blob: 638865ad7b3b3988efb1dc81e232f3321312e064 [file] [log] [blame]
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu < %s | FileCheck %s
; After legalization, this could be: "i8 truncate (i64 AssertZext X, Type: i9)"
; The AssertZext does not add information, so it should be eliminated,
; but that must not trigger a compile-time assert.
define void @test(ptr %p) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: movl $256, %eax # imm = 0x100
; CHECK-NEXT: movq %rax, (%rdi)
; CHECK-NEXT: retq
%sel = select i1 true, i64 256, i64 0
br label %bb2
store i64 %sel, ptr %p, align 4
%load = load <2 x i1>, ptr %p, align 1
br label %bb3
%use = add <2 x i1> %load, zeroinitializer
ret void