blob: ce2415220a149e19914d85603b89470b4a574f19 [file] [log] [blame]
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv32 -mattr=+d,+zfh,+experimental-zvfh,+v -target-abi=ilp32d \
; RUN: -riscv-v-vector-bits-min=128 -verify-machineinstrs < %s | FileCheck %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv64 -mattr=+d,+zfh,+experimental-zvfh,+v -target-abi=lp64d \
; RUN: -riscv-v-vector-bits-min=128 -verify-machineinstrs < %s | FileCheck %s
declare <1 x float> @llvm.fma.v1f32(<1 x float>, <1 x float>, <1 x float>)
define <1 x float> @vfwmacc_vv_nxv1f32(<1 x float> %va, <1 x half> %vb, <1 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vv_nxv1f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <1 x half> %vb to <1 x float>
%ve = fpext <1 x half> %vc to <1 x float>
%vf = call <1 x float> @llvm.fma.v1f32(<1 x float> %vd, <1 x float> %ve, <1 x float> %va)
ret <1 x float> %vf
define <1 x float> @vfwmacc_vf_nxv1f32(<1 x float> %va, <1 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vf_nxv1f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <1 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <1 x half> %head, <1 x half> poison, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <1 x half> %vb to <1 x float>
%ve = fpext <1 x half> %splat to <1 x float>
%vf = call <1 x float> @llvm.fma.v1f32(<1 x float> %vd, <1 x float> %ve, <1 x float> %va)
ret <1 x float> %vf
define <1 x float> @vfwnmacc_vv_nxv1f32(<1 x float> %va, <1 x half> %vb, <1 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vv_nxv1f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <1 x half> %vb to <1 x float>
%ve = fpext <1 x half> %vc to <1 x float>
%vf = fneg <1 x float> %va
%vg = fneg <1 x float> %vd
%vh = call <1 x float> @llvm.fma.v1f32(<1 x float> %vg, <1 x float> %ve, <1 x float> %vf)
ret <1 x float> %vh
define <1 x float> @vfwnmacc_vf_nxv1f32(<1 x float> %va, <1 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vf_nxv1f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <1 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <1 x half> %head, <1 x half> poison, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <1 x half> %vb to <1 x float>
%ve = fpext <1 x half> %splat to <1 x float>
%vf = fneg <1 x float> %va
%vg = fneg <1 x float> %vd
%vh = call <1 x float> @llvm.fma.v1f32(<1 x float> %vg, <1 x float> %ve, <1 x float> %vf)
ret <1 x float> %vh
define <1 x float> @vfwnmacc_fv_nxv1f32(<1 x float> %va, <1 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_fv_nxv1f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <1 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <1 x half> %head, <1 x half> poison, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <1 x half> %vb to <1 x float>
%ve = fpext <1 x half> %splat to <1 x float>
%vf = fneg <1 x float> %va
%vg = fneg <1 x float> %ve
%vh = call <1 x float> @llvm.fma.v1f32(<1 x float> %vd, <1 x float> %vg, <1 x float> %vf)
ret <1 x float> %vh
define <1 x float> @vfwmsac_vv_nxv1f32(<1 x float> %va, <1 x half> %vb, <1 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vv_nxv1f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <1 x half> %vb to <1 x float>
%ve = fpext <1 x half> %vc to <1 x float>
%vf = fneg <1 x float> %va
%vg = call <1 x float> @llvm.fma.v1f32(<1 x float> %vd, <1 x float> %ve, <1 x float> %vf)
ret <1 x float> %vg
define <1 x float> @vfwmsac_vf_nxv1f32(<1 x float> %va, <1 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vf_nxv1f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <1 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <1 x half> %head, <1 x half> poison, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <1 x half> %vb to <1 x float>
%ve = fpext <1 x half> %splat to <1 x float>
%vf = fneg <1 x float> %va
%vg = call <1 x float> @llvm.fma.v1f32(<1 x float> %vd, <1 x float> %ve, <1 x float> %vf)
ret <1 x float> %vg
define <1 x float> @vfwnmsac_vv_nxv1f32(<1 x float> %va, <1 x half> %vb, <1 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vv_nxv1f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <1 x half> %vb to <1 x float>
%ve = fpext <1 x half> %vc to <1 x float>
%vf = fneg <1 x float> %vd
%vg = call <1 x float> @llvm.fma.v1f32(<1 x float> %vf, <1 x float> %ve, <1 x float> %va)
ret <1 x float> %vg
define <1 x float> @vfwnmsac_vf_nxv1f32(<1 x float> %va, <1 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vf_nxv1f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <1 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <1 x half> %head, <1 x half> poison, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <1 x half> %vb to <1 x float>
%ve = fpext <1 x half> %splat to <1 x float>
%vf = fneg <1 x float> %vd
%vg = call <1 x float> @llvm.fma.v1f32(<1 x float> %vf, <1 x float> %ve, <1 x float> %va)
ret <1 x float> %vg
define <1 x float> @vfwnmsac_fv_nxv1f32(<1 x float> %va, <1 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_fv_nxv1f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <1 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <1 x half> %head, <1 x half> poison, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <1 x half> %vb to <1 x float>
%ve = fpext <1 x half> %splat to <1 x float>
%vf = fneg <1 x float> %ve
%vg = call <1 x float> @llvm.fma.v1f32(<1 x float> %vd, <1 x float> %vf, <1 x float> %va)
ret <1 x float> %vg
declare <2 x float> @llvm.fma.v2f32(<2 x float>, <2 x float>, <2 x float>)
define <2 x float> @vfwmacc_vv_nxv2f32(<2 x float> %va, <2 x half> %vb, <2 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vv_nxv2f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <2 x half> %vb to <2 x float>
%ve = fpext <2 x half> %vc to <2 x float>
%vf = call <2 x float> @llvm.fma.v2f32(<2 x float> %vd, <2 x float> %ve, <2 x float> %va)
ret <2 x float> %vf
define <2 x float> @vfwmacc_vf_nxv2f32(<2 x float> %va, <2 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vf_nxv2f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <2 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <2 x half> %head, <2 x half> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <2 x half> %vb to <2 x float>
%ve = fpext <2 x half> %splat to <2 x float>
%vf = call <2 x float> @llvm.fma.v2f32(<2 x float> %vd, <2 x float> %ve, <2 x float> %va)
