalized, or a final subroutine whose dummy
! argument is assumed-rank with the same kind type parameters as the
! entity being finalized, it is called with the entity as an actual
! argument."
implicit none
type finalizable_t
integer :: component_
final :: finalize
end Type
interface finalizable_type
module procedure construct0, construct1
end interface
integer :: final_ctr = 0
pure function construct0(component) result(finalizable)
integer, intent(in) :: component
type(finalizable_t) finalizable
finalizable%component_ = component
end function
impure function construct1(component) result(finalizable)
integer, intent(in), dimension(:) :: component
type(finalizable_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: finalizable
integer :: sz
sz = size(component)
allocate (finalizable (sz))
finalizable%component_ = component
end function
subroutine finalize(self)
type(finalizable_t), intent(inout), dimension (..) :: self
select rank (self)
rank (0)
print *, "rank 0 value = ", self%component_
rank (1)
print *, "rank 1 value = ", self%component_
rank default
print *, "rank default"
end select
final_ctr = final_ctr + 1
end subroutine
end module
program specification_expression_finalization
use finalizable_m
implicit none
type(finalizable_t) :: a = finalizable_t (1)
type(finalizable_t) :: b(2) = [finalizable_t (2), finalizable_t (3)]
a = finalizable_type (42)
if (final_ctr .ne. 2) stop 1
b = finalizable_type ([42, 43])
print *, b%component_
end program