blob: 447a9cb6b359977a3ad451194c6fdbc1422fc1b5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- DumpOutputStyle.cpp ------------------------------------ *- C++ --*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "DumpOutputStyle.h"
#include "MinimalSymbolDumper.h"
#include "MinimalTypeDumper.h"
#include "StreamUtil.h"
#include "TypeReferenceTracker.h"
#include "llvm-pdbutil.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/CVSymbolVisitor.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/CVTypeVisitor.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/DebugChecksumsSubsection.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/DebugCrossExSubsection.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/DebugCrossImpSubsection.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/DebugFrameDataSubsection.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/DebugInlineeLinesSubsection.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/DebugLinesSubsection.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/DebugStringTableSubsection.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/DebugSymbolsSubsection.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/Formatters.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/LazyRandomTypeCollection.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/Line.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/SymbolDeserializer.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/SymbolVisitorCallbackPipeline.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/SymbolVisitorCallbacks.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeHashing.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeIndexDiscovery.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/MSF/MappedBlockStream.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/DbiModuleDescriptor.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/DbiStream.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/FormatUtil.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/GlobalsStream.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/ISectionContribVisitor.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/InfoStream.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/InputFile.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/ModuleDebugStream.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/NativeSession.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/PDBFile.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/PublicsStream.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/RawError.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/SymbolStream.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/TpiHashing.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/TpiStream.h"
#include "llvm/Object/COFF.h"
#include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamReader.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatAdapters.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include <cctype>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::codeview;
using namespace llvm::msf;
using namespace llvm::pdb;
DumpOutputStyle::DumpOutputStyle(InputFile &File)
: File(File), P(2, false, outs(), opts::Filters) {
if (opts::dump::DumpTypeRefStats)
RefTracker.reset(new TypeReferenceTracker(File));
DumpOutputStyle::~DumpOutputStyle() {}
PDBFile &DumpOutputStyle::getPdb() { return File.pdb(); }
object::COFFObjectFile &DumpOutputStyle::getObj() { return File.obj(); }
void DumpOutputStyle::printStreamNotValidForObj() {
AutoIndent Indent(P, 4);
P.formatLine("Dumping this stream is not valid for object files");
void DumpOutputStyle::printStreamNotPresent(StringRef StreamName) {
AutoIndent Indent(P, 4);
P.formatLine("{0} stream not present", StreamName);
Error DumpOutputStyle::dump() {
// Walk symbols & globals if we are supposed to mark types referenced.
if (opts::dump::DumpTypeRefStats)
if (opts::dump::DumpSummary) {
if (auto EC = dumpFileSummary())
return EC;
if (opts::dump::DumpStreams) {
if (auto EC = dumpStreamSummary())
return EC;
if (opts::dump::DumpSymbolStats) {
ExitOnError Err("Unexpected error processing module stats: ");
if (opts::dump::DumpUdtStats) {
if (auto EC = dumpUdtStats())
return EC;
if (opts::dump::DumpTypeStats || opts::dump::DumpIDStats) {
if (auto EC = dumpTypeStats())
return EC;
if (opts::dump::DumpNamedStreams) {
if (auto EC = dumpNamedStreams())
return EC;
if (opts::dump::DumpStringTable || opts::dump::DumpStringTableDetails) {
if (auto EC = dumpStringTable())
return EC;
if (opts::dump::DumpModules) {
ExitOnError Err("Unexpected error processing modules: ");
if (opts::dump::DumpModuleFiles) {
ExitOnError Err("Unexpected error processing files: ");
if (opts::dump::DumpLines) {
ExitOnError Err("Unexpected error processing lines: ");
if (opts::dump::DumpInlineeLines) {
ExitOnError Err("Unexpected error processing inlinee lines: ");
if (opts::dump::DumpXmi) {
ExitOnError Err("Unexpected error processing cross module imports: ");
if (opts::dump::DumpXme) {
ExitOnError Err("Unexpected error processing cross module exports: ");
if (opts::dump::DumpFpo) {
if (auto EC = dumpFpo())
return EC;
if (File.isObj()) {
if (opts::dump::DumpTypes || !opts::dump::DumpTypeIndex.empty() ||
if (auto EC = dumpTypesFromObjectFile())
return EC;
} else {
if (opts::dump::DumpTypes || !opts::dump::DumpTypeIndex.empty() ||
opts::dump::DumpTypeExtras) {
if (auto EC = dumpTpiStream(StreamTPI))
return EC;
if (opts::dump::DumpIds || !opts::dump::DumpIdIndex.empty() ||
opts::dump::DumpIdExtras) {
if (auto EC = dumpTpiStream(StreamIPI))
return EC;
if (opts::dump::DumpGSIRecords) {
if (auto EC = dumpGSIRecords())
return EC;
if (opts::dump::DumpGlobals) {
if (auto EC = dumpGlobals())
return EC;
if (opts::dump::DumpPublics) {
if (auto EC = dumpPublics())
return EC;
if (opts::dump::DumpSymbols) {
ExitOnError Err("Unexpected error processing symbols: ");
Err(File.isPdb() ? dumpModuleSymsForPdb() : dumpModuleSymsForObj());
if (opts::dump::DumpTypeRefStats) {
if (auto EC = dumpTypeRefStats())
return EC;
if (opts::dump::DumpSectionHeaders) {
if (auto EC = dumpSectionHeaders())
return EC;
if (opts::dump::DumpSectionContribs) {
if (auto EC = dumpSectionContribs())
return EC;
if (opts::dump::DumpSectionMap) {
if (auto EC = dumpSectionMap())
return EC;
return Error::success();
static void printHeader(LinePrinter &P, const Twine &S) {
P.formatLine("{0,=60}", S);
P.formatLine("{0}", fmt_repeat('=', 60));
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpFileSummary() {
printHeader(P, "Summary");
if (File.isObj()) {
return Error::success();
AutoIndent Indent(P);
ExitOnError Err("Invalid PDB Format: ");
P.formatLine("Block Size: {0}", getPdb().getBlockSize());
P.formatLine("Number of blocks: {0}", getPdb().getBlockCount());
P.formatLine("Number of streams: {0}", getPdb().getNumStreams());
auto &PS = Err(getPdb().getPDBInfoStream());
P.formatLine("Signature: {0}", PS.getSignature());
P.formatLine("Age: {0}", PS.getAge());
P.formatLine("GUID: {0}", fmt_guid(PS.getGuid().Guid));
P.formatLine("Features: {0:x+}", static_cast<uint32_t>(PS.getFeatures()));
P.formatLine("Has Debug Info: {0}", getPdb().hasPDBDbiStream());
P.formatLine("Has Types: {0}", getPdb().hasPDBTpiStream());
P.formatLine("Has IDs: {0}", getPdb().hasPDBIpiStream());
P.formatLine("Has Globals: {0}", getPdb().hasPDBGlobalsStream());
P.formatLine("Has Publics: {0}", getPdb().hasPDBPublicsStream());
if (getPdb().hasPDBDbiStream()) {
DbiStream &DBI = Err(getPdb().getPDBDbiStream());
P.formatLine("Is incrementally linked: {0}", DBI.isIncrementallyLinked());
P.formatLine("Has conflicting types: {0}", DBI.hasCTypes());
P.formatLine("Is stripped: {0}", DBI.isStripped());
return Error::success();
static StatCollection getSymbolStats(const SymbolGroup &SG,
StatCollection &CumulativeStats) {
StatCollection Stats;
if (SG.getFile().isPdb() && SG.hasDebugStream()) {
// For PDB files, all symbols are packed into one stream.
