blob: c9acfcb65fe9357751c1a8fe54061dc96efc8401 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc -mtriple arm-apple-darwin -relocation-model pic -filetype asm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
%struct.B = type { i32 }
%struct.anon = type { ptr, i32 }
@str = internal constant [7 x i8] c"i, %d\0A\00"
@str1 = internal constant [7 x i8] c"j, %d\0A\00"
define internal void @_ZN1B1iEv(ptr %this) {
%tmp2 = load i32, ptr %this
%tmp4 = tail call i32 (ptr, ...) @printf(ptr @str, i32 %tmp2)
ret void
declare i32 @printf(ptr, ...)
define internal void @_ZN1B1jEv(ptr %this) {
%tmp2 = load i32, ptr %this
%tmp4 = tail call i32 (ptr, ...) @printf(ptr @str1, i32 %tmp2)
ret void
define i32 @main() {
%b.i29 = alloca %struct.B, align 4
%b.i1 = alloca %struct.B, align 4
%b.i = alloca %struct.B, align 4
store i32 4, ptr %b.i
%and1 = and i64 zext (i32 ptrtoint (ptr @_ZN1B1iEv to i32) to i64), 4294967296
%cmp1 = icmp eq i64 %and1, 0
br i1 %cmp1, label %_Z3fooiM1BFvvE.exit, label %cond_true.i
%ctg23.i = getelementptr i8, ptr %b.i, i32 ashr (i32 trunc (i64 lshr (i64 zext (i32 ptrtoint (ptr @_ZN1B1iEv to i32) to i64), i64 32) to i32), i32 1)
%tmp15.i = load ptr, ptr %ctg23.i
%ctg2.i = getelementptr i8, ptr %tmp15.i, i32 ptrtoint (ptr @_ZN1B1iEv to i32)
%tmp22.i = load ptr, ptr %ctg2.i
br label %_Z3fooiM1BFvvE.exit
%iftmp.2.0.i = phi ptr [ %tmp22.i, %cond_true.i ], [ inttoptr (i32 ptrtoint (ptr @_ZN1B1iEv to i32) to ptr), %entry ]
%ctg25.i = getelementptr i8, ptr %b.i, i32 ashr (i32 trunc (i64 lshr (i64 zext (i32 ptrtoint (ptr @_ZN1B1iEv to i32) to i64), i64 32) to i32), i32 1)
call void %iftmp.2.0.i(ptr %ctg25.i)
store i32 6, ptr %b.i29
%and2 = and i64 zext (i32 ptrtoint (ptr @_ZN1B1iEv to i32) to i64), 4294967296
%cmp2 = icmp eq i64 %and2, 0
br i1 %cmp2, label %_Z3fooiM1BFvvE.exit56, label %cond_true.i46
%ctg23.i36 = getelementptr i8, ptr %b.i29, i32 ashr (i32 trunc (i64 lshr (i64 zext (i32 ptrtoint (ptr @_ZN1B1jEv to i32) to i64), i64 32) to i32), i32 1)
%tmp15.i38 = load ptr, ptr %ctg23.i36
%ctg2.i42 = getelementptr i8, ptr %tmp15.i38, i32 ptrtoint (ptr @_ZN1B1jEv to i32)
%tmp22.i44 = load ptr, ptr %ctg2.i42
br label %_Z3fooiM1BFvvE.exit56
%iftmp.2.0.i49 = phi ptr [ %tmp22.i44, %cond_true.i46 ], [ inttoptr (i32 ptrtoint (ptr @_ZN1B1jEv to i32) to ptr), %_Z3fooiM1BFvvE.exit ]
%ctg25.i54 = getelementptr i8, ptr %b.i29, i32 ashr (i32 trunc (i64 lshr (i64 zext (i32 ptrtoint (ptr @_ZN1B1jEv to i32) to i64), i64 32) to i32), i32 1)
call void %iftmp.2.0.i49(ptr %ctg25.i54)
store i32 -1, ptr %b.i1
%and3 = and i64 zext (i32 ptrtoint (ptr @_ZN1B1iEv to i32) to i64), 4294967296
%cmp3 = icmp eq i64 %and3, 0
br i1 %cmp3, label %_Z3fooiM1BFvvE.exit28, label %cond_true.i18
%ctg23.i8 = getelementptr i8, ptr %b.i1, i32 ashr (i32 trunc (i64 lshr (i64 zext (i32 ptrtoint (ptr @_ZN1B1iEv to i32) to i64), i64 32) to i32), i32 1)
%tmp15.i10 = load ptr, ptr %ctg23.i8
%ctg2.i14 = getelementptr i8, ptr %tmp15.i10, i32 ptrtoint (ptr @_ZN1B1iEv to i32)
%tmp22.i16 = load ptr, ptr %ctg2.i14
br label %_Z3fooiM1BFvvE.exit28
%iftmp.2.0.i21 = phi ptr [ %tmp22.i16, %cond_true.i18 ], [ inttoptr (i32 ptrtoint (ptr @_ZN1B1iEv to i32) to ptr), %_Z3fooiM1BFvvE.exit56 ]
%ctg25.i26 = getelementptr i8, ptr %b.i1, i32 ashr (i32 trunc (i64 lshr (i64 zext (i32 ptrtoint (ptr @_ZN1B1iEv to i32) to i64), i64 32) to i32), i32 1)
call void %iftmp.2.0.i21(ptr %ctg25.i26)
ret i32 0