ret <2 x float> %vf
define <2 x float> @vfwnmacc_vv_nxv2f32(<2 x float> %va, <2 x half> %vb, <2 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vv_nxv2f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <2 x half> %vb to <2 x float>
%ve = fpext <2 x half> %vc to <2 x float>
%vf = fneg <2 x float> %va
%vg = fneg <2 x float> %vd
%vh = call <2 x float> @llvm.fma.v2f32(<2 x float> %vg, <2 x float> %ve, <2 x float> %vf)
ret <2 x float> %vh
define <2 x float> @vfwnmacc_vf_nxv2f32(<2 x float> %va, <2 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vf_nxv2f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <2 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <2 x half> %head, <2 x half> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <2 x half> %vb to <2 x float>
%ve = fpext <2 x half> %splat to <2 x float>
%vf = fneg <2 x float> %va
%vg = fneg <2 x float> %vd
%vh = call <2 x float> @llvm.fma.v2f32(<2 x float> %vg, <2 x float> %ve, <2 x float> %vf)
ret <2 x float> %vh
define <2 x float> @vfwnmacc_fv_nxv2f32(<2 x float> %va, <2 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_fv_nxv2f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <2 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <2 x half> %head, <2 x half> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <2 x half> %vb to <2 x float>
%ve = fpext <2 x half> %splat to <2 x float>
%vf = fneg <2 x float> %va
%vg = fneg <2 x float> %ve
%vh = call <2 x float> @llvm.fma.v2f32(<2 x float> %vd, <2 x float> %vg, <2 x float> %vf)
ret <2 x float> %vh
define <2 x float> @vfwmsac_vv_nxv2f32(<2 x float> %va, <2 x half> %vb, <2 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vv_nxv2f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <2 x half> %vb to <2 x float>
%ve = fpext <2 x half> %vc to <2 x float>
%vf = fneg <2 x float> %va
%vg = call <2 x float> @llvm.fma.v2f32(<2 x float> %vd, <2 x float> %ve, <2 x float> %vf)
ret <2 x float> %vg
define <2 x float> @vfwmsac_vf_nxv2f32(<2 x float> %va, <2 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vf_nxv2f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <2 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <2 x half> %head, <2 x half> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <2 x half> %vb to <2 x float>
%ve = fpext <2 x half> %splat to <2 x float>
%vf = fneg <2 x float> %va
%vg = call <2 x float> @llvm.fma.v2f32(<2 x float> %vd, <2 x float> %ve, <2 x float> %vf)
ret <2 x float> %vg
define <2 x float> @vfwnmsac_vv_nxv2f32(<2 x float> %va, <2 x half> %vb, <2 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vv_nxv2f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <2 x half> %vb to <2 x float>
%ve = fpext <2 x half> %vc to <2 x float>
%vf = fneg <2 x float> %vd
%vg = call <2 x float> @llvm.fma.v2f32(<2 x float> %vf, <2 x float> %ve, <2 x float> %va)
ret <2 x float> %vg
define <2 x float> @vfwnmsac_vf_nxv2f32(<2 x float> %va, <2 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vf_nxv2f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <2 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <2 x half> %head, <2 x half> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <2 x half> %vb to <2 x float>
%ve = fpext <2 x half> %splat to <2 x float>
%vf = fneg <2 x float> %vd
%vg = call <2 x float> @llvm.fma.v2f32(<2 x float> %vf, <2 x float> %ve, <2 x float> %va)
ret <2 x float> %vg
define <2 x float> @vfwnmsac_fv_nxv2f32(<2 x float> %va, <2 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_fv_nxv2f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e16, mf4, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <2 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <2 x half> %head, <2 x half> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <2 x half> %vb to <2 x float>
%ve = fpext <2 x half> %splat to <2 x float>
%vf = fneg <2 x float> %ve
%vg = call <2 x float> @llvm.fma.v2f32(<2 x float> %vd, <2 x float> %vf, <2 x float> %va)
ret <2 x float> %vg
declare <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float>, <4 x float>, <4 x float>)
define <4 x float> @vfwmacc_vv_nxv4f32(<4 x float> %va, <4 x half> %vb, <4 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vv_nxv4f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e16, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <4 x half> %vb to <4 x float>
%ve = fpext <4 x half> %vc to <4 x float>
%vf = call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %vd, <4 x float> %ve, <4 x float> %va)
ret <4 x float> %vf
define <4 x float> @vfwmacc_vf_nxv4f32(<4 x float> %va, <4 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vf_nxv4f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e16, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <4 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <4 x half> %head, <4 x half> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <4 x half> %vb to <4 x float>
%ve = fpext <4 x half> %splat to <4 x float>
%vf = call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %vd, <4 x float> %ve, <4 x float> %va)
ret <4 x float> %vf
define <4 x float> @vfwnmacc_vv_nxv4f32(<4 x float> %va, <4 x half> %vb, <4 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vv_nxv4f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e16, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <4 x half> %vb to <4 x float>
%ve = fpext <4 x half> %vc to <4 x float>
%vf = fneg <4 x float> %va
%vg = fneg <4 x float> %vd
%vh = call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %vg, <4 x float> %ve, <4 x float> %vf)
ret <4 x float> %vh
define <4 x float> @vfwnmacc_vf_nxv4f32(<4 x float> %va, <4 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vf_nxv4f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e16, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <4 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <4 x half> %head, <4 x half> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <4 x half> %vb to <4 x float>
%ve = fpext <4 x half> %splat to <4 x float>
%vf = fneg <4 x float> %va
%vg = fneg <4 x float> %vd
%vh = call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %vg, <4 x float> %ve, <4 x float> %vf)
