blob: 9c19275642b7e81a918f82346dc6f2ba9a2f368d [file] [log] [blame]
/*===-- object.c - tool for testing libLLVM and llvm-c API ----------------===*\
|* *|
|* Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM *|
|* Exceptions. *|
|* See for license information. *|
|* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception *|
|* *|
|* *|
|* This file implements the --add-named-metadata-operand and --set-metadata *|
|* commands in llvm-c-test. *|
|* *|
#include "llvm-c-test.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
int llvm_add_named_metadata_operand(void) {
LLVMModuleRef m = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("Mod");
LLVMValueRef values[] = { LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 0, 0) };
// This used to trigger an assertion
LLVMAddNamedMetadataOperand(m, "name", LLVMMDNode(values, 1));
return 0;
int llvm_set_metadata(void) {
LLVMBuilderRef b = LLVMCreateBuilder();
LLVMValueRef values[] = { LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 0, 0) };
// This used to trigger an assertion
LLVMValueRef ret = LLVMBuildRetVoid(b);
LLVMSetMetadata(ret, LLVMGetMDKindID("kind", 4), LLVMMDNode(values, 1));
return 0;
int llvm_replace_md_operand(void) {
LLVMModuleRef m = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("Mod");
LLVMContextRef context = LLVMGetModuleContext(m);
unsigned int tmp = 0;
LLVMMetadataRef metas[] = {LLVMMDStringInContext2(context, "foo", 3)};
LLVMValueRef md =
LLVMMetadataAsValue(context, LLVMMDNodeInContext2(context, metas, 1));
LLVMReplaceMDNodeOperandWith(md, 0,
LLVMMDStringInContext2(context, "bar", 3));
assert(!strncmp(LLVMGetMDString(LLVMGetOperand(md, 0), &tmp), "bar", 0));
return 0;
int llvm_is_a_value_as_metadata(void) {
LLVMModuleRef m = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("Mod");
LLVMContextRef context = LLVMGetModuleContext(m);
LLVMValueRef values[] = {LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 0, 0)};
LLVMValueRef md = LLVMMDNode(values, 1);
assert(LLVMIsAValueAsMetadata(md) == md);
LLVMMetadataRef metas[] = {LLVMMDStringInContext2(context, "foo", 3)};
LLVMValueRef md2 =
LLVMMetadataAsValue(context, LLVMMDNodeInContext2(context, metas, 1));
assert(LLVMIsAValueAsMetadata(md2) == NULL);
return 0;