blob: 8158518d7f946df313e3b961684c646de4ffaa52 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file was generated by
# Each line in this file corresponds to a single test. The format of each line
# is:
# <kind>;<sources>;<xfail>;<options>;<enabled-on>;<disabled-on>
# where
# <kind> is one of 'preprocess', 'assemble', 'compile', 'link' or
# 'run'.
# <sources> is a space separated list of sources files that comprise
# the test. The first file is the "main" file. The rest
# of the files must be specified in program compilation
# order.
# <xfail> if present, must be 'xfail' which indicates that the test
# is expected to trigger a compile-time or runtime error.
# <options> is a space separated list of options to be passed to the
# compiler when building the test.
# <enabled-on> is a space-separated list of targets on which the test is
# enabled. Each element of the list will be a regular
# expression that is expected to match an LLVM target triple.
# If no targets are provided, the test is enabled on all
# targets.
# <disabled-on> is a space-separated list of targets on which the test is
# disabled. Each element of the list will be a regular
# expression that is expected to match an LLVM target triple.
compile;pr35154-dwarf2.f;;-dA -gno-strict-dwarf;;
compile;pr37738.f;;-dA -gno-strict-dwarf;;
compile;pr46756.f;;-O -fcompare-debug;;