blob: 3b166f46b5361bf1c553eda37d4ad2fbccbb52bd [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-additional-sources "cf-out-descriptor-2-c.c dump-descriptors.c" }
! This program checks that calling a Fortran function with C binding and
! an intent(out) argument works from both C and Fortran. For this
! test case the argument is an assumed-rank array.
module mm
use iso_c_binding
type, bind (c) :: m
integer(C_INT) :: i, j
end type
integer, parameter :: imax=10, jmax=5
end module
! The call chains we'll be testing will be
! main -> ctest -> ftest1
! main -> ftest2 -> ftest1
! main -> ftest1
! where everything has "c" binding except main.
! ftest1 has C binding and transposes a into b.
subroutine ftest1 (a, b) bind (c, name="ftest1")
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m) :: a(..)
type(m), intent(out) :: b(..)
select rank (a)
rank (2)
select rank (b)
rank (2)
b = transpose (a)
rank default
stop 101
end select
rank default
stop 102
end select
end subroutine
! ftest2 has C binding and calls ftest1.
subroutine ftest2 (a, b) bind (c, name="ftest2")
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m) :: a(..)
type(m), intent(out) :: b(..)
subroutine ftest1 (a, b) bind (c, name="ftest1")
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m) :: a(..)
type(m), intent(out) :: b(..)
end subroutine
end interface
call ftest1 (a, b)
if (rank (a) .ne. 2) stop 201
if (rank (b) .ne. 2) stop 202
end subroutine
! main calls ftest2 directly and also indirectly from a C function ctest.
! The former allows us to test intent(out) arguments passed back from a
! Fortran routine with C binding to a regular Fortran routine, and the
! latter tests passing them back from Fortran to C and C to Fortran.
program testit
use iso_c_binding
use mm
implicit none
subroutine ftest1 (a, b) bind (c, name="ftest2")
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m) :: a(..)
type(m), intent(out) :: b(..)
end subroutine
subroutine ftest2 (a, b) bind (c, name="ftest2")
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m) :: a(..)
type(m), intent(out) :: b(..)
end subroutine
subroutine ctest (a, b) bind (c, name="ctest")
use iso_c_binding
use mm
type(m) :: a(..)
type(m), intent(out) :: b(..)
end subroutine
end interface
type(m) :: aa(imax,jmax), bb(jmax,imax)
integer :: i, j
! initialize
do j = 1, jmax
do i = 1, imax
aa(i,j)%i = i
aa(i,j)%j = j
bb(j,i)%i = -1
bb(j,i)%j = -2
end do
end do
! frob and check
call ftest1 (aa, bb)
do j = 1, jmax
do i = 1, imax
if (aa(i,j)%i .ne. bb(j,i)%i) stop 301
if (aa(i,j)%j .ne. bb(j,i)%j) stop 302
end do
end do
! initialize again
do j = 1, jmax
do i = 1, imax
aa(i,j)%i = i
aa(i,j)%j = j
bb(j,i)%i = -1
bb(j,i)%j = -2
end do
end do
! frob and check
call ftest2 (aa, bb)
do j = 1, jmax
do i = 1, imax
if (aa(i,j)%i .ne. bb(j,i)%i) stop 401
if (aa(i,j)%j .ne. bb(j,i)%j) stop 402
end do
end do
! initialize again
do j = 1, jmax
do i = 1, imax
aa(i,j)%i = i
aa(i,j)%j = j
bb(j,i)%i = -1
bb(j,i)%j = -2
end do
end do
! frob and check
call ctest (aa, bb)
do j = 1, jmax
do i = 1, imax
if (aa(i,j)%i .ne. bb(j,i)%i) stop 501
if (aa(i,j)%j .ne. bb(j,i)%j) stop 502
end do
end do
end program