blob: 3f890b7f2443a94acfb26f207a43189df4ad8c35 [file] [log] [blame]
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=i686-- | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X86
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=x86_64-- | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=X64
; Make sure none of these crash, and that the power-of-two transformations
; trigger correctly.
define i128 @test1(i128 %x) nounwind {
; X86-LABEL: test1:
; X86: # %bb.0:
; X86-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax
; X86-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %ecx
; X86-NEXT: movl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %edx
; X86-NEXT: shrdl $2, %edx, %ecx
; X86-NEXT: shrl $2, %edx
; X86-NEXT: movl %edx, 4(%eax)
; X86-NEXT: movl %ecx, (%eax)
; X86-NEXT: movl $0, 12(%eax)
; X86-NEXT: movl $0, 8(%eax)
; X86-NEXT: retl $4
; X64-LABEL: test1:
; X64: # %bb.0:
; X64-NEXT: movq %rsi, %rax
; X64-NEXT: shrq $2, %rax
; X64-NEXT: xorl %edx, %edx
; X64-NEXT: retq
%tmp = udiv i128 %x, 73786976294838206464
ret i128 %tmp
define i128 @test2(i128 %x) nounwind {
; X86-LABEL: test2:
; X86 doesn't have __divti3, so the urem is expanded into a loop.
; X86: udiv-do-while
; X64-LABEL: test2:
; X64: # %bb.0:
; X64-NEXT: pushq %rax
; X64-NEXT: xorl %edx, %edx
; X64-NEXT: movq $-4, %rcx
; X64-NEXT: callq __udivti3@PLT
; X64-NEXT: popq %rcx
; X64-NEXT: retq
%tmp = udiv i128 %x, -73786976294838206464
ret i128 %tmp
define i128 @test3(i128 %x) nounwind {
; X86-LABEL: test3:
; X86 doesn't have __divti3, so the urem is expanded into a loop.
; X86: udiv-do-while
; X64-LABEL: test3:
; X64: # %bb.0:
; X64-NEXT: pushq %rax
; X64-NEXT: movq $-3, %rdx
; X64-NEXT: movq $-5, %rcx
; X64-NEXT: callq __udivti3@PLT
; X64-NEXT: popq %rcx
; X64-NEXT: retq
%tmp = udiv i128 %x, -73786976294838206467
ret i128 %tmp