blob: 320417984e8ea371182315128e4637e3c696f704 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=s390x-linux-gnu -o /dev/null -O0
; Check that tryRISBGZero() does not crash when LHS (and RHS) of an AND node
; is constant.
define void @fun() {
%const = bitcast i64 1064831134304126 to i64
%xor.i = xor i64 0, %const
%sub.i = add nsw i64 0, -1064831134304126
%xor1.i = xor i64 %sub.i, %const
%and.i = and i64 %xor1.i, %xor.i
%tobool5.not = icmp eq i64 %and.i, 0 = select i1 %tobool5.not, i64 %const, i64 6
store i64, ptr undef
ret void