blob: 62c2955235abba86f5afda1f812910f585082245 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: opt -S -passes=instcombine %s -o - | FileCheck %s
%Complex = type { double, double }
; Check that instcombine preserves TBAA when narrowing loads
define double @teststructextract(ptr %val) {
; CHECK: load double, {{.*}}, !tbaa
; CHECK-NOT: load %Complex
%loaded = load %Complex, ptr %val, !tbaa !1
%real = extractvalue %Complex %loaded, 0
ret double %real
define double @testarrayextract(ptr %val) {
; CHECK: load double, {{.*}}, !tbaa
; CHECK-NOT: load [2 x double]
%loaded = load [2 x double], ptr %val, !tbaa !1
%real = extractvalue [2 x double] %loaded, 0
ret double %real
; Check that inscombine preserves TBAA when breaking up stores
define void @teststructinsert(ptr %loc, double %a, double %b) {
; CHECK: store double %a, {{.*}}, !tbaa
; CHECK: store double %b, {{.*}}, !tbaa
; CHECK-NOT: store %Complex
%inserted = insertvalue %Complex undef, double %a, 0
%inserted2 = insertvalue %Complex %inserted, double %b, 1
store %Complex %inserted2, ptr %loc, !tbaa !1
ret void
define void @testarrayinsert(ptr %loc, double %a, double %b) {
; CHECK: store double %a, {{.*}}, !tbaa
; CHECK: store double %b, {{.*}}, !tbaa
; CHECK-NOT: store [2 x double]
%inserted = insertvalue [2 x double] undef, double %a, 0
%inserted2 = insertvalue [2 x double] %inserted, double %b, 1
store [2 x double] %inserted2, ptr %loc, !tbaa !1
ret void
!0 = !{!"tbaa_root"}
!1 = !{!2, !2, i64 0}
!2 = !{!"Complex", !0, i64 0}