blob: 29c3a142cc68f8f02c04388fff4512b4ee0ed839 [file] [log] [blame]
; REQUIRES: x86_64-linux
; RUN: opt < %S/pseudo-probe-stale-profile-matching-lto.ll -passes='thinlto<O2>' -pgo-kind=pgo-sample-use-pipeline -sample-profile-file=%S/Inputs/ -report-profile-staleness -persist-profile-staleness -S 2>%t -o %t.ll
; RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t
; RUN: FileCheck %s --input-file %t.ll -check-prefix=CHECK-MD
; CHECK: (1/1) of functions' profile are invalid and (6822/6822) of samples are discarded due to function hash mismatch.
; CHECK: (4/4) of callsites' profile are invalid and (5026/5026) of samples are discarded due to callsite location mismatch.
; CHECK-MD: ![[#]] = !{!"NumMismatchedFuncHash", i64 1, !"TotalProfiledFunc", i64 1, !"MismatchedFuncHashSamples", i64 6822, !"TotalFuncHashSamples", i64 6822, !"NumMismatchedCallsites", i64 4, !"TotalProfiledCallsites", i64 4, !"MismatchedCallsiteSamples", i64 5026, !"TotalCallsiteSamples", i64 5026}