ret <4 x float> %vh
define <4 x float> @vfwnmacc_fv_nxv4f32(<4 x float> %va, <4 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_fv_nxv4f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e16, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <4 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <4 x half> %head, <4 x half> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <4 x half> %vb to <4 x float>
%ve = fpext <4 x half> %splat to <4 x float>
%vf = fneg <4 x float> %va
%vg = fneg <4 x float> %ve
%vh = call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %vd, <4 x float> %vg, <4 x float> %vf)
ret <4 x float> %vh
define <4 x float> @vfwmsac_vv_nxv4f32(<4 x float> %va, <4 x half> %vb, <4 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vv_nxv4f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e16, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <4 x half> %vb to <4 x float>
%ve = fpext <4 x half> %vc to <4 x float>
%vf = fneg <4 x float> %va
%vg = call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %vd, <4 x float> %ve, <4 x float> %vf)
ret <4 x float> %vg
define <4 x float> @vfwmsac_vf_nxv4f32(<4 x float> %va, <4 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vf_nxv4f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e16, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <4 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <4 x half> %head, <4 x half> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <4 x half> %vb to <4 x float>
%ve = fpext <4 x half> %splat to <4 x float>
%vf = fneg <4 x float> %va
%vg = call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %vd, <4 x float> %ve, <4 x float> %vf)
ret <4 x float> %vg
define <4 x float> @vfwnmsac_vv_nxv4f32(<4 x float> %va, <4 x half> %vb, <4 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vv_nxv4f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e16, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <4 x half> %vb to <4 x float>
%ve = fpext <4 x half> %vc to <4 x float>
%vf = fneg <4 x float> %vd
%vg = call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %vf, <4 x float> %ve, <4 x float> %va)
ret <4 x float> %vg
define <4 x float> @vfwnmsac_vf_nxv4f32(<4 x float> %va, <4 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vf_nxv4f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e16, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <4 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <4 x half> %head, <4 x half> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <4 x half> %vb to <4 x float>
%ve = fpext <4 x half> %splat to <4 x float>
%vf = fneg <4 x float> %vd
%vg = call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %vf, <4 x float> %ve, <4 x float> %va)
ret <4 x float> %vg
define <4 x float> @vfwnmsac_fv_nxv4f32(<4 x float> %va, <4 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_fv_nxv4f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e16, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <4 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <4 x half> %head, <4 x half> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <4 x half> %vb to <4 x float>
%ve = fpext <4 x half> %splat to <4 x float>
%vf = fneg <4 x float> %ve
%vg = call <4 x float> @llvm.fma.v4f32(<4 x float> %vd, <4 x float> %vf, <4 x float> %va)
ret <4 x float> %vg
declare <8 x float> @llvm.fma.v8f32(<8 x float>, <8 x float>, <8 x float>)
define <8 x float> @vfwmacc_vv_nxv8f32(<8 x float> %va, <8 x half> %vb, <8 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vv_nxv8f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e16, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vv v8, v10, v11
%vd = fpext <8 x half> %vb to <8 x float>
%ve = fpext <8 x half> %vc to <8 x float>
%vf = call <8 x float> @llvm.fma.v8f32(<8 x float> %vd, <8 x float> %ve, <8 x float> %va)
ret <8 x float> %vf
define <8 x float> @vfwmacc_vf_nxv8f32(<8 x float> %va, <8 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vf_nxv8f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e16, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vf v8, fa0, v10
%head = insertelement <8 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <8 x half> %head, <8 x half> poison, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <8 x half> %vb to <8 x float>
%ve = fpext <8 x half> %splat to <8 x float>
%vf = call <8 x float> @llvm.fma.v8f32(<8 x float> %vd, <8 x float> %ve, <8 x float> %va)
ret <8 x float> %vf
define <8 x float> @vfwnmacc_vv_nxv8f32(<8 x float> %va, <8 x half> %vb, <8 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vv_nxv8f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e16, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vv v8, v10, v11
%vd = fpext <8 x half> %vb to <8 x float>
%ve = fpext <8 x half> %vc to <8 x float>
%vf = fneg <8 x float> %va
%vg = fneg <8 x float> %vd
%vh = call <8 x float> @llvm.fma.v8f32(<8 x float> %vg, <8 x float> %ve, <8 x float> %vf)
ret <8 x float> %vh
define <8 x float> @vfwnmacc_vf_nxv8f32(<8 x float> %va, <8 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vf_nxv8f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e16, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v10
%head = insertelement <8 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <8 x half> %head, <8 x half> poison, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <8 x half> %vb to <8 x float>
%ve = fpext <8 x half> %splat to <8 x float>
%vf = fneg <8 x float> %va
%vg = fneg <8 x float> %vd
%vh = call <8 x float> @llvm.fma.v8f32(<8 x float> %vg, <8 x float> %ve, <8 x float> %vf)
ret <8 x float> %vh
define <8 x float> @vfwnmacc_fv_nxv8f32(<8 x float> %va, <8 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_fv_nxv8f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e16, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v10
%head = insertelement <8 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <8 x half> %head, <8 x half> poison, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <8 x half> %vb to <8 x float>
%ve = fpext <8 x half> %splat to <8 x float>
%vf = fneg <8 x float> %va
%vg = fneg <8 x float> %ve
%vh = call <8 x float> @llvm.fma.v8f32(<8 x float> %vd, <8 x float> %vg, <8 x float> %vf)