for (const auto &S : SG.getPdbModuleStream().symbols(nullptr)) {
Stats.update(S.kind(), S.length());
CumulativeStats.update(S.kind(), S.length());
return Stats;
for (const auto &SS : SG.getDebugSubsections()) {
// For object files, all symbols are spread across multiple Symbol
// subsections of a given .debug$S section.
if (SS.kind() != DebugSubsectionKind::Symbols)
DebugSymbolsSubsectionRef Symbols;
BinaryStreamReader Reader(SS.getRecordData());
for (const auto &S : Symbols) {
Stats.update(S.kind(), S.length());
CumulativeStats.update(S.kind(), S.length());
return Stats;
static StatCollection getChunkStats(const SymbolGroup &SG,
StatCollection &CumulativeStats) {
StatCollection Stats;
for (const auto &Chunk : SG.getDebugSubsections()) {
Stats.update(uint32_t(Chunk.kind()), Chunk.getRecordLength());
CumulativeStats.update(uint32_t(Chunk.kind()), Chunk.getRecordLength());
return Stats;
static inline std::string formatModuleDetailKind(DebugSubsectionKind K) {
return formatChunkKind(K, false);
static inline std::string formatModuleDetailKind(SymbolKind K) {
return formatSymbolKind(K);
// Get the stats sorted by size, descending.
StatCollection::getStatsSortedBySize() const {
std::vector<KindAndStat> SortedStats(Individual.begin(), Individual.end());
[](const KindAndStat &LHS, const KindAndStat &RHS) {
return LHS.second.Size > RHS.second.Size;
return SortedStats;
template <typename Kind>
static void printModuleDetailStats(LinePrinter &P, StringRef Label,
const StatCollection &Stats) {
P.formatLine(" {0}", Label);
AutoIndent Indent(P);
P.formatLine("{0,40}: {1,7} entries ({2,12:N} bytes)", "Total",
Stats.Totals.Count, Stats.Totals.Size);
P.formatLine("{0}", fmt_repeat('-', 74));
for (const auto &K : Stats.getStatsSortedBySize()) {
std::string KindName = formatModuleDetailKind(Kind(K.first));
P.formatLine("{0,40}: {1,7} entries ({2,12:N} bytes)", KindName,
K.second.Count, K.second.Size);
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpStreamSummary() {
printHeader(P, "Streams");
if (File.isObj()) {
return Error::success();
AutoIndent Indent(P);
if (StreamPurposes.empty())
discoverStreamPurposes(getPdb(), StreamPurposes);
uint32_t StreamCount = getPdb().getNumStreams();
uint32_t MaxStreamSize = getPdb().getMaxStreamSize();
for (uint32_t StreamIdx = 0; StreamIdx < StreamCount; ++StreamIdx) {
"Stream {0} ({1} bytes): [{2}]",
fmt_align(StreamIdx, AlignStyle::Right, NumDigits(StreamCount)),
fmt_align(getPdb().getStreamByteSize(StreamIdx), AlignStyle::Right,
if (opts::dump::DumpStreamBlocks) {
auto Blocks = getPdb().getStreamBlockList(StreamIdx);
std::vector<uint32_t> BV(Blocks.begin(), Blocks.end());
P.formatLine(" {0} Blocks: [{1}]",
fmt_repeat(' ', NumDigits(StreamCount)),
make_range(BV.begin(), BV.end()));
return Error::success();
static Expected<std::pair<std::unique_ptr<MappedBlockStream>,
loadSectionHeaders(PDBFile &File, DbgHeaderType Type) {
if (!File.hasPDBDbiStream())
return make_error<StringError>(
"Section headers require a DBI Stream, which could not be loaded",
DbiStream &Dbi = cantFail(File.getPDBDbiStream());
uint32_t SI = Dbi.getDebugStreamIndex(Type);
if (SI == kInvalidStreamIndex)
return make_error<StringError>(
"PDB does not contain the requested image section header type",
auto Stream = File.createIndexedStream(SI);
if (!Stream)
return make_error<StringError>("Could not load the required stream data",
ArrayRef<object::coff_section> Headers;
if (Stream->getLength() % sizeof(object::coff_section) != 0)
return make_error<StringError>(
"Section header array size is not a multiple of section header size",
uint32_t NumHeaders = Stream->getLength() / sizeof(object::coff_section);
BinaryStreamReader Reader(*Stream);
cantFail(Reader.readArray(Headers, NumHeaders));
return std::make_pair(std::move(Stream), Headers);
static Expected<std::vector<std::string>> getSectionNames(PDBFile &File) {
auto ExpectedHeaders = loadSectionHeaders(File, DbgHeaderType::SectionHdr);
if (!ExpectedHeaders)
return ExpectedHeaders.takeError();
std::unique_ptr<MappedBlockStream> Stream;
ArrayRef<object::coff_section> Headers;
std::tie(Stream, Headers) = std::move(*ExpectedHeaders);
std::vector<std::string> Names;
for (const auto &H : Headers)
return Names;
static void dumpSectionContrib(LinePrinter &P, const SectionContrib &SC,
ArrayRef<std::string> SectionNames,
uint32_t FieldWidth) {
std::string NameInsert;
if (SC.ISect > 0 && SC.ISect <= SectionNames.size()) {
StringRef SectionName = SectionNames[SC.ISect - 1];
NameInsert = formatv("[{0}]", SectionName).str();
} else
NameInsert = "[???]";
P.formatLine("SC{5} | mod = {2}, {0}, size = {1}, data crc = {3}, reloc "
"crc = {4}",
formatSegmentOffset(SC.ISect, SC.Off), fmtle(SC.Size),
fmtle(SC.Imod), fmtle(SC.DataCrc), fmtle(SC.RelocCrc),
fmt_align(NameInsert, AlignStyle::Left, FieldWidth + 2));
AutoIndent Indent(P, FieldWidth + 2);
P.formatLine(" {0}",
formatSectionCharacteristics(P.getIndentLevel() + 6,
SC.Characteristics, 3, " | "));
static void dumpSectionContrib(LinePrinter &P, const SectionContrib2 &SC,
ArrayRef<std::string> SectionNames,
uint32_t FieldWidth) {
P.formatLine("SC2[{6}] | mod = {2}, {0}, size = {1}, data crc = {3}, reloc "
"crc = {4}, coff section = {5}",
formatSegmentOffset(SC.Base.ISect, SC.Base.Off),
fmtle(SC.Base.Size), fmtle(SC.Base.Imod), fmtle(SC.Base.DataCrc),
fmtle(SC.Base.RelocCrc), fmtle(SC.ISectCoff));
P.formatLine(" {0}",
formatSectionCharacteristics(P.getIndentLevel() + 6,
SC.Base.Characteristics, 3, " | "));
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpModules() {
printHeader(P, "Modules");
if (File.isObj()) {
return Error::success();
if (!getPdb().hasPDBDbiStream()) {
return Error::success();
AutoIndent Indent(P);
Expected<DbiStream &> StreamOrErr = getPdb().getPDBDbiStream();
if (!StreamOrErr)
return StreamOrErr.takeError();
DbiStream &Stream = *StreamOrErr;
const DbiModuleList &Modules = Stream.modules();
return iterateSymbolGroups(
File, PrintScope{P, 11},
[&](uint32_t Modi, const SymbolGroup &Strings) -> Error {
auto Desc = Modules.getModuleDescriptor(Modi);
if (opts::dump::DumpSectionContribs) {
auto SectionsOrErr = getSectionNames(getPdb());
if (!SectionsOrErr)
return SectionsOrErr.takeError();
ArrayRef<std::string> Sections = *SectionsOrErr;
dumpSectionContrib(P, Desc.getSectionContrib(), Sections, 0);
P.formatLine("Obj: `{0}`: ", Desc.getObjFileName());
