blob: cae1755e2bcc262e5530b589229eb5f8ffe7bae1 [file] [log] [blame]
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv32 -mattr=+zbb -verify-machineinstrs < %s \
; RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RV32ZBB
declare i32 @llvm.riscv.orc.b.i32(i32)
define i32 @orcb(i32 %a) nounwind {
; RV32ZBB-LABEL: orcb:
; RV32ZBB: # %bb.0:
; RV32ZBB-NEXT: orc.b a0, a0
; RV32ZBB-NEXT: ret
%tmp = call i32 @llvm.riscv.orc.b.i32(i32 %a)
ret i32 %tmp
; Second and+or are redundant with the first, make sure we remove it.
define i32 @orcb_knownbits(i32 %a) nounwind {
; RV32ZBB-LABEL: orcb_knownbits:
; RV32ZBB: # %bb.0:
; RV32ZBB-NEXT: lui a1, 1044480
; RV32ZBB-NEXT: and a0, a0, a1
; RV32ZBB-NEXT: lui a1, 2048
; RV32ZBB-NEXT: addi a1, a1, 1
; RV32ZBB-NEXT: or a0, a0, a1
; RV32ZBB-NEXT: orc.b a0, a0
; RV32ZBB-NEXT: ret
%tmp = and i32 %a, 4278190080 ; 0xFF000000
%tmp2 = or i32 %tmp, 8388609 ; 0x800001
%tmp3 = call i32 @llvm.riscv.orc.b.i32(i32 %tmp2)
%tmp4 = and i32 %tmp3, 4278190080 ; 0xFF000000
%tmp5 = or i32 %tmp4, 16711935 ; 0xFF00FF
ret i32 %tmp5