ret <8 x float> %vh
define <8 x float> @vfwmsac_vv_nxv8f32(<8 x float> %va, <8 x half> %vb, <8 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vv_nxv8f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e16, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vv v8, v10, v11
%vd = fpext <8 x half> %vb to <8 x float>
%ve = fpext <8 x half> %vc to <8 x float>
%vf = fneg <8 x float> %va
%vg = call <8 x float> @llvm.fma.v8f32(<8 x float> %vd, <8 x float> %ve, <8 x float> %vf)
ret <8 x float> %vg
define <8 x float> @vfwmsac_vf_nxv8f32(<8 x float> %va, <8 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vf_nxv8f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e16, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vf v8, fa0, v10
%head = insertelement <8 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <8 x half> %head, <8 x half> poison, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <8 x half> %vb to <8 x float>
%ve = fpext <8 x half> %splat to <8 x float>
%vf = fneg <8 x float> %va
%vg = call <8 x float> @llvm.fma.v8f32(<8 x float> %vd, <8 x float> %ve, <8 x float> %vf)
ret <8 x float> %vg
define <8 x float> @vfwnmsac_vv_nxv8f32(<8 x float> %va, <8 x half> %vb, <8 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vv_nxv8f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e16, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vv v8, v10, v11
%vd = fpext <8 x half> %vb to <8 x float>
%ve = fpext <8 x half> %vc to <8 x float>
%vf = fneg <8 x float> %vd
%vg = call <8 x float> @llvm.fma.v8f32(<8 x float> %vf, <8 x float> %ve, <8 x float> %va)
ret <8 x float> %vg
define <8 x float> @vfwnmsac_vf_nxv8f32(<8 x float> %va, <8 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vf_nxv8f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e16, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v10
%head = insertelement <8 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <8 x half> %head, <8 x half> poison, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <8 x half> %vb to <8 x float>
%ve = fpext <8 x half> %splat to <8 x float>
%vf = fneg <8 x float> %vd
%vg = call <8 x float> @llvm.fma.v8f32(<8 x float> %vf, <8 x float> %ve, <8 x float> %va)
ret <8 x float> %vg
define <8 x float> @vfwnmsac_fv_nxv8f32(<8 x float> %va, <8 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_fv_nxv8f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e16, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v10
%head = insertelement <8 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <8 x half> %head, <8 x half> poison, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <8 x half> %vb to <8 x float>
%ve = fpext <8 x half> %splat to <8 x float>
%vf = fneg <8 x float> %ve
%vg = call <8 x float> @llvm.fma.v8f32(<8 x float> %vd, <8 x float> %vf, <8 x float> %va)
ret <8 x float> %vg
declare <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float>, <16 x float>, <16 x float>)
define <16 x float> @vfwmacc_vv_nxv16f32(<16 x float> %va, <16 x half> %vb, <16 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vv_nxv16f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 16, e16, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vv v8, v12, v14
%vd = fpext <16 x half> %vb to <16 x float>
%ve = fpext <16 x half> %vc to <16 x float>
%vf = call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %vd, <16 x float> %ve, <16 x float> %va)
ret <16 x float> %vf
define <16 x float> @vfwmacc_vf_nxv16f32(<16 x float> %va, <16 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vf_nxv16f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 16, e16, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vf v8, fa0, v12
%head = insertelement <16 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <16 x half> %head, <16 x half> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <16 x half> %vb to <16 x float>
%ve = fpext <16 x half> %splat to <16 x float>
%vf = call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %vd, <16 x float> %ve, <16 x float> %va)
ret <16 x float> %vf
define <16 x float> @vfwnmacc_vv_nxv16f32(<16 x float> %va, <16 x half> %vb, <16 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vv_nxv16f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 16, e16, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vv v8, v12, v14
%vd = fpext <16 x half> %vb to <16 x float>
%ve = fpext <16 x half> %vc to <16 x float>
%vf = fneg <16 x float> %va
%vg = fneg <16 x float> %vd
%vh = call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %vg, <16 x float> %ve, <16 x float> %vf)
ret <16 x float> %vh
define <16 x float> @vfwnmacc_vf_nxv16f32(<16 x float> %va, <16 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vf_nxv16f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 16, e16, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v12
%head = insertelement <16 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <16 x half> %head, <16 x half> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <16 x half> %vb to <16 x float>
%ve = fpext <16 x half> %splat to <16 x float>
%vf = fneg <16 x float> %va
%vg = fneg <16 x float> %vd
%vh = call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %vg, <16 x float> %ve, <16 x float> %vf)
ret <16 x float> %vh
define <16 x float> @vfwnmacc_fv_nxv16f32(<16 x float> %va, <16 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_fv_nxv16f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 16, e16, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v12
%head = insertelement <16 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <16 x half> %head, <16 x half> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <16 x half> %vb to <16 x float>
%ve = fpext <16 x half> %splat to <16 x float>
%vf = fneg <16 x float> %va
%vg = fneg <16 x float> %ve
%vh = call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %vd, <16 x float> %vg, <16 x float> %vf)
ret <16 x float> %vh
define <16 x float> @vfwmsac_vv_nxv16f32(<16 x float> %va, <16 x half> %vb, <16 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vv_nxv16f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 16, e16, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vv v8, v12, v14
