blob: e362f01791d0649792755e3f27ae047edb5755ef [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc < %s | FileCheck %s
; In PR44697, the register allocator inserted loads into the __except block
; before the instructions that restore EBP and ESP back to what they should be.
; Make sure they are the first instructions in the __except block.
; ModuleID = 't.cpp'
source_filename = "t.cpp"
target datalayout = "e-m:x-p:32:32-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:32-n8:16:32-a:0:32-S32"
target triple = "i386-pc-windows-msvc19.24.28315"
declare ptr @llvm.frameaddress.p0(i32 immarg)
declare ptr, ptr)
declare ptr @llvm.localrecover(ptr, ptr, i32 immarg)
declare dso_local i32 @_except_handler3(...)
declare void @llvm.localescape(...)
define dso_local zeroext i1 @invokewrapper(
ptr nocapture %Fn,
i1 zeroext %DumpStackAndCleanup,
ptr nocapture dereferenceable(4) %RetCode)
personality ptr @_except_handler3 {
%__exception_code = alloca i32, align 4
call void (...) @llvm.localescape(ptr nonnull %__exception_code)
invoke void %Fn()
to label %return unwind label %catch.dispatch
catch.dispatch: ; preds = %entry
%0 = catchswitch within none [label %__except.ret] unwind to caller
__except.ret: ; preds = %catch.dispatch
%1 = catchpad within %0 [ptr @filter]
catchret from %1 to label %__except
__except: ; preds = %__except.ret
%2 = load i32, ptr %__exception_code, align 4
store i32 %2, ptr %RetCode, align 4
br label %return
return: ; preds = %entry, %__except
%retval.0 = phi i1 [ false, %__except ], [ true, %entry ]
ret i1 %retval.0
; CHECK-LABEL: _invokewrapper: # @invokewrapper
; CHECK: calll *8(%ebp)
; CHECK: LBB0_2: # %return
; CHECK: LBB0_1: # %__except.ret
; CHECK-NEXT: movl -24(%ebp), %esp
; CHECK-NEXT: addl $12, %ebp
; Function Attrs: nofree nounwind
define internal i32 @filter() {
%0 = tail call ptr @llvm.frameaddress.p0(i32 1)
%1 = tail call ptr @invokewrapper, ptr %0)
%2 = tail call ptr @llvm.localrecover(ptr @invokewrapper, ptr %1, i32 0)
%3 = getelementptr inbounds i8, ptr %0, i32 -20
%4 = load ptr, ptr %3, align 4
%5 = getelementptr inbounds { ptr, ptr }, ptr %4, i32 0, i32 0
%6 = load ptr, ptr %5, align 4
%7 = load i32, ptr %6, align 4
store i32 %7, ptr %2, align 4
ret i32 1