P.formatLine("debug stream: {0}, # files: {1}, has ec info: {2}",
Desc.getModuleStreamIndex(), Desc.getNumberOfFiles(),
auto PdbPathOrErr = Stream.getECName(Desc.getPdbFilePathNameIndex());
if (!PdbPathOrErr)
return PdbPathOrErr.takeError();
StringRef PdbFilePath = *PdbPathOrErr;
auto SrcPathOrErr = Stream.getECName(Desc.getSourceFileNameIndex());
if (!SrcPathOrErr)
return SrcPathOrErr.takeError();
StringRef SrcFilePath = *SrcPathOrErr;
P.formatLine("pdb file ni: {0} `{1}`, src file ni: {2} `{3}`",
Desc.getPdbFilePathNameIndex(), PdbFilePath,
Desc.getSourceFileNameIndex(), SrcFilePath);
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpModuleFiles() {
printHeader(P, "Files");
if (File.isObj()) {
return Error::success();
if (!getPdb().hasPDBDbiStream()) {
return Error::success();
return iterateSymbolGroups(
File, PrintScope{P, 11},
[this](uint32_t Modi, const SymbolGroup &Strings) -> Error {
Expected<DbiStream &> StreamOrErr = getPdb().getPDBDbiStream();
if (!StreamOrErr)
return StreamOrErr.takeError();
DbiStream &Stream = *StreamOrErr;
const DbiModuleList &Modules = Stream.modules();
for (const auto &F : Modules.source_files(Modi)) {
Strings.formatFromFileName(P, F);
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpSymbolStats() {
printHeader(P, "Module Stats");
if (File.isPdb() && !getPdb().hasPDBDbiStream()) {
return Error::success();
StatCollection SymStats;
StatCollection ChunkStats;
PrintScope Scope(P, 2);
if (Error Err = iterateSymbolGroups(
File, Scope, [&](uint32_t Modi, const SymbolGroup &SG) -> Error {
StatCollection SS = getSymbolStats(SG, SymStats);
StatCollection CS = getChunkStats(SG, ChunkStats);
if (!SG.getFile().isPdb())
return Error::success();
AutoIndent Indent(P);
auto Modules = cantFail(File.pdb().getPDBDbiStream()).modules();
uint32_t ModCount = Modules.getModuleCount();
DbiModuleDescriptor Desc = Modules.getModuleDescriptor(Modi);
uint32_t StreamIdx = Desc.getModuleStreamIndex();
if (StreamIdx == kInvalidStreamIndex) {
"Mod {0} (debug info not present): [{1}]",
fmt_align(Modi, AlignStyle::Right, NumDigits(ModCount)),
return Error::success();
P.formatLine("Stream {0}, {1} bytes", StreamIdx,
printModuleDetailStats<SymbolKind>(P, "Symbols", SS);
printModuleDetailStats<DebugSubsectionKind>(P, "Chunks", CS);
return Error::success();
return Err;
if (SymStats.Totals.Count > 0) {
P.printLine(" Summary |");
AutoIndent Indent(P, 4);
printModuleDetailStats<SymbolKind>(P, "Symbols", SymStats);
printModuleDetailStats<DebugSubsectionKind>(P, "Chunks", ChunkStats);
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpTypeStats() {
printHeader(P, "Type Record Stats");
// Iterate the types, categorize by kind, accumulate size stats.
StatCollection TypeStats;
LazyRandomTypeCollection &Types =
opts::dump::DumpTypeStats ? File.types() : File.ids();
for (std::optional<TypeIndex> TI = Types.getFirst(); TI;
TI = Types.getNext(*TI)) {
CVType Type = Types.getType(*TI);
TypeStats.update(uint32_t(Type.kind()), Type.length());
P.formatLine(" Types");
AutoIndent Indent(P);
P.formatLine("{0,16}: {1,7} entries ({2,12:N} bytes, {3,7} avg)", "Total",
TypeStats.Totals.Count, TypeStats.Totals.Size,
(double)TypeStats.Totals.Size / TypeStats.Totals.Count);
P.formatLine("{0}", fmt_repeat('-', 74));
for (const auto &K : TypeStats.getStatsSortedBySize()) {
P.formatLine("{0,16}: {1,7} entries ({2,12:N} bytes, {3,7} avg)",
formatTypeLeafKind(TypeLeafKind(K.first)), K.second.Count,
K.second.Size, (double)K.second.Size / K.second.Count);
return Error::success();
static bool isValidNamespaceIdentifier(StringRef S) {
if (S.empty())
return false;
if (std::isdigit(S[0]))
return false;
return llvm::all_of(S, [](char C) { return std::isalnum(C); });
namespace {
constexpr uint32_t kNoneUdtKind = 0;
constexpr uint32_t kSimpleUdtKind = 1;
constexpr uint32_t kUnknownUdtKind = 2;
} // namespace
static std::string getUdtStatLabel(uint32_t Kind) {
if (Kind == kNoneUdtKind)
return "<none type>";
if (Kind == kSimpleUdtKind)
return "<simple type>";
if (Kind == kUnknownUdtKind)
return "<unknown type>";
return formatTypeLeafKind(static_cast<TypeLeafKind>(Kind));
static uint32_t getLongestTypeLeafName(const StatCollection &Stats) {
size_t L = 0;
for (const auto &Stat : Stats.Individual) {
std::string Label = getUdtStatLabel(Stat.first);
L = std::max(L, Label.size());
return static_cast<uint32_t>(L);
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpUdtStats() {
printHeader(P, "S_UDT Record Stats");
if (File.isPdb() && !getPdb().hasPDBGlobalsStream()) {
return Error::success();
StatCollection UdtStats;
StatCollection UdtTargetStats;
AutoIndent Indent(P, 4);
auto &TpiTypes = File.types();
StringMap<StatCollection::Stat> NamespacedStats;
size_t LongestNamespace = 0;
auto HandleOneSymbol = [&](const CVSymbol &Sym) {
if (Sym.kind() != SymbolKind::S_UDT)
UdtStats.update(SymbolKind::S_UDT, Sym.length());
UDTSym UDT = cantFail(SymbolDeserializer::deserializeAs<UDTSym>(Sym));
uint32_t Kind = 0;
uint32_t RecordSize = 0;
if (UDT.Type.isNoneType())
Kind = kNoneUdtKind;
else if (UDT.Type.isSimple())
Kind = kSimpleUdtKind;
else if (std::optional<CVType> T = TpiTypes.tryGetType(UDT.Type)) {
Kind = T->kind();
RecordSize = T->length();
} else
Kind = kUnknownUdtKind;
UdtTargetStats.update(Kind, RecordSize);
size_t Pos = UDT.Name.find("::");
if (Pos == StringRef::npos)
StringRef Scope = UDT.Name.take_front(Pos);
if (Scope.empty() || !isValidNamespaceIdentifier(Scope))
LongestNamespace = std::max(LongestNamespace, Scope.size());
if (File.isPdb()) {
auto &SymbolRecords = cantFail(getPdb().getPDBSymbolStream());
auto ExpGlobals = getPdb().getPDBGlobalsStream();
if (!ExpGlobals)
return ExpGlobals.takeError();
for (uint32_t PubSymOff : ExpGlobals->getGlobalsTable()) {
CVSymbol Sym = SymbolRecords.readRecord(PubSymOff);
} else {
for (const auto &Sec : File.symbol_groups()) {
for (const auto &SS : Sec.getDebugSubsections()) {
if (SS.kind() != DebugSubsectionKind::Symbols)
DebugSymbolsSubsectionRef Symbols;
BinaryStreamReader Reader(SS.getRecordData());
for (const auto &S : Symbols)
LongestNamespace += StringRef(" namespace ''").size();
size_t LongestTypeLeafKind = getLongestTypeLeafName(UdtTargetStats);
size_t FieldWidth = std::max(LongestNamespace, LongestTypeLeafKind);
// Compute the max number of digits for count and size fields, including comma
// separators.