%vd = fpext <16 x half> %vb to <16 x float>
%ve = fpext <16 x half> %vc to <16 x float>
%vf = fneg <16 x float> %va
%vg = call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %vd, <16 x float> %ve, <16 x float> %vf)
ret <16 x float> %vg
define <16 x float> @vfwmsac_vf_nxv16f32(<16 x float> %va, <16 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vf_nxv16f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 16, e16, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vf v8, fa0, v12
%head = insertelement <16 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <16 x half> %head, <16 x half> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <16 x half> %vb to <16 x float>
%ve = fpext <16 x half> %splat to <16 x float>
%vf = fneg <16 x float> %va
%vg = call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %vd, <16 x float> %ve, <16 x float> %vf)
ret <16 x float> %vg
define <16 x float> @vfwnmsac_vv_nxv16f32(<16 x float> %va, <16 x half> %vb, <16 x half> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vv_nxv16f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 16, e16, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vv v8, v12, v14
%vd = fpext <16 x half> %vb to <16 x float>
%ve = fpext <16 x half> %vc to <16 x float>
%vf = fneg <16 x float> %vd
%vg = call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %vf, <16 x float> %ve, <16 x float> %va)
ret <16 x float> %vg
define <16 x float> @vfwnmsac_vf_nxv16f32(<16 x float> %va, <16 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vf_nxv16f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 16, e16, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v12
%head = insertelement <16 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <16 x half> %head, <16 x half> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <16 x half> %vb to <16 x float>
%ve = fpext <16 x half> %splat to <16 x float>
%vf = fneg <16 x float> %vd
%vg = call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %vf, <16 x float> %ve, <16 x float> %va)
ret <16 x float> %vg
define <16 x float> @vfwnmsac_fv_nxv16f32(<16 x float> %va, <16 x half> %vb, half %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_fv_nxv16f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 16, e16, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v12
%head = insertelement <16 x half> poison, half %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <16 x half> %head, <16 x half> poison, <16 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <16 x half> %vb to <16 x float>
%ve = fpext <16 x half> %splat to <16 x float>
%vf = fneg <16 x float> %ve
%vg = call <16 x float> @llvm.fma.v16f32(<16 x float> %vd, <16 x float> %vf, <16 x float> %va)
ret <16 x float> %vg
declare <1 x double> @llvm.fma.v1f64(<1 x double>, <1 x double>, <1 x double>)
define <1 x double> @vfwmacc_vv_nxv1f64(<1 x double> %va, <1 x float> %vb, <1 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vv_nxv1f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <1 x float> %vb to <1 x double>
%ve = fpext <1 x float> %vc to <1 x double>
%vf = call <1 x double> @llvm.fma.v1f64(<1 x double> %vd, <1 x double> %ve, <1 x double> %va)
ret <1 x double> %vf
define <1 x double> @vfwmacc_vf_nxv1f64(<1 x double> %va, <1 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vf_nxv1f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <1 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <1 x float> %head, <1 x float> poison, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <1 x float> %vb to <1 x double>
%ve = fpext <1 x float> %splat to <1 x double>
%vf = call <1 x double> @llvm.fma.v1f64(<1 x double> %vd, <1 x double> %ve, <1 x double> %va)
ret <1 x double> %vf
define <1 x double> @vfwnmacc_vv_nxv1f64(<1 x double> %va, <1 x float> %vb, <1 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vv_nxv1f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <1 x float> %vb to <1 x double>
%ve = fpext <1 x float> %vc to <1 x double>
%vf = fneg <1 x double> %va
%vg = fneg <1 x double> %vd
%vh = call <1 x double> @llvm.fma.v1f64(<1 x double> %vg, <1 x double> %ve, <1 x double> %vf)
ret <1 x double> %vh
define <1 x double> @vfwnmacc_vf_nxv1f64(<1 x double> %va, <1 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vf_nxv1f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <1 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <1 x float> %head, <1 x float> poison, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <1 x float> %vb to <1 x double>
%ve = fpext <1 x float> %splat to <1 x double>
%vf = fneg <1 x double> %va
%vg = fneg <1 x double> %vd
%vh = call <1 x double> @llvm.fma.v1f64(<1 x double> %vg, <1 x double> %ve, <1 x double> %vf)
ret <1 x double> %vh
define <1 x double> @vfwnmacc_fv_nxv1f64(<1 x double> %va, <1 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_fv_nxv1f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <1 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <1 x float> %head, <1 x float> poison, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <1 x float> %vb to <1 x double>
%ve = fpext <1 x float> %splat to <1 x double>
%vf = fneg <1 x double> %va
%vg = fneg <1 x double> %ve
%vh = call <1 x double> @llvm.fma.v1f64(<1 x double> %vd, <1 x double> %vg, <1 x double> %vf)
ret <1 x double> %vh
define <1 x double> @vfwmsac_vv_nxv1f64(<1 x double> %va, <1 x float> %vb, <1 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vv_nxv1f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <1 x float> %vb to <1 x double>
%ve = fpext <1 x float> %vc to <1 x double>
%vf = fneg <1 x double> %va
%vg = call <1 x double> @llvm.fma.v1f64(<1 x double> %vd, <1 x double> %ve, <1 x double> %vf)
ret <1 x double> %vg
define <1 x double> @vfwmsac_vf_nxv1f64(<1 x double> %va, <1 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vf_nxv1f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <1 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <1 x float> %head, <1 x float> poison, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <1 x float> %vb to <1 x double>
%ve = fpext <1 x float> %splat to <1 x double>
%vf = fneg <1 x double> %va
%vg = call <1 x double> @llvm.fma.v1f64(<1 x double> %vd, <1 x double> %ve, <1 x double> %vf)
