blob: 16402acc36bf6144e93b23eb89df212378d7e57c [file] [log] [blame]
# NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
# RUN: llc %s -mtriple=riscv64 -mattr=+v -run-pass=simple-register-coalescing -o - | FileCheck %s
# Make sure that SrcReg & DstReg of PseudoVRGATHER are not coalesced
name: test_earlyclobber
tracksRegLiveness: true
body: |
liveins: $x10
; CHECK-LABEL: name: test_earlyclobber
; CHECK: liveins: $x10
; CHECK-NEXT: {{ $}}
; CHECK-NEXT: undef %0.sub_vrm2_0:vrn2m2 = PseudoVLE32_V_M2 $x10, 1, 5 /* e32 */
; CHECK-NEXT: %0.sub_vrm2_1:vrn2m2 = PseudoVLE32_V_M2 $x10, 1, 5 /* e32 */
; CHECK-NEXT: [[PseudoVLE32_V_M2_:%[0-9]+]]:vrm2 = PseudoVLE32_V_M2 $x10, 1, 5 /* e32 */
; CHECK-NEXT: undef early-clobber %2.sub_vrm2_0:vrn2m2 = PseudoVRGATHER_VI_M2 %0.sub_vrm2_0, 0, 1, 5 /* e32 */, implicit $vl, implicit $vtype
; CHECK-NEXT: %2.sub_vrm2_1:vrn2m2 = COPY %0.sub_vrm2_1
; CHECK-NEXT: PseudoVSUXSEG2EI32_V_M2_M2 %2, $x10, [[PseudoVLE32_V_M2_]], 1, 5 /* e32 */, implicit $vl, implicit $vtype
undef %0.sub_vrm2_0:vrn2m2 = PseudoVLE32_V_M2 $x10, 1, 5
%0.sub_vrm2_1:vrn2m2 = PseudoVLE32_V_M2 $x10, 1, 5
%1:vrm2 = PseudoVLE32_V_M2 $x10, 1, 5
undef early-clobber %2.sub_vrm2_0:vrn2m2 = PseudoVRGATHER_VI_M2 %0.sub_vrm2_0:vrn2m2, 0, 1, 5, implicit $vl, implicit $vtype
%2.sub_vrm2_1:vrn2m2 = COPY %0.sub_vrm2_1:vrn2m2
PseudoVSUXSEG2EI32_V_M2_M2 %2:vrn2m2, $x10, %1:vrm2, 1, 5, implicit $vl, implicit $vtype