blob: d85a78a8a6c51cf5849960e6619e6774e64a6092 [file] [log] [blame]
! PR 92621 (?)
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-additional-sources "cf-out-descriptor-3-c.c dump-descriptors.c" }
! { dg-additional-options "-g" }
! This program checks that calling a Fortran function with C binding and
! an intent(out) argument works from both C and Fortran. For this
! test case the argument is an allocatable or pointer scalar.
module mm
use iso_c_binding
type, bind (c) :: m
integer(C_INT) :: i, j
end type
integer, parameter :: imagic=-1, jmagic=42
end module
! The call chains being tested here are
! main -> frob
! main -> ftest -> frob
! main -> ctest -> frob
! where everything other than main has C binding.
! frob allocates and initializes its arguments.
! There are two allocatable dummies so that we can pass both
! unallocated (a) and allocated (aa).
subroutine frob (a, aa, p) bind (c, name="frob")
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m), intent(out), allocatable :: a, aa
type(m), intent(out), pointer :: p
if (allocated (a)) stop 101
allocate (a)
a%i = imagic
a%j = jmagic
if (allocated (aa)) stop 102
allocate (aa)
aa%i = imagic
aa%j = jmagic
! association status of p is undefined on entry
allocate (p)
p%i = imagic
p%j = jmagic
end subroutine
subroutine ftest () bind (c, name="ftest")
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m), allocatable :: a, aa
type(m), pointer :: p
subroutine frob (a, aa, p) bind (c, name="frob")
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m), intent(out), allocatable :: a, aa
type(m), intent(out), pointer :: p
end subroutine
end interface
p => NULL ()
allocate (aa)
aa%i = 0
aa%j = 0
call frob (a, aa, p)
if (.not. allocated (a)) stop 201
if (a%i .ne. imagic) stop 202
if (a%j .ne. jmagic) stop 203
if (.not. allocated (aa)) stop 204
if (a%i .ne. imagic) stop 205
if (a%j .ne. jmagic) stop 206
if (.not. associated (p)) stop 207
if (p%i .ne. imagic) stop 208
if (p%j .ne. jmagic) stop 209
end subroutine
program testit
use iso_c_binding
use mm
implicit none
subroutine frob (a, aa, p) bind (c, name="frob")
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m), intent(out), allocatable :: a, aa
type(m), intent(out), pointer :: p
end subroutine
subroutine ftest () bind (c, name="ftest")
use iso_c_binding
use mm
end subroutine
subroutine ctest (ii, jj) bind (c, name="ctest")
use iso_c_binding
use mm
integer(C_INT), value :: ii, jj
end subroutine
end interface
type(m), allocatable :: a, aa
type(m), pointer :: p
p => NULL ()
allocate (aa)
aa%i = 0
aa%j = 0
call frob (a, aa, p)
if (.not. allocated (a)) stop 201
if (a%i .ne. imagic) stop 202
if (a%j .ne. jmagic) stop 203
if (.not. allocated (aa)) stop 204
if (a%i .ne. imagic) stop 205
if (a%j .ne. jmagic) stop 206
if (.not. associated (p)) stop 207
if (p%i .ne. imagic) stop 208
if (p%j .ne. jmagic) stop 209
call ftest
call ctest (imagic, jmagic)
end program