ret <1 x double> %vg
define <1 x double> @vfwnmsac_vv_nxv1f64(<1 x double> %va, <1 x float> %vb, <1 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vv_nxv1f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <1 x float> %vb to <1 x double>
%ve = fpext <1 x float> %vc to <1 x double>
%vf = fneg <1 x double> %vd
%vg = call <1 x double> @llvm.fma.v1f64(<1 x double> %vf, <1 x double> %ve, <1 x double> %va)
ret <1 x double> %vg
define <1 x double> @vfwnmsac_vf_nxv1f64(<1 x double> %va, <1 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vf_nxv1f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <1 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <1 x float> %head, <1 x float> poison, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <1 x float> %vb to <1 x double>
%ve = fpext <1 x float> %splat to <1 x double>
%vf = fneg <1 x double> %vd
%vg = call <1 x double> @llvm.fma.v1f64(<1 x double> %vf, <1 x double> %ve, <1 x double> %va)
ret <1 x double> %vg
define <1 x double> @vfwnmsac_fv_nxv1f64(<1 x double> %va, <1 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_fv_nxv1f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 1, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <1 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <1 x float> %head, <1 x float> poison, <1 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <1 x float> %vb to <1 x double>
%ve = fpext <1 x float> %splat to <1 x double>
%vf = fneg <1 x double> %ve
%vg = call <1 x double> @llvm.fma.v1f64(<1 x double> %vd, <1 x double> %vf, <1 x double> %va)
ret <1 x double> %vg
declare <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double>, <2 x double>, <2 x double>)
define <2 x double> @vfwmacc_vv_nxv2f64(<2 x double> %va, <2 x float> %vb, <2 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vv_nxv2f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <2 x float> %vb to <2 x double>
%ve = fpext <2 x float> %vc to <2 x double>
%vf = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %vd, <2 x double> %ve, <2 x double> %va)
ret <2 x double> %vf
define <2 x double> @vfwmacc_vf_nxv2f64(<2 x double> %va, <2 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vf_nxv2f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <2 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <2 x float> %head, <2 x float> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <2 x float> %vb to <2 x double>
%ve = fpext <2 x float> %splat to <2 x double>
%vf = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %vd, <2 x double> %ve, <2 x double> %va)
ret <2 x double> %vf
define <2 x double> @vfwnmacc_vv_nxv2f64(<2 x double> %va, <2 x float> %vb, <2 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vv_nxv2f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <2 x float> %vb to <2 x double>
%ve = fpext <2 x float> %vc to <2 x double>
%vf = fneg <2 x double> %va
%vg = fneg <2 x double> %vd
%vh = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %vg, <2 x double> %ve, <2 x double> %vf)
ret <2 x double> %vh
define <2 x double> @vfwnmacc_vf_nxv2f64(<2 x double> %va, <2 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vf_nxv2f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <2 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <2 x float> %head, <2 x float> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <2 x float> %vb to <2 x double>
%ve = fpext <2 x float> %splat to <2 x double>
%vf = fneg <2 x double> %va
%vg = fneg <2 x double> %vd
%vh = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %vg, <2 x double> %ve, <2 x double> %vf)
ret <2 x double> %vh
define <2 x double> @vfwnmacc_fv_nxv2f64(<2 x double> %va, <2 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_fv_nxv2f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <2 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <2 x float> %head, <2 x float> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <2 x float> %vb to <2 x double>
%ve = fpext <2 x float> %splat to <2 x double>
%vf = fneg <2 x double> %va
%vg = fneg <2 x double> %ve
%vh = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %vd, <2 x double> %vg, <2 x double> %vf)
ret <2 x double> %vh
define <2 x double> @vfwmsac_vv_nxv2f64(<2 x double> %va, <2 x float> %vb, <2 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vv_nxv2f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <2 x float> %vb to <2 x double>
%ve = fpext <2 x float> %vc to <2 x double>
%vf = fneg <2 x double> %va
%vg = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %vd, <2 x double> %ve, <2 x double> %vf)
ret <2 x double> %vg
define <2 x double> @vfwmsac_vf_nxv2f64(<2 x double> %va, <2 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vf_nxv2f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <2 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <2 x float> %head, <2 x float> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <2 x float> %vb to <2 x double>
%ve = fpext <2 x float> %splat to <2 x double>
%vf = fneg <2 x double> %va
%vg = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %vd, <2 x double> %ve, <2 x double> %vf)
ret <2 x double> %vg
define <2 x double> @vfwnmsac_vv_nxv2f64(<2 x double> %va, <2 x float> %vb, <2 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vv_nxv2f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vv v8, v9, v10
%vd = fpext <2 x float> %vb to <2 x double>
%ve = fpext <2 x float> %vc to <2 x double>
%vf = fneg <2 x double> %vd
%vg = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %vf, <2 x double> %ve, <2 x double> %va)
ret <2 x double> %vg
define <2 x double> @vfwnmsac_vf_nxv2f64(<2 x double> %va, <2 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vf_nxv2f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <2 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <2 x float> %head, <2 x float> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <2 x float> %vb to <2 x double>
%ve = fpext <2 x float> %splat to <2 x double>
%vf = fneg <2 x double> %vd
%vg = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %vf, <2 x double> %ve, <2 x double> %va)
ret <2 x double> %vg