StringRef CountHeader("Count");
StringRef SizeHeader("Size");
size_t CD = NumDigits(UdtStats.Totals.Count);
CD += (CD - 1) / 3;
CD = std::max(CD, CountHeader.size());
size_t SD = NumDigits(UdtStats.Totals.Size);
SD += (SD - 1) / 3;
SD = std::max(SD, SizeHeader.size());
uint32_t TableWidth = FieldWidth + 3 + CD + 2 + SD + 1;
P.formatLine("{0} | {1} {2}",
fmt_align("Record Kind", AlignStyle::Right, FieldWidth),
fmt_align(CountHeader, AlignStyle::Right, CD),
fmt_align(SizeHeader, AlignStyle::Right, SD));
P.formatLine("{0}", fmt_repeat('-', TableWidth));
for (const auto &Stat : UdtTargetStats.getStatsSortedBySize()) {
std::string Label = getUdtStatLabel(Stat.first);
P.formatLine("{0} | {1:N} {2:N}",
fmt_align(Label, AlignStyle::Right, FieldWidth),
fmt_align(Stat.second.Count, AlignStyle::Right, CD),
fmt_align(Stat.second.Size, AlignStyle::Right, SD));
P.formatLine("{0}", fmt_repeat('-', TableWidth));
P.formatLine("{0} | {1:N} {2:N}",
fmt_align("Total (S_UDT)", AlignStyle::Right, FieldWidth),
fmt_align(UdtStats.Totals.Count, AlignStyle::Right, CD),
fmt_align(UdtStats.Totals.Size, AlignStyle::Right, SD));
P.formatLine("{0}", fmt_repeat('-', TableWidth));
struct StrAndStat {
StringRef Key;
StatCollection::Stat Stat;
// Print namespace stats in descending order of size.
std::vector<StrAndStat> NamespacedStatsSorted;
for (const auto &Stat : NamespacedStats)
NamespacedStatsSorted.push_back({Stat.getKey(), Stat.second});
[](const StrAndStat &L, const StrAndStat &R) {
return L.Stat.Size > R.Stat.Size;
for (const auto &Stat : NamespacedStatsSorted) {
std::string Label = std::string(formatv("namespace '{0}'", Stat.Key));
P.formatLine("{0} | {1:N} {2:N}",
fmt_align(Label, AlignStyle::Right, FieldWidth),
fmt_align(Stat.Stat.Count, AlignStyle::Right, CD),
fmt_align(Stat.Stat.Size, AlignStyle::Right, SD));
return Error::success();
static void typesetLinesAndColumns(LinePrinter &P, uint32_t Start,
const LineColumnEntry &E) {
const uint32_t kMaxCharsPerLineNumber = 4; // 4 digit line number
uint32_t MinColumnWidth = kMaxCharsPerLineNumber + 5;
// Let's try to keep it under 100 characters
constexpr uint32_t kMaxRowLength = 100;
// At least 3 spaces between columns.
uint32_t ColumnsPerRow = kMaxRowLength / (MinColumnWidth + 3);
uint32_t ItemsLeft = E.LineNumbers.size();
auto LineIter = E.LineNumbers.begin();
while (ItemsLeft != 0) {
uint32_t RowColumns = std::min(ItemsLeft, ColumnsPerRow);
for (uint32_t I = 0; I < RowColumns; ++I) {
LineInfo Line(LineIter->Flags);
std::string LineStr;
if (Line.isAlwaysStepInto())
LineStr = "ASI";
else if (Line.isNeverStepInto())
LineStr = "NSI";
LineStr = utostr(Line.getStartLine());
char Statement = Line.isStatement() ? ' ' : '!';
P.format("{0} {1:X-} {2} ",
fmt_align(LineStr, AlignStyle::Right, kMaxCharsPerLineNumber),
fmt_align(Start + LineIter->Offset, AlignStyle::Right, 8, '0'),
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpLines() {
printHeader(P, "Lines");
if (File.isPdb() && !getPdb().hasPDBDbiStream()) {
return Error::success();
uint32_t LastModi = UINT32_MAX;
uint32_t LastNameIndex = UINT32_MAX;
return iterateModuleSubsections<DebugLinesSubsectionRef>(
File, PrintScope{P, 4},
[this, &LastModi,
&LastNameIndex](uint32_t Modi, const SymbolGroup &Strings,
DebugLinesSubsectionRef &Lines) -> Error {
uint16_t Segment = Lines.header()->RelocSegment;
uint32_t Begin = Lines.header()->RelocOffset;
uint32_t End = Begin + Lines.header()->CodeSize;
for (const auto &Block : Lines) {
if (LastModi != Modi || LastNameIndex != Block.NameIndex) {
LastModi = Modi;
LastNameIndex = Block.NameIndex;
Strings.formatFromChecksumsOffset(P, Block.NameIndex);
AutoIndent Indent(P, 2);
P.formatLine("{0:X-4}:{1:X-8}-{2:X-8}, ", Segment, Begin, End);
uint32_t Count = Block.LineNumbers.size();
if (Lines.hasColumnInfo())
P.format("line/column/addr entries = {0}", Count);
P.format("line/addr entries = {0}", Count);
typesetLinesAndColumns(P, Begin, Block);
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpInlineeLines() {
printHeader(P, "Inlinee Lines");
if (File.isPdb() && !getPdb().hasPDBDbiStream()) {
return Error::success();
return iterateModuleSubsections<DebugInlineeLinesSubsectionRef>(
File, PrintScope{P, 2},
[this](uint32_t Modi, const SymbolGroup &Strings,
DebugInlineeLinesSubsectionRef &Lines) -> Error {
P.formatLine("{0,+8} | {1,+5} | {2}", "Inlinee", "Line", "Source File");
for (const auto &Entry : Lines) {
P.formatLine("{0,+8} | {1,+5} | ", Entry.Header->Inlinee,
Strings.formatFromChecksumsOffset(P, Entry.Header->FileID, true);
for (const auto &ExtraFileID : Entry.ExtraFiles) {
P.formatLine(" ");
Strings.formatFromChecksumsOffset(P, ExtraFileID, true);
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpXmi() {
printHeader(P, "Cross Module Imports");
if (File.isPdb() && !getPdb().hasPDBDbiStream()) {
return Error::success();
return iterateModuleSubsections<DebugCrossModuleImportsSubsectionRef>(
File, PrintScope{P, 2},
[this](uint32_t Modi, const SymbolGroup &Strings,
DebugCrossModuleImportsSubsectionRef &Imports) -> Error {
P.formatLine("{0,=32} | {1}", "Imported Module", "Type IDs");
for (const auto &Xmi : Imports) {
auto ExpectedModule =
StringRef Module;
SmallString<32> ModuleStorage;
if (!ExpectedModule) {
Module = "(unknown module)";
} else
Module = *ExpectedModule;
if (Module.size() > 32) {
ModuleStorage = "...";
ModuleStorage += Module.take_back(32 - 3);
Module = ModuleStorage;
std::vector<std::string> TIs;
for (const auto I : Xmi.Imports)
TIs.push_back(std::string(formatv("{0,+10:X+}", fmtle(I))));
std::string Result =
typesetItemList(TIs, P.getIndentLevel() + 35, 12, " ");
P.formatLine("{0,+32} | {1}", Module, Result);
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpXme() {
printHeader(P, "Cross Module Exports");
if (File.isPdb() && !getPdb().hasPDBDbiStream()) {
return Error::success();
return iterateModuleSubsections<DebugCrossModuleExportsSubsectionRef>(
File, PrintScope{P, 2},
[this](uint32_t Modi, const SymbolGroup &Strings,
DebugCrossModuleExportsSubsectionRef &Exports) -> Error {
P.formatLine("{0,-10} | {1}", "Local ID", "Global ID");
for (const auto &Export : Exports) {
P.formatLine("{0,+10:X+} | {1}", TypeIndex(Export.Local),
return Error::success();
std::string formatFrameType(object::frame_type FT) {
switch (FT) {
case object::frame_type::Fpo:
return "FPO";
case object::frame_type::NonFpo:
return "Non-FPO";
case object::frame_type::Trap:
return "Trap";
case object::frame_type::Tss:
