blob: 9ffd76fece55c62366496f91bec8d714fc3bdc7f [file] [log] [blame]
## Test running llvm-ifs with --output-format option to generate deprecation warnings
# RUN: llvm-ifs --output-format=IFS --output=%t %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=WARNING
# RUN: not llvm-ifs --output-format=IFS --output=%t --output-ifs=%t %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ERROR
--- !ifs-v1
IfsVersion: 3.0
Target: { ObjectFormat: ELF, Arch: x86_64, Endianness: little, BitWidth: 64 }
Symbols: []
# WARNING: warning: --output-format option is deprecated, please use --output-{FILE_FORMAT} options instead
# ERROR: error: '--output-format' cannot be used with '--output-{FILE_FORMAT}' options at the same time