define <2 x double> @vfwnmsac_fv_nxv2f64(<2 x double> %va, <2 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_fv_nxv2f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 2, e32, mf2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v9
%head = insertelement <2 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <2 x float> %head, <2 x float> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <2 x float> %vb to <2 x double>
%ve = fpext <2 x float> %splat to <2 x double>
%vf = fneg <2 x double> %ve
%vg = call <2 x double> @llvm.fma.v2f64(<2 x double> %vd, <2 x double> %vf, <2 x double> %va)
ret <2 x double> %vg
declare <4 x double> @llvm.fma.v4f64(<4 x double>, <4 x double>, <4 x double>)
define <4 x double> @vfwmacc_vv_nxv4f64(<4 x double> %va, <4 x float> %vb, <4 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vv_nxv4f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e32, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vv v8, v10, v11
%vd = fpext <4 x float> %vb to <4 x double>
%ve = fpext <4 x float> %vc to <4 x double>
%vf = call <4 x double> @llvm.fma.v4f64(<4 x double> %vd, <4 x double> %ve, <4 x double> %va)
ret <4 x double> %vf
define <4 x double> @vfwmacc_vf_nxv4f64(<4 x double> %va, <4 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vf_nxv4f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e32, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vf v8, fa0, v10
%head = insertelement <4 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <4 x float> %head, <4 x float> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <4 x float> %vb to <4 x double>
%ve = fpext <4 x float> %splat to <4 x double>
%vf = call <4 x double> @llvm.fma.v4f64(<4 x double> %vd, <4 x double> %ve, <4 x double> %va)
ret <4 x double> %vf
define <4 x double> @vfwnmacc_vv_nxv4f64(<4 x double> %va, <4 x float> %vb, <4 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vv_nxv4f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e32, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vv v8, v10, v11
%vd = fpext <4 x float> %vb to <4 x double>
%ve = fpext <4 x float> %vc to <4 x double>
%vf = fneg <4 x double> %va
%vg = fneg <4 x double> %vd
%vh = call <4 x double> @llvm.fma.v4f64(<4 x double> %vg, <4 x double> %ve, <4 x double> %vf)
ret <4 x double> %vh
define <4 x double> @vfwnmacc_vf_nxv4f64(<4 x double> %va, <4 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vf_nxv4f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e32, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v10
%head = insertelement <4 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <4 x float> %head, <4 x float> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <4 x float> %vb to <4 x double>
%ve = fpext <4 x float> %splat to <4 x double>
%vf = fneg <4 x double> %va
%vg = fneg <4 x double> %vd
%vh = call <4 x double> @llvm.fma.v4f64(<4 x double> %vg, <4 x double> %ve, <4 x double> %vf)
ret <4 x double> %vh
define <4 x double> @vfwnmacc_fv_nxv4f64(<4 x double> %va, <4 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_fv_nxv4f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e32, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v10
%head = insertelement <4 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <4 x float> %head, <4 x float> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <4 x float> %vb to <4 x double>
%ve = fpext <4 x float> %splat to <4 x double>
%vf = fneg <4 x double> %va
%vg = fneg <4 x double> %ve
%vh = call <4 x double> @llvm.fma.v4f64(<4 x double> %vd, <4 x double> %vg, <4 x double> %vf)
ret <4 x double> %vh
define <4 x double> @vfwmsac_vv_nxv4f64(<4 x double> %va, <4 x float> %vb, <4 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vv_nxv4f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e32, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vv v8, v10, v11
%vd = fpext <4 x float> %vb to <4 x double>
%ve = fpext <4 x float> %vc to <4 x double>
%vf = fneg <4 x double> %va
%vg = call <4 x double> @llvm.fma.v4f64(<4 x double> %vd, <4 x double> %ve, <4 x double> %vf)
ret <4 x double> %vg
define <4 x double> @vfwmsac_vf_nxv4f64(<4 x double> %va, <4 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vf_nxv4f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e32, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vf v8, fa0, v10
%head = insertelement <4 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <4 x float> %head, <4 x float> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <4 x float> %vb to <4 x double>
%ve = fpext <4 x float> %splat to <4 x double>
%vf = fneg <4 x double> %va
%vg = call <4 x double> @llvm.fma.v4f64(<4 x double> %vd, <4 x double> %ve, <4 x double> %vf)
ret <4 x double> %vg
define <4 x double> @vfwnmsac_vv_nxv4f64(<4 x double> %va, <4 x float> %vb, <4 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vv_nxv4f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e32, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vv v8, v10, v11
%vd = fpext <4 x float> %vb to <4 x double>
%ve = fpext <4 x float> %vc to <4 x double>
%vf = fneg <4 x double> %vd
%vg = call <4 x double> @llvm.fma.v4f64(<4 x double> %vf, <4 x double> %ve, <4 x double> %va)
ret <4 x double> %vg
define <4 x double> @vfwnmsac_vf_nxv4f64(<4 x double> %va, <4 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vf_nxv4f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e32, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v10
%head = insertelement <4 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <4 x float> %head, <4 x float> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <4 x float> %vb to <4 x double>
%ve = fpext <4 x float> %splat to <4 x double>
%vf = fneg <4 x double> %vd
%vg = call <4 x double> @llvm.fma.v4f64(<4 x double> %vf, <4 x double> %ve, <4 x double> %va)
ret <4 x double> %vg
define <4 x double> @vfwnmsac_fv_nxv4f64(<4 x double> %va, <4 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_fv_nxv4f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 4, e32, m1, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v10
%head = insertelement <4 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <4 x float> %head, <4 x float> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <4 x float> %vb to <4 x double>