return "TSS";
return "<unknown>";
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpOldFpo(PDBFile &File) {
printHeader(P, "Old FPO Data");
ExitOnError Err("Error dumping old fpo data:");
DbiStream &Dbi = Err(File.getPDBDbiStream());
if (!Dbi.hasOldFpoRecords()) {
return Error::success();
const FixedStreamArray<object::FpoData>& Records = Dbi.getOldFpoRecords();
P.printLine(" RVA | Code | Locals | Params | Prolog | Saved Regs | Use "
"BP | Has SEH | Frame Type");
for (const object::FpoData &FD : Records) {
P.formatLine("{0:X-8} | {1,4} | {2,6} | {3,6} | {4,6} | {5,10} | {6,6} | "
"{7,7} | {8,9}",
uint32_t(FD.Offset), uint32_t(FD.Size), uint32_t(FD.NumLocals),
uint32_t(FD.NumParams), FD.getPrologSize(),
FD.getNumSavedRegs(), FD.useBP(), FD.hasSEH(),
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpNewFpo(PDBFile &File) {
printHeader(P, "New FPO Data");
ExitOnError Err("Error dumping new fpo data:");
DbiStream &Dbi = Err(File.getPDBDbiStream());
if (!Dbi.hasNewFpoRecords()) {
printStreamNotPresent("New FPO");
return Error::success();
const DebugFrameDataSubsectionRef& FDS = Dbi.getNewFpoRecords();
P.printLine(" RVA | Code | Locals | Params | Stack | Prolog | Saved Regs "
"| Has SEH | Has C++EH | Start | Program");
for (const FrameData &FD : FDS) {
bool IsFuncStart = FD.Flags & FrameData::IsFunctionStart;
bool HasEH = FD.Flags & FrameData::HasEH;
bool HasSEH = FD.Flags & FrameData::HasSEH;
auto &StringTable = Err(File.getStringTable());
auto Program = Err(StringTable.getStringForID(FD.FrameFunc));
P.formatLine("{0:X-8} | {1,4} | {2,6} | {3,6} | {4,5} | {5,6} | {6,10} | "
"{7,7} | {8,9} | {9,5} | {10}",
uint32_t(FD.RvaStart), uint32_t(FD.CodeSize),
uint32_t(FD.LocalSize), uint32_t(FD.ParamsSize),
uint32_t(FD.MaxStackSize), uint16_t(FD.PrologSize),
uint16_t(FD.SavedRegsSize), HasSEH, HasEH, IsFuncStart,
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpFpo() {
if (!File.isPdb()) {
return Error::success();
PDBFile &File = getPdb();
if (!File.hasPDBDbiStream()) {
return Error::success();
if (auto EC = dumpOldFpo(File))
return EC;
if (auto EC = dumpNewFpo(File))
return EC;
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpStringTableFromPdb() {
AutoIndent Indent(P);
auto IS = getPdb().getStringTable();
if (!IS) {
P.formatLine("Not present in file");
return Error::success();
if (opts::dump::DumpStringTable) {
if (IS->name_ids().empty())
else {
auto MaxID =
std::max_element(IS->name_ids().begin(), IS->name_ids().end());
uint32_t Digits = NumDigits(*MaxID);
P.formatLine("{0} | {1}", fmt_align("ID", AlignStyle::Right, Digits),
std::vector<uint32_t> SortedIDs(IS->name_ids().begin(),
for (uint32_t I : SortedIDs) {
auto ES = IS->getStringForID(I);
llvm::SmallString<32> Str;
if (!ES) {
Str = "Error reading string";
} else if (!ES->empty()) {
if (!Str.empty())
P.formatLine("{0} | {1}", fmt_align(I, AlignStyle::Right, Digits),
if (opts::dump::DumpStringTableDetails) {
P.printLine("String Table Header:");
AutoIndent Indent(P);
P.formatLine("Signature: {0}", IS->getSignature());
P.formatLine("Hash Version: {0}", IS->getHashVersion());
P.formatLine("Name Buffer Size: {0}", IS->getByteSize());
BinaryStreamRef NameBuffer = IS->getStringTable().getBuffer();
ArrayRef<uint8_t> Contents;
cantFail(NameBuffer.readBytes(0, NameBuffer.getLength(), Contents));
P.formatBinary("Name Buffer", Contents, 0);
P.printLine("Hash Table:");
AutoIndent Indent(P);
P.formatLine("Bucket Count: {0}", IS->name_ids().size());
for (const auto &Entry : enumerate(IS->name_ids()))
P.formatLine("Bucket[{0}] : {1}", Entry.index(),
P.formatLine("Name Count: {0}", IS->getNameCount());
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpStringTableFromObj() {
return iterateModuleSubsections<DebugStringTableSubsectionRef>(
File, PrintScope{P, 4},
[&](uint32_t Modi, const SymbolGroup &Strings,
DebugStringTableSubsectionRef &Strings2) -> Error {
BinaryStreamRef StringTableBuffer = Strings2.getBuffer();
BinaryStreamReader Reader(StringTableBuffer);
while (Reader.bytesRemaining() > 0) {
StringRef Str;
uint32_t Offset = Reader.getOffset();
if (Str.empty())
P.formatLine("{0} | {1}", fmt_align(Offset, AlignStyle::Right, 4),
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpNamedStreams() {
printHeader(P, "Named Streams");
if (File.isObj()) {
return Error::success();
AutoIndent Indent(P);
ExitOnError Err("Invalid PDB File: ");
auto &IS = Err(File.pdb().getPDBInfoStream());
const NamedStreamMap &NS = IS.getNamedStreams();
for (const auto &Entry : NS.entries()) {
AutoIndent Indent2(P, 2);
P.formatLine("Index: {0}", Entry.getValue());
P.formatLine("Size in bytes: {0}",
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpStringTable() {
printHeader(P, "String Table");
if (File.isPdb())
return dumpStringTableFromPdb();
return dumpStringTableFromObj();
static void buildDepSet(LazyRandomTypeCollection &Types,
ArrayRef<TypeIndex> Indices,
std::map<TypeIndex, CVType> &DepSet) {
SmallVector<TypeIndex, 4> DepList;
for (const auto &I : Indices) {
TypeIndex TI(I);
if (DepSet.find(TI) != DepSet.end() || TI.isSimple() || TI.isNoneType())
CVType Type = Types.getType(TI);
DepSet[TI] = Type;
codeview::discoverTypeIndices(Type, DepList);
buildDepSet(Types, DepList, DepSet);
static void
dumpFullTypeStream(LinePrinter &Printer, LazyRandomTypeCollection &Types,
TypeReferenceTracker *RefTracker, uint32_t NumTypeRecords,
uint32_t NumHashBuckets,
FixedStreamArray<support::ulittle32_t> HashValues,
TpiStream *Stream, bool Bytes, bool Extras) {
Printer.formatLine("Showing {0:N} records", NumTypeRecords);
uint32_t Width = NumDigits(TypeIndex::FirstNonSimpleIndex + NumTypeRecords);
MinimalTypeDumpVisitor V(Printer, Width + 2, Bytes, Extras, Types, RefTracker,
NumHashBuckets, HashValues, Stream);
if (auto EC = codeview::visitTypeStream(Types, V)) {
Printer.formatLine("An error occurred dumping type records: {0}",
static void dumpPartialTypeStream(LinePrinter &Printer,
LazyRandomTypeCollection &Types,
TypeReferenceTracker *RefTracker,
TpiStream &Stream, ArrayRef<TypeIndex> TiList,
bool Bytes, bool Extras, bool Deps) {
uint32_t Width =
NumDigits(TypeIndex::FirstNonSimpleIndex + Stream.getNumTypeRecords());
MinimalTypeDumpVisitor V(Printer, Width + 2, Bytes, Extras, Types, RefTracker,
Stream.getNumHashBuckets(), Stream.getHashValues(),
if (opts::dump::DumpTypeDependents) {
// If we need to dump all dependents, then iterate each index and find
// all dependents, adding them to a map ordered by TypeIndex.
