blob: d177ac7a5010114f3811a2573e4e3e451dbe31c5 [file] [log] [blame]
; Verify that incompatible declarations of known library functions are
; not annotated with argument attributes. This negative test complements
; annotate.ll.
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
; RUN: opt < %s -passes=inferattrs -S | FileCheck %s --match-full-lines
; Exercise <math.h> function declarations.
; Expect double fabs(double).
declare float @fabs(float)
; CHECK: declare float @fabs(float)
; Exercise <stdio.h> function declarations.
; Expect int fgetc(FILE*).
declare i32 @fgetc(ptr, i32)
; CHECK: declare i32 @fgetc(ptr, i32)
; Expect char* fgets(char*, int, FILE*).
declare i32 @fgets(ptr, i32, ptr)
; CHECK: declare i32 @fgets(ptr, i32, ptr)
; Expect int sprintf(char*, const char*, ...).
declare i32 @sprintf(ptr, i64, ptr, ...)
; CHECK: declare i32 @sprintf(ptr, i64, ptr, ...)
; Expect int snprintf(char*, size_t, const char*, ...).
declare i32 @snprintf(ptr, i64, ptr)
; CHECK: declare i32 @snprintf(ptr, i64, ptr)
; Expect int sscanf(const char*, const char*, ...).
declare i32 @sscanf(ptr, ...)
; CHECK: declare i32 @sscanf(ptr, ...)
; Exercise <stdlib.h> function declarations.
; Expect int atoi(const char*).
declare i8 @atoi(ptr)
; CHECK: declare i8 @atoi(ptr)
; Expect long long atoll(const char*).
declare i1 @atoll(ptr)
; CHECK: declare i1 @atoll(ptr)
; Expect double atof(const char*).
declare float @atof(ptr)
; CHECK: declare float @atof(ptr)
; Expect double strtod(const char*, char**).
declare double @strtod(ptr, ptr, i32)
; CHECK: declare double @strtod(ptr, ptr, i32)
; Expect float strtof(const char*, char**).
declare double @strtof(ptr, ptr)
; CHECK: declare double @strtof(ptr, ptr)
; Exercise <string.h> function declarations.
; Expect void* memccpy(void*, const void*, int, size_t).
declare ptr @memccpy(ptr, ptr, i64, i64)
; CHECK: declare ptr @memccpy(ptr, ptr, i64, i64)
; Expect int strcasecmp(const char*, const char*).
declare i1 @strcasecmp(ptr, ptr)
; CHECK: declare i1 @strcasecmp(ptr, ptr)
; Expect int strcoll(const char*, const char*).
declare ptr @strcoll(ptr, ptr)
; CHECK: declare ptr @strcoll(ptr, ptr)
; Expect int strncasecmp(const char*, const char*, size_t).
declare i32 @strncasecmp(ptr, ptr, i64, i64)
; CHECK: declare i32 @strncasecmp(ptr, ptr, i64, i64)
; Expect int strxfrm(const char*, const char*).
declare i16 @strxfrm(ptr, ptr)
; CHECK: declare i16 @strxfrm(ptr, ptr)
; Expect char* strtok(const char*, const char*).
declare ptr @strtok(ptr, i8)
; CHECK: declare ptr @strtok(ptr, i8)
; Expect char* strtok_r(const char*, const char*, char**).
declare ptr @strtok_r(ptr, ptr, i64)
; CHECK: declare ptr @strtok_r(ptr, ptr, i64)
; Expect char* strdup(const char*).
declare ptr @strdup(ptr, i64)
; CHECK: declare ptr @strdup(ptr, i64)
; Expect char* strndup(const char*, size_t).
declare ptr @strndup(ptr, i64, i64)
; CHECK: declare ptr @strndup(ptr, i64, i64)
; Exercise <sys/stat.h> and <sys/statvfs.h> function declarations.
; Expect int stat(const char*, struct stat*).
declare i32 @stat(ptr, ptr, i64)
; CHECK: declare i32 @stat(ptr, ptr, i64)
; Expect int statvfs(const char*, struct statvfs*).
declare i32 @statvfs(ptr, ptr, i64)
; CHECK: declare i32 @statvfs(ptr, ptr, i64)