blob: 52e28dc5cc44d4bae956dc0a7f111816fc9abd24 [file] [log] [blame]
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
; RUN: opt < %s -passes=instcombine -S | FileCheck %s
declare void @use(i32)
declare void @usevec(<2 x i32>)
define <2 x double> @fpext_fpext(<2 x half> %x, half %y, i32 %index) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @fpext_fpext(
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x half> [[X:%.*]], half [[Y:%.*]], i32 [[INDEX:%.*]]
; CHECK-NEXT: [[I:%.*]] = fpext <2 x half> [[TMP1]] to <2 x double>
; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x double> [[I]]
%v = fpext <2 x half> %x to <2 x double>
%s = fpext half %y to double
%i = insertelement <2 x double> %v, double %s, i32 %index
ret <2 x double> %i
define <2 x i32> @sext_sext(<2 x i8> %x, i8 %y, i32 %index) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @sext_sext(
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x i8> [[X:%.*]], i8 [[Y:%.*]], i32 [[INDEX:%.*]]
; CHECK-NEXT: [[I:%.*]] = sext <2 x i8> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i32>
; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x i32> [[I]]
%v = sext <2 x i8> %x to <2 x i32>
%s = sext i8 %y to i32
%i = insertelement <2 x i32> %v, i32 %s, i32 %index
ret <2 x i32> %i
define <2 x i12> @zext_zext(<2 x i8> %x, i8 %y, i32 %index) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @zext_zext(
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x i8> [[X:%.*]], i8 [[Y:%.*]], i32 [[INDEX:%.*]]
; CHECK-NEXT: [[I:%.*]] = zext <2 x i8> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i12>
; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x i12> [[I]]
%v = zext <2 x i8> %x to <2 x i12>
%s = zext i8 %y to i12
%i = insertelement <2 x i12> %v, i12 %s, i32 %index
ret <2 x i12> %i
; negative test - need same source type
define <2 x double> @fpext_fpext_types(<2 x half> %x, float %y, i32 %index) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @fpext_fpext_types(
; CHECK-NEXT: [[V:%.*]] = fpext <2 x half> [[X:%.*]] to <2 x double>
; CHECK-NEXT: [[S:%.*]] = fpext float [[Y:%.*]] to double
; CHECK-NEXT: [[I:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x double> [[V]], double [[S]], i32 [[INDEX:%.*]]
; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x double> [[I]]
%v = fpext <2 x half> %x to <2 x double>
%s = fpext float %y to double
%i = insertelement <2 x double> %v, double %s, i32 %index
ret <2 x double> %i
; negative test - need same source type
define <2 x i32> @sext_sext_types(<2 x i16> %x, i8 %y, i32 %index) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @sext_sext_types(
; CHECK-NEXT: [[V:%.*]] = sext <2 x i16> [[X:%.*]] to <2 x i32>
; CHECK-NEXT: [[S:%.*]] = sext i8 [[Y:%.*]] to i32
; CHECK-NEXT: [[I:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x i32> [[V]], i32 [[S]], i32 [[INDEX:%.*]]
; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x i32> [[I]]
%v = sext <2 x i16> %x to <2 x i32>
%s = sext i8 %y to i32
%i = insertelement <2 x i32> %v, i32 %s, i32 %index
ret <2 x i32> %i
; negative test - need same extend opcode
define <2 x i12> @sext_zext(<2 x i8> %x, i8 %y, i32 %index) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @sext_zext(
; CHECK-NEXT: [[V:%.*]] = sext <2 x i8> [[X:%.*]] to <2 x i12>
; CHECK-NEXT: [[S:%.*]] = zext i8 [[Y:%.*]] to i12
; CHECK-NEXT: [[I:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x i12> [[V]], i12 [[S]], i32 [[INDEX:%.*]]
; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x i12> [[I]]
%v = sext <2 x i8> %x to <2 x i12>
%s = zext i8 %y to i12
%i = insertelement <2 x i12> %v, i12 %s, i32 %index
ret <2 x i12> %i
; negative test - don't trade scalar extend for vector extend
define <2 x i32> @sext_sext_use1(<2 x i8> %x, i8 %y, i32 %index) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @sext_sext_use1(
; CHECK-NEXT: [[V:%.*]] = sext <2 x i8> [[X:%.*]] to <2 x i32>
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @usevec(<2 x i32> [[V]])
; CHECK-NEXT: [[S:%.*]] = sext i8 [[Y:%.*]] to i32
; CHECK-NEXT: [[I:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x i32> [[V]], i32 [[S]], i32 [[INDEX:%.*]]
; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x i32> [[I]]
%v = sext <2 x i8> %x to <2 x i32>
call void @usevec(<2 x i32> %v)
%s = sext i8 %y to i32
%i = insertelement <2 x i32> %v, i32 %s, i32 %index
ret <2 x i32> %i
define <2 x i32> @zext_zext_use2(<2 x i8> %x, i8 %y, i32 %index) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @zext_zext_use2(
; CHECK-NEXT: [[S:%.*]] = zext i8 [[Y:%.*]] to i32
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @use(i32 [[S]])
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x i8> [[X:%.*]], i8 [[Y]], i32 [[INDEX:%.*]]
; CHECK-NEXT: [[I:%.*]] = zext <2 x i8> [[TMP1]] to <2 x i32>
; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x i32> [[I]]
%v = zext <2 x i8> %x to <2 x i32>
%s = zext i8 %y to i32
call void @use(i32 %s)
%i = insertelement <2 x i32> %v, i32 %s, i32 %index
ret <2 x i32> %i
; negative test - don't create an extra extend
define <2 x i32> @zext_zext_use3(<2 x i8> %x, i8 %y, i32 %index) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @zext_zext_use3(
; CHECK-NEXT: [[V:%.*]] = zext <2 x i8> [[X:%.*]] to <2 x i32>
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @usevec(<2 x i32> [[V]])
; CHECK-NEXT: [[S:%.*]] = zext i8 [[Y:%.*]] to i32
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @use(i32 [[S]])
; CHECK-NEXT: [[I:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x i32> [[V]], i32 [[S]], i32 [[INDEX:%.*]]
; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x i32> [[I]]
%v = zext <2 x i8> %x to <2 x i32>
call void @usevec(<2 x i32> %v)
%s = zext i8 %y to i32
call void @use(i32 %s)
%i = insertelement <2 x i32> %v, i32 %s, i32 %index
ret <2 x i32> %i