std::map<TypeIndex, CVType> DepSet;
buildDepSet(Types, TiList, DepSet);
"Showing {0:N} records and their dependents ({1:N} records total)",
TiList.size(), DepSet.size());
for (auto &Dep : DepSet) {
if (auto EC = codeview::visitTypeRecord(Dep.second, Dep.first, V))
Printer.formatLine("An error occurred dumping type record {0}: {1}",
Dep.first, toString(std::move(EC)));
} else {
Printer.formatLine("Showing {0:N} records.", TiList.size());
for (const auto &I : TiList) {
TypeIndex TI(I);
if (TI.isSimple()) {
Printer.formatLine("{0} | {1}", fmt_align(I, AlignStyle::Right, Width),
} else if (std::optional<CVType> Type = Types.tryGetType(TI)) {
if (auto EC = codeview::visitTypeRecord(*Type, TI, V))
Printer.formatLine("An error occurred dumping type record {0}: {1}",
TI, toString(std::move(EC)));
} else {
Printer.formatLine("Type {0} doesn't exist in TPI stream", TI);
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpTypesFromObjectFile() {
LazyRandomTypeCollection Types(100);
for (const auto &S : getObj().sections()) {
Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr = S.getName();
if (!NameOrErr)
return NameOrErr.takeError();
StringRef SectionName = *NameOrErr;
// .debug$T is a standard CodeView type section, while .debug$P is the same
// format but used for MSVC precompiled header object files.
if (SectionName == ".debug$T")
printHeader(P, "Types (.debug$T)");
else if (SectionName == ".debug$P")
printHeader(P, "Precompiled Types (.debug$P)");
Expected<StringRef> ContentsOrErr = S.getContents();
if (!ContentsOrErr)
return ContentsOrErr.takeError();
uint32_t Magic;
BinaryStreamReader Reader(*ContentsOrErr, llvm::support::little);
if (auto EC = Reader.readInteger(Magic))
return EC;
return make_error<StringError>("Invalid CodeView debug section.",
Types.reset(Reader, 100);
if (opts::dump::DumpTypes) {
dumpFullTypeStream(P, Types, RefTracker.get(), 0, 0, {}, nullptr,
opts::dump::DumpTypeData, false);
} else if (opts::dump::DumpTypeExtras) {
auto LocalHashes = LocallyHashedType::hashTypeCollection(Types);
auto GlobalHashes = GloballyHashedType::hashTypeCollection(Types);
assert(LocalHashes.size() == GlobalHashes.size());
P.formatLine("Local / Global hashes:");
TypeIndex TI(TypeIndex::FirstNonSimpleIndex);
for (auto H : zip(LocalHashes, GlobalHashes)) {
AutoIndent Indent2(P);
LocallyHashedType &L = std::get<0>(H);
GloballyHashedType &G = std::get<1>(H);
P.formatLine("TI: {0}, LocalHash: {1:X}, GlobalHash: {2}", TI, L, G);
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpTpiStream(uint32_t StreamIdx) {
assert(StreamIdx == StreamTPI || StreamIdx == StreamIPI);
if (StreamIdx == StreamTPI) {
printHeader(P, "Types (TPI Stream)");
} else if (StreamIdx == StreamIPI) {
printHeader(P, "Types (IPI Stream)");
bool Present = false;
bool DumpTypes = false;
bool DumpBytes = false;
bool DumpExtras = false;
std::vector<uint32_t> Indices;
if (StreamIdx == StreamTPI) {
Present = getPdb().hasPDBTpiStream();
DumpTypes = opts::dump::DumpTypes;
DumpBytes = opts::dump::DumpTypeData;
DumpExtras = opts::dump::DumpTypeExtras;
} else if (StreamIdx == StreamIPI) {
Present = getPdb().hasPDBIpiStream();
DumpTypes = opts::dump::DumpIds;
DumpBytes = opts::dump::DumpIdData;
DumpExtras = opts::dump::DumpIdExtras;
if (!Present) {
printStreamNotPresent(StreamIdx == StreamTPI ? "TPI" : "IPI");
return Error::success();
AutoIndent Indent(P);
ExitOnError Err("Unexpected error processing types: ");
auto &Stream = Err((StreamIdx == StreamTPI) ? getPdb().getPDBTpiStream()
: getPdb().getPDBIpiStream());
auto &Types = (StreamIdx == StreamTPI) ? File.types() : File.ids();
// Only emit notes about referenced/unreferenced for types.
TypeReferenceTracker *MaybeTracker =
(StreamIdx == StreamTPI) ? RefTracker.get() : nullptr;
// Enable resolving forward decls.