%ve = fpext <4 x float> %splat to <4 x double>
%vf = fneg <4 x double> %ve
%vg = call <4 x double> @llvm.fma.v4f64(<4 x double> %vd, <4 x double> %vf, <4 x double> %va)
ret <4 x double> %vg
declare <8 x double> @llvm.fma.v8f64(<8 x double>, <8 x double>, <8 x double>)
define <8 x double> @vfwmacc_vv_nxv8f64(<8 x double> %va, <8 x float> %vb, <8 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vv_nxv8f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e32, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vv v8, v12, v14
%vd = fpext <8 x float> %vb to <8 x double>
%ve = fpext <8 x float> %vc to <8 x double>
%vf = call <8 x double> @llvm.fma.v8f64(<8 x double> %vd, <8 x double> %ve, <8 x double> %va)
ret <8 x double> %vf
define <8 x double> @vfwmacc_vf_nxv8f64(<8 x double> %va, <8 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmacc_vf_nxv8f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e32, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmacc.vf v8, fa0, v12
%head = insertelement <8 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <8 x float> %head, <8 x float> poison, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <8 x float> %vb to <8 x double>
%ve = fpext <8 x float> %splat to <8 x double>
%vf = call <8 x double> @llvm.fma.v8f64(<8 x double> %vd, <8 x double> %ve, <8 x double> %va)
ret <8 x double> %vf
define <8 x double> @vfwnmacc_vv_nxv8f64(<8 x double> %va, <8 x float> %vb, <8 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vv_nxv8f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e32, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vv v8, v12, v14
%vd = fpext <8 x float> %vb to <8 x double>
%ve = fpext <8 x float> %vc to <8 x double>
%vf = fneg <8 x double> %va
%vg = fneg <8 x double> %vd
%vh = call <8 x double> @llvm.fma.v8f64(<8 x double> %vg, <8 x double> %ve, <8 x double> %vf)
ret <8 x double> %vh
define <8 x double> @vfwnmacc_vf_nxv8f64(<8 x double> %va, <8 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_vf_nxv8f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e32, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v12
%head = insertelement <8 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <8 x float> %head, <8 x float> poison, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <8 x float> %vb to <8 x double>
%ve = fpext <8 x float> %splat to <8 x double>
%vf = fneg <8 x double> %va
%vg = fneg <8 x double> %vd
%vh = call <8 x double> @llvm.fma.v8f64(<8 x double> %vg, <8 x double> %ve, <8 x double> %vf)
ret <8 x double> %vh
define <8 x double> @vfwnmacc_fv_nxv8f64(<8 x double> %va, <8 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmacc_fv_nxv8f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e32, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmacc.vf v8, fa0, v12
%head = insertelement <8 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <8 x float> %head, <8 x float> poison, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <8 x float> %vb to <8 x double>
%ve = fpext <8 x float> %splat to <8 x double>
%vf = fneg <8 x double> %va
%vg = fneg <8 x double> %ve
%vh = call <8 x double> @llvm.fma.v8f64(<8 x double> %vd, <8 x double> %vg, <8 x double> %vf)
ret <8 x double> %vh
define <8 x double> @vfwmsac_vv_nxv8f64(<8 x double> %va, <8 x float> %vb, <8 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vv_nxv8f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e32, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vv v8, v12, v14
%vd = fpext <8 x float> %vb to <8 x double>
%ve = fpext <8 x float> %vc to <8 x double>
%vf = fneg <8 x double> %va
%vg = call <8 x double> @llvm.fma.v8f64(<8 x double> %vd, <8 x double> %ve, <8 x double> %vf)
ret <8 x double> %vg
define <8 x double> @vfwmsac_vf_nxv8f64(<8 x double> %va, <8 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwmsac_vf_nxv8f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e32, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwmsac.vf v8, fa0, v12
%head = insertelement <8 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <8 x float> %head, <8 x float> poison, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <8 x float> %vb to <8 x double>
%ve = fpext <8 x float> %splat to <8 x double>
%vf = fneg <8 x double> %va
%vg = call <8 x double> @llvm.fma.v8f64(<8 x double> %vd, <8 x double> %ve, <8 x double> %vf)
ret <8 x double> %vg
define <8 x double> @vfwnmsac_vv_nxv8f64(<8 x double> %va, <8 x float> %vb, <8 x float> %vc) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vv_nxv8f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e32, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vv v8, v12, v14
%vd = fpext <8 x float> %vb to <8 x double>
%ve = fpext <8 x float> %vc to <8 x double>
%vf = fneg <8 x double> %vd
%vg = call <8 x double> @llvm.fma.v8f64(<8 x double> %vf, <8 x double> %ve, <8 x double> %va)
ret <8 x double> %vg
define <8 x double> @vfwnmsac_vf_nxv8f64(<8 x double> %va, <8 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_vf_nxv8f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e32, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v12
%head = insertelement <8 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <8 x float> %head, <8 x float> poison, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <8 x float> %vb to <8 x double>
%ve = fpext <8 x float> %splat to <8 x double>
%vf = fneg <8 x double> %vd
%vg = call <8 x double> @llvm.fma.v8f64(<8 x double> %vf, <8 x double> %ve, <8 x double> %va)
ret <8 x double> %vg
define <8 x double> @vfwnmsac_fv_nxv8f64(<8 x double> %va, <8 x float> %vb, float %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: vfwnmsac_fv_nxv8f64:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: vsetivli zero, 8, e32, m2, ta, mu
; CHECK-NEXT: vfwnmsac.vf v8, fa0, v12
%head = insertelement <8 x float> poison, float %c, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <8 x float> %head, <8 x float> poison, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
%vd = fpext <8 x float> %vb to <8 x double>
%ve = fpext <8 x float> %splat to <8 x double>
%vf = fneg <8 x double> %ve
%vg = call <8 x double> @llvm.fma.v8f64(<8 x double> %vd, <8 x double> %vf, <8 x double> %va)
ret <8 x double> %vg