| ; RUN: opt %loadNPMPolly -polly-position=before-vectorizer '-passes=print<polly-function-scops>' -disable-output < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SCOP |
| ; RUN: opt %loadNPMPolly -polly-position=before-vectorizer -passes=polly-codegen -S < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=IR |
| |
| ; The IR has two ScopArrayInfo for the value %next.0. This used to produce two |
| ; phi nodes in polly.merge_new_and_old, one illegaly using the result of the |
| ; other. There must be only one merge phi, no need to generate them for arrays |
| ; of type MK_Array. |
| ; Derived from test-suite/MultiSource/Applications/siod/slib.c |
| |
| %struct.obj.2.290.322.338.354.482.546.594.626.818.898.914.962 = type { i16, i16, %union.anon.1.289.321.337.353.481.545.593.625.817.897.913.961 } |
| %union.anon.1.289.321.337.353.481.545.593.625.817.897.913.961 = type { %struct.anon.0.288.320.336.352.480.544.592.624.816.896.912.960 } |
| %struct.anon.0.288.320.336.352.480.544.592.624.816.896.912.960 = type { ptr, ptr } |
| |
| define void @leval_or() { |
| entry: |
| br label %while.cond |
| |
| while.cond: ; preds = %sw.bb1.i30, %cond.end.i28, %entry |
| %next.0 = phi ptr [ null, %entry ], [ %1, %sw.bb1.i30 ], [ null, %cond.end.i28 ] |
| br i1 undef, label %cond.end.i28, label %if.then |
| |
| if.then: ; preds = %while.cond |
| ret void |
| |
| cond.end.i28: ; preds = %while.cond |
| %type.i24 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.obj.2.290.322.338.354.482.546.594.626.818.898.914.962, ptr %next.0, i64 0, i32 1 |
| %0 = load i16, ptr %type.i24, align 2 |
| br i1 false, label %sw.bb1.i30, label %while.cond |
| |
| sw.bb1.i30: ; preds = %cond.end.i28 |
| %cdr.i29 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.obj.2.290.322.338.354.482.546.594.626.818.898.914.962, ptr %next.0, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0, i32 1 |
| %1 = load ptr, ptr %cdr.i29, align 8 |
| br label %while.cond |
| } |
| |
| ; SCOP: Arrays { |
| ; SCOP-NEXT: ptr MemRef_next_0; |
| ; SCOP-NEXT: i16 MemRef_next_0[*]; |
| ; SCOP-NEXT: } |
| |
| ; IR: polly.merge_new_and_old: |
| ; IR-NEXT: %next.0.ph.merge = phi ptr [ %next.0.ph.final_reload, %polly.exiting ], [ %next.0.ph, %while.cond.region_exiting ] |
| ; IR-NEXT: %indvar.next = add i64 %indvar, 1 |
| ; IR-NEXT: br label %while.cond |