if (DumpTypes || !Indices.empty()) {
if (Indices.empty())
dumpFullTypeStream(P, Types, MaybeTracker, Stream.getNumTypeRecords(),
Stream.getNumHashBuckets(), Stream.getHashValues(),
&Stream, DumpBytes, DumpExtras);
else {
std::vector<TypeIndex> TiList(Indices.begin(), Indices.end());
dumpPartialTypeStream(P, Types, MaybeTracker, Stream, TiList, DumpBytes,
DumpExtras, opts::dump::DumpTypeDependents);
if (DumpExtras) {
P.formatLine("Header Version: {0}",
P.formatLine("Hash Stream Index: {0}", Stream.getTypeHashStreamIndex());
P.formatLine("Aux Hash Stream Index: {0}",
P.formatLine("Hash Key Size: {0}", Stream.getHashKeySize());
P.formatLine("Num Hash Buckets: {0}", Stream.getNumHashBuckets());
auto IndexOffsets = Stream.getTypeIndexOffsets();
P.formatLine("Type Index Offsets:");
for (const auto &IO : IndexOffsets) {
AutoIndent Indent2(P);
P.formatLine("TI: {0}, Offset: {1}", IO.Type, fmtle(IO.Offset));
if (getPdb().hasPDBStringTable()) {
P.formatLine("Hash Adjusters:");
auto &Adjusters = Stream.getHashAdjusters();
auto &Strings = Err(getPdb().getStringTable());
for (const auto &A : Adjusters) {
AutoIndent Indent2(P);
auto ExpectedStr = Strings.getStringForID(A.first);
TypeIndex TI(A.second);
if (ExpectedStr)
P.formatLine("`{0}` -> {1}", *ExpectedStr, TI);
else {
P.formatLine("unknown str id ({0}) -> {1}", A.first, TI);
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpModuleSymsForObj() {
printHeader(P, "Symbols");
AutoIndent Indent(P);
auto &Types = File.types();
SymbolVisitorCallbackPipeline Pipeline;
SymbolDeserializer Deserializer(nullptr, CodeViewContainer::ObjectFile);
MinimalSymbolDumper Dumper(P, opts::dump::DumpSymRecordBytes, Types, Types);
CVSymbolVisitor Visitor(Pipeline);
return iterateModuleSubsections<DebugSymbolsSubsectionRef>(
File, PrintScope{P, 2},
[&](uint32_t Modi, const SymbolGroup &Strings,
DebugSymbolsSubsectionRef &Symbols) -> Error {
for (auto Symbol : Symbols) {
if (auto EC = Visitor.visitSymbolRecord(Symbol)) {
return EC;
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpModuleSymsForPdb() {
printHeader(P, "Symbols");
if (File.isPdb() && !getPdb().hasPDBDbiStream()) {
return Error::success();
AutoIndent Indent(P);
auto &Ids = File.ids();
auto &Types = File.types();
return iterateSymbolGroups(
File, PrintScope{P, 2},
[&](uint32_t I, const SymbolGroup &Strings) -> Error {
auto ExpectedModS = getModuleDebugStream(File.pdb(), I);
if (!ExpectedModS) {
P.formatLine("Error loading module stream {0}. {1}", I,
return Error::success();
ModuleDebugStreamRef &ModS = *ExpectedModS;
SymbolVisitorCallbackPipeline Pipeline;
SymbolDeserializer Deserializer(nullptr, CodeViewContainer::Pdb);
MinimalSymbolDumper Dumper(P, opts::dump::DumpSymRecordBytes, Strings,
Ids, Types);
CVSymbolVisitor Visitor(Pipeline);
auto SS = ModS.getSymbolsSubstream();
if (opts::Filters.SymbolOffset) {
CVSymbolVisitor::FilterOptions Filter;
Filter.SymbolOffset = opts::Filters.SymbolOffset;
Filter.ParentRecursiveDepth = opts::Filters.ParentRecurseDepth;
Filter.ChildRecursiveDepth = opts::Filters.ChildrenRecurseDepth;
if (auto EC = Visitor.visitSymbolStreamFiltered(ModS.getSymbolArray(),
Filter)) {
P.formatLine("Error while processing symbol records. {0}",
return EC;
} else if (auto EC = Visitor.visitSymbolStream(ModS.getSymbolArray(),
SS.Offset)) {
P.formatLine("Error while processing symbol records. {0}",
return EC;
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpTypeRefStats() {
printHeader(P, "Type Reference Statistics");
AutoIndent Indent(P);
// Sum the byte size of all type records, and the size and count of all
// referenced records.
size_t TotalRecs = File.types().size();
size_t RefRecs = 0;
size_t TotalBytes = 0;
size_t RefBytes = 0;
auto &Types = File.types();
for (std::optional<TypeIndex> TI = Types.getFirst(); TI;
TI = Types.getNext(*TI)) {
CVType Type = File.types().getType(*TI);
TotalBytes += Type.length();
if (RefTracker->isTypeReferenced(*TI)) {
RefBytes += Type.length();
P.formatLine("Records referenced: {0:N} / {1:N} {2:P}", RefRecs, TotalRecs,
(double)RefRecs / TotalRecs);
P.formatLine("Bytes referenced: {0:N} / {1:N} {2:P}", RefBytes, TotalBytes,
(double)RefBytes / TotalBytes);
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpGSIRecords() {
printHeader(P, "GSI Records");
if (File.isObj()) {
return Error::success();
if (!getPdb().hasPDBSymbolStream()) {
printStreamNotPresent("GSI Common Symbol");
return Error::success();
AutoIndent Indent(P);
auto &Records = cantFail(getPdb().getPDBSymbolStream());
auto &Types = File.types();
auto &Ids = File.ids();
SymbolVisitorCallbackPipeline Pipeline;
SymbolDeserializer Deserializer(nullptr, CodeViewContainer::Pdb);
MinimalSymbolDumper Dumper(P, opts::dump::DumpSymRecordBytes, Ids, Types);
CVSymbolVisitor Visitor(Pipeline);
BinaryStreamRef SymStream = Records.getSymbolArray().getUnderlyingStream();
if (auto E = Visitor.visitSymbolStream(Records.getSymbolArray(), 0))
return E;
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpGlobals() {
printHeader(P, "Global Symbols");
if (File.isObj()) {
return Error::success();
if (!getPdb().hasPDBGlobalsStream()) {
return Error::success();
AutoIndent Indent(P);
ExitOnError Err("Error dumping globals stream: ");
auto &Globals = Err(getPdb().getPDBGlobalsStream());
if (opts::dump::DumpGlobalNames.empty()) {
const GSIHashTable &Table = Globals.getGlobalsTable();
Err(dumpSymbolsFromGSI(Table, opts::dump::DumpGlobalExtras));
} else {
SymbolStream &SymRecords = cantFail(getPdb().getPDBSymbolStream());
auto &Types = File.types();
auto &Ids = File.ids();
SymbolVisitorCallbackPipeline Pipeline;
SymbolDeserializer Deserializer(nullptr, CodeViewContainer::Pdb);
MinimalSymbolDumper Dumper(P, opts::dump::DumpSymRecordBytes, Ids, Types);
CVSymbolVisitor Visitor(Pipeline);
using ResultEntryType = std::pair<uint32_t, CVSymbol>;
for (StringRef Name : opts::dump::DumpGlobalNames) {
AutoIndent Indent(P);
P.formatLine("Global Name `{0}`", Name);
std::vector<ResultEntryType> Results =
Globals.findRecordsByName(Name, SymRecords);
if (Results.empty()) {
AutoIndent Indent(P);
P.printLine("(no matching records found)");
for (ResultEntryType Result : Results) {
if (auto E = Visitor.visitSymbolRecord(Result.second, Result.first))
return E;
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpPublics() {
printHeader(P, "Public Symbols");
if (File.isObj()) {
return Error::success();
if (!getPdb().hasPDBPublicsStream()) {
return Error::success();
AutoIndent Indent(P);
ExitOnError Err("Error dumping publics stream: ");
auto &Publics = Err(getPdb().getPDBPublicsStream());
const GSIHashTable &PublicsTable = Publics.getPublicsTable();
if (opts::dump::DumpPublicExtras) {
P.printLine("Publics Header");
AutoIndent Indent(P);
P.formatLine("sym hash = {0}, thunk table addr = {1}", Publics.getSymHash(),
Err(dumpSymbolsFromGSI(PublicsTable, opts::dump::DumpPublicExtras));
// Skip the rest if we aren't dumping extras.
if (!opts::dump::DumpPublicExtras)
return Error::success();
P.formatLine("Address Map");
// These are offsets into the publics stream sorted by secidx:secrel.
