blob: 6de7928167a3c01f69fb5d80f2b772dc687a8c59 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -verify-machineinstrs < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=GCN %s
; GCN-LABEL: {{^}}test_bitcast_return_type_noinline:
; GCN: s_getpc_b64
; GCN: s_add_u32 s{{[0-9]+}}, s{{[0-9]+}}, ret_i32_noinline@rel32@lo+4
; GCN: s_addc_u32 s{{[0-9]+}}, s{{[0-9]+}}, ret_i32_noinline@rel32@hi+12
; GCN: s_swappc_b64
define amdgpu_kernel void @test_bitcast_return_type_noinline() #0 {
%val = call float bitcast (i32()* @ret_i32_noinline to float()*)()
%op = fadd float %val, 1.0
store volatile float %op, float addrspace(1)* undef
ret void
; GCN-LABEL: {{^}}test_bitcast_return_type_alwaysinline:
; GCN: s_swappc_b64
define amdgpu_kernel void @test_bitcast_return_type_alwaysinline() #0 {
%val = call float bitcast (i32()* @ret_i32_alwaysinline to float()*)()
%op = fadd float %val, 1.0
store volatile float %op, float addrspace(1)* undef
ret void
; GCN-LABEL: {{^}}test_bitcast_argument_type:
; GCN: s_getpc_b64
; GCN: s_add_u32 s{{[0-9]+}}, s{{[0-9]+}}, ident_i32@rel32@lo+4
; GCN: s_addc_u32 s{{[0-9]+}}, s{{[0-9]+}}, ident_i32@rel32@hi+12
; GCN: s_swappc_b64
define amdgpu_kernel void @test_bitcast_argument_type() #0 {
%val = call i32 bitcast (i32(i32)* @ident_i32 to i32(float)*)(float 2.0)
%op = add i32 %val, 1
store volatile i32 %op, i32 addrspace(1)* undef
ret void
; GCN-LABEL: {{^}}test_bitcast_argument_and_return_types:
; GCN: s_getpc_b64
; GCN: s_add_u32 s{{[0-9]+}}, s{{[0-9]+}}, ident_i32@rel32@lo+4
; GCN: s_addc_u32 s{{[0-9]+}}, s{{[0-9]+}}, ident_i32@rel32@hi+12
; GCN: s_swappc_b64
define amdgpu_kernel void @test_bitcast_argument_and_return_types() #0 {
%val = call float bitcast (i32(i32)* @ident_i32 to float(float)*)(float 2.0)
%op = fadd float %val, 1.0
store volatile float %op, float addrspace(1)* undef
ret void
; GCN-LABEL: {{^}}use_workitem_id_x:
; GCN: s_waitcnt
; GCN-NEXT: v_and_b32_e32 [[TMP:v[0-9]+]], 0x3ff, v31
; GCN-NEXT: v_add_i32_e32 v0, vcc, [[TMP]], v0
; GCN-NEXT: s_setpc_b64
define hidden i32 @use_workitem_id_x(i32 %arg0) #0 {
%id = call i32
%op = add i32 %id, %arg0
ret i32 %op
; GCN-LABEL: {{^}}test_bitcast_use_workitem_id_x:
; GCN: v_mov_b32_e32 v31, v0
; GCN: s_getpc_b64
; GCN: s_add_u32 s{{[0-9]+}}, s{{[0-9]+}}, use_workitem_id_x@rel32@lo+4
; GCN: s_addc_u32 s{{[0-9]+}}, s{{[0-9]+}}, use_workitem_id_x@rel32@hi+12
; GCN: v_mov_b32_e32 v0, 9
; GCN: s_swappc_b64
; GCN: v_add_f32_e32
define amdgpu_kernel void @test_bitcast_use_workitem_id_x() #0 {
%val = call float bitcast (i32(i32)* @use_workitem_id_x to float(i32)*)(i32 9)
%op = fadd float %val, 1.0
store volatile float %op, float addrspace(1)* undef
ret void
; GCN-LABEL: {{^}}test_invoke:
; GCN: s_getpc_b64
; GCN: s_add_u32 s{{[0-9]+}}, s{{[0-9]+}}, ident_i32@rel32@lo+4
; GCN: s_addc_u32 s{{[0-9]+}}, s{{[0-9]+}}, ident_i32@rel32@hi+12
; GCN: s_swappc_b64
@_ZTIi = external global i8*
declare i32 @__gxx_personality_v0(...)
define amdgpu_kernel void @test_invoke() #0 personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*) {
%val = invoke float bitcast (i32(i32)* @ident_i32 to float(float)*)(float 2.0)
to label %continue unwind label %broken
landingpad { i8*, i32 } catch i8** @_ZTIi
ret void
%op = fadd float %val, 1.0
store volatile float %op, float addrspace(1)* undef
ret void
; Callees appears last in source file to test that we still lower their
; arguments before we lower any calls to them.
define hidden i32 @ret_i32_noinline() #0 {
ret i32 4
define hidden i32 @ret_i32_alwaysinline() #1 {
ret i32 4
define hidden i32 @ident_i32(i32 %i) #0 {
ret i32 %i
declare i32 #2
attributes #0 = { nounwind noinline }
attributes #1 = { alwaysinline nounwind }
attributes #2 = { nounwind readnone speculatable }