blob: 4775f03357fa65a3f4c76c4a61cdb00e3be44743 [file] [log] [blame]
; This tests that LoopStrengthReduce ignores possible optimizations that are
; not realizable because they would require rewriting EHPad-class instructions.
; If this type of optimization is attempted it will hit the
; "Insertion point must be a normal instruction" assertion.
; See also
; RUN: opt -loop-reduce -S %s
target datalayout = "e-m:w-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:6:2:64-S128"
%"class.std::allocator" = type { i8 }
%"class.absl::Storage" = type {}
define void @0() personality i8* undef {
%i14 = invoke i8* undef(i8* null, i8 0)
to label %init2 unwind label %unwind
init2: ; preds = %init1
%i19 = select i1 undef, %"class.std::allocator"* null, %"class.std::allocator"* null
br label %loop
loop: ; preds = %loop.increment, %init2
%i21 = phi i64 [ %i24, %loop.increment ], [ 0, %init2 ]
%i22 = getelementptr %"class.std::allocator", %"class.std::allocator"* %i19, i64 %i21
invoke void undef(i8* null, %"class.std::allocator"* null, %"class.std::allocator"* %i22)
to label %loop.increment unwind label %loop.unwind
loop.increment: ; preds = %loop
%i24 = add i64 %i21, 1
br label %loop
loop.unwind: ; preds = %loop
%i26 = catchswitch within none [label %loop.catch] unwind label %unwind
loop.catch: ; preds = %loop.unwind
%i28 = catchpad within %i26 []
catchret from %i28 to label %caught
caught: ; preds = %loop.catch
invoke void undef(%"class.absl::Storage"* null)
to label %unreach unwind label %unwind
unreach: ; preds = %caught
unwind: ; preds = %caught, %loop.unwind, %init1
; This phi node triggers the issue in combination with the optimizable loop
; above. It contains %i19 twice, once from %caught (which doesn't have an
; EHPad) and once from %loop.unwind, which does have one.
%i32 = phi %"class.std::allocator"* [ %i19, %loop.unwind ], [ %i19, %caught ], [ null, %init1 ]
%i33 = cleanuppad within none []
cleanupret from %i33 unwind to caller