AutoIndent Indent2(P);
for (uint32_t Addr : Publics.getAddressMap())
P.formatLine("off = {0}", Addr);
// The thunk map is optional debug info used for ILT thunks.
if (!Publics.getThunkMap().empty()) {
P.formatLine("Thunk Map");
AutoIndent Indent2(P);
for (uint32_t Addr : Publics.getThunkMap())
P.formatLine("{0:x8}", Addr);
// The section offsets table appears to be empty when incremental linking
// isn't in use.
if (!Publics.getSectionOffsets().empty()) {
P.formatLine("Section Offsets");
AutoIndent Indent2(P);
for (const SectionOffset &SO : Publics.getSectionOffsets())
P.formatLine("{0:x4}:{1:x8}", uint16_t(SO.Isect), uint32_t(SO.Off));
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpSymbolsFromGSI(const GSIHashTable &Table,
bool HashExtras) {
auto ExpectedSyms = getPdb().getPDBSymbolStream();
if (!ExpectedSyms)
return ExpectedSyms.takeError();
auto &Types = File.types();
auto &Ids = File.ids();
if (HashExtras) {
P.printLine("GSI Header");
AutoIndent Indent(P);
P.formatLine("sig = {0:X}, hdr = {1:X}, hr size = {2}, num buckets = {3}",
Table.getVerSignature(), Table.getVerHeader(),
Table.getHashRecordSize(), Table.getNumBuckets());
SymbolVisitorCallbackPipeline Pipeline;
SymbolDeserializer Deserializer(nullptr, CodeViewContainer::Pdb);
MinimalSymbolDumper Dumper(P, opts::dump::DumpSymRecordBytes, Ids, Types);
CVSymbolVisitor Visitor(Pipeline);
BinaryStreamRef SymStream =
for (uint32_t PubSymOff : Table) {
Expected<CVSymbol> Sym = readSymbolFromStream(SymStream, PubSymOff);
if (!Sym)
return Sym.takeError();
if (auto E = Visitor.visitSymbolRecord(*Sym, PubSymOff))
return E;
// Return early if we aren't dumping public hash table and address map info.
if (HashExtras) {
P.formatLine("Hash Entries");
AutoIndent Indent2(P);
for (const PSHashRecord &HR : Table.HashRecords)
P.formatLine("off = {0}, refcnt = {1}", uint32_t(HR.Off),
P.formatLine("Hash Buckets");
AutoIndent Indent2(P);
for (uint32_t Hash : Table.HashBuckets)
P.formatLine("{0:x8}", Hash);
return Error::success();
static std::string formatSegMapDescriptorFlag(uint32_t IndentLevel,
OMFSegDescFlags Flags) {
std::vector<std::string> Opts;
if (Flags == OMFSegDescFlags::None)
return "none";
PUSH_FLAG(OMFSegDescFlags, Read, Flags, "read");
PUSH_FLAG(OMFSegDescFlags, Write, Flags, "write");
PUSH_FLAG(OMFSegDescFlags, Execute, Flags, "execute");
PUSH_FLAG(OMFSegDescFlags, AddressIs32Bit, Flags, "32 bit addr");
PUSH_FLAG(OMFSegDescFlags, IsSelector, Flags, "selector");
PUSH_FLAG(OMFSegDescFlags, IsAbsoluteAddress, Flags, "absolute addr");
PUSH_FLAG(OMFSegDescFlags, IsGroup, Flags, "group");
return typesetItemList(Opts, IndentLevel, 4, " | ");
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpSectionHeaders() {
dumpSectionHeaders("Section Headers", DbgHeaderType::SectionHdr);
dumpSectionHeaders("Original Section Headers", DbgHeaderType::SectionHdrOrig);
return Error::success();
void DumpOutputStyle::dumpSectionHeaders(StringRef Label, DbgHeaderType Type) {
printHeader(P, Label);
if (File.isObj()) {
if (!getPdb().hasPDBDbiStream()) {
AutoIndent Indent(P);
ExitOnError Err("Error dumping section headers: ");
std::unique_ptr<MappedBlockStream> Stream;
ArrayRef<object::coff_section> Headers;
auto ExpectedHeaders = loadSectionHeaders(getPdb(), Type);
if (!ExpectedHeaders) {
std::tie(Stream, Headers) = std::move(*ExpectedHeaders);
uint32_t I = 1;
for (const auto &Header : Headers) {
P.formatLine("SECTION HEADER #{0}", I);
P.formatLine("{0,8} name", Header.Name);
P.formatLine("{0,8:X-} virtual size", uint32_t(Header.VirtualSize));
P.formatLine("{0,8:X-} virtual address", uint32_t(Header.VirtualAddress));
P.formatLine("{0,8:X-} size of raw data", uint32_t(Header.SizeOfRawData));
P.formatLine("{0,8:X-} file pointer to raw data",
P.formatLine("{0,8:X-} file pointer to relocation table",
P.formatLine("{0,8:X-} file pointer to line numbers",
P.formatLine("{0,8:X-} number of relocations",
P.formatLine("{0,8:X-} number of line numbers",
P.formatLine("{0,8:X-} flags", uint32_t(Header.Characteristics));
AutoIndent IndentMore(P, 9);
P.formatLine("{0}", formatSectionCharacteristics(
P.getIndentLevel(), Header.Characteristics, 1, ""));
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpSectionContribs() {
printHeader(P, "Section Contributions");
if (File.isObj()) {
return Error::success();
if (!getPdb().hasPDBDbiStream()) {
return Error::success();
AutoIndent Indent(P);
ExitOnError Err("Error dumping section contributions: ");
DbiStream &Dbi = Err(getPdb().getPDBDbiStream());
class Visitor : public ISectionContribVisitor {
Visitor(LinePrinter &P, ArrayRef<std::string> Names) : P(P), Names(Names) {
auto Max = std::max_element(
Names.begin(), Names.end(),
[](StringRef S1, StringRef S2) { return S1.size() < S2.size(); });
MaxNameLen = (Max == Names.end() ? 0 : Max->size());
void visit(const SectionContrib &SC) override {
dumpSectionContrib(P, SC, Names, MaxNameLen);
void visit(const SectionContrib2 &SC) override {
dumpSectionContrib(P, SC, Names, MaxNameLen);
LinePrinter &P;
uint32_t MaxNameLen;
ArrayRef<std::string> Names;
auto NamesOrErr = getSectionNames(getPdb());
if (!NamesOrErr)
return NamesOrErr.takeError();
ArrayRef<std::string> Names = *NamesOrErr;
Visitor V(P, Names);
return Error::success();
Error DumpOutputStyle::dumpSectionMap() {
printHeader(P, "Section Map");
if (File.isObj()) {
return Error::success();
if (!getPdb().hasPDBDbiStream()) {
return Error::success();
AutoIndent Indent(P);
ExitOnError Err("Error dumping section map: ");
DbiStream &Dbi = Err(getPdb().getPDBDbiStream());
uint32_t I = 0;
for (auto &M : Dbi.getSectionMap()) {
"Section {0:4} | ovl = {1}, group = {2}, frame = {3}, name = {4}", I,
fmtle(M.Ovl), fmtle(M.Group), fmtle(M.Frame), fmtle(M.SecName));
P.formatLine(" class = {0}, offset = {1}, size = {2}",
fmtle(M.ClassName), fmtle(M.Offset), fmtle(M.SecByteLength));
P.formatLine(" flags = {0}",
P.getIndentLevel() + 13,
return Error::success();