blob: 05b1d2946685cf6540c75ece5092193961c066cd [file] [log] [blame]
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu -mattr=+neon | FileCheck %s
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=aarch64-none-linux-gnu -mattr=+neon -global-isel -global-isel-abort=1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=GISEL
define i1 @test_redand_v1i1(<1 x i1> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v1i1:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w0, #0x1
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v1i1:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w0, #0x1
%or_result = call i1 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v1i1(<1 x i1> %a)
ret i1 %or_result
define i1 @test_redand_v2i1(<2 x i1> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v2i1:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: uminp v0.2s, v0.2s, v0.2s
; CHECK-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w8, #0x1
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v2i1:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: // kill: def $d0 killed $d0 def $q0
; GISEL-NEXT: mov s1, v0.s[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s1
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w8, #0x1
%or_result = call i1 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v2i1(<2 x i1> %a)
ret i1 %or_result
define i1 @test_redand_v4i1(<4 x i1> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v4i1:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: uminv h0, v0.4h
; CHECK-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w8, #0x1
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v4i1:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: // kill: def $d0 killed $d0 def $q0
; GISEL-NEXT: mov h1, v0.h[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov h2, v0.h[2]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov h3, v0.h[3]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s1
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w10, s2
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s3
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w8, #0x1
%or_result = call i1 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v4i1(<4 x i1> %a)
ret i1 %or_result
define i1 @test_redand_v8i1(<8 x i1> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v8i1:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: uminv b0, v0.8b
; CHECK-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w8, #0x1
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v8i1:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: // kill: def $d0 killed $d0 def $q0
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b1, v0.b[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b2, v0.b[2]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b3, v0.b[3]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b4, v0.b[4]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b5, v0.b[5]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b6, v0.b[6]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b7, v0.b[7]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s1
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w10, s2
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s3
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w12, s4
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w13, s5
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s6
; GISEL-NEXT: and w10, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s7
; GISEL-NEXT: and w12, w12, w13
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w10
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w9, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w12, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w8, #0x1
%or_result = call i1 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v8i1(<8 x i1> %a)
ret i1 %or_result
define i1 @test_redand_v16i1(<16 x i1> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v16i1:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: uminv b0, v0.16b
; CHECK-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w8, #0x1
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v16i1:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b1, v0.b[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b2, v0.b[2]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b3, v0.b[3]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b4, v0.b[4]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b5, v0.b[5]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b6, v0.b[6]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b7, v0.b[7]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s1
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w10, s2
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s3
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b16, v0.b[8]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b17, v0.b[9]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b18, v0.b[10]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b19, v0.b[11]
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w10, s4
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s5
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w12, s6
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w13, s7
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b20, v0.b[12]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b21, v0.b[13]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b22, v0.b[14]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b23, v0.b[15]
; GISEL-NEXT: and w10, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: and w11, w12, w13
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w12, s16
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w13, s17
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w14, s18
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w15, s19
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w16, s22
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w17, s23
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w12, w12, w13
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: and w13, w14, w15
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w14, s20
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w15, s21
; GISEL-NEXT: and w10, w12, w13
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w14, w14, w15
; GISEL-NEXT: and w15, w16, w17
; GISEL-NEXT: and w11, w14, w15
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w8, #0x1
%or_result = call i1 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v16i1(<16 x i1> %a)
ret i1 %or_result
define <16 x i1> @test_redand_ins_v16i1(<16 x i1> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_ins_v16i1:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: uminv b0, v0.16b
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_ins_v16i1:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b1, v0.b[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b2, v0.b[2]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b3, v0.b[3]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b4, v0.b[4]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b5, v0.b[5]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b6, v0.b[6]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b7, v0.b[7]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s1
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w10, s2
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s3
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b16, v0.b[8]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b17, v0.b[9]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b18, v0.b[10]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b19, v0.b[11]
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w10, s4
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s5
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w12, s6
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w13, s7
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b20, v0.b[12]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b21, v0.b[13]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b22, v0.b[14]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b23, v0.b[15]
; GISEL-NEXT: and w10, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: and w11, w12, w13
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w12, s16
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w13, s17
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w14, s18
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w15, s19
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w16, s22
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w17, s23
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w12, w12, w13
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: and w13, w14, w15
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w14, s20
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w15, s21
; GISEL-NEXT: and w10, w12, w13
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w14, w14, w15
; GISEL-NEXT: and w15, w16, w17
; GISEL-NEXT: and w11, w14, w15
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov s0, w8
%and_result = call i1 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v16i1(<16 x i1> %a)
%ins = insertelement <16 x i1> poison, i1 %and_result, i64 0
ret <16 x i1> %ins
define i8 @test_redand_v1i8(<1 x i8> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v1i8:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: // kill: def $d0 killed $d0 def $q0
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w0, v0.b[0]
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v1i8:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov x0, d0
; GISEL-NEXT: // kill: def $w0 killed $w0 killed $x0
%and_result = call i8 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v1i8(<1 x i8> %a)
ret i8 %and_result
define i8 @test_redand_v3i8(<3 x i8> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v3i8:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w0, w1
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w2
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w8, #0xff
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v3i8:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w0, w1
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w8, w2
%and_result = call i8 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v3i8(<3 x i8> %a)
ret i8 %and_result
define i8 @test_redand_v4i8(<4 x i8> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v4i8:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: // kill: def $d0 killed $d0 def $q0
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w8, v0.h[1]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w9, v0.h[0]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w10, v0.h[2]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w11, v0.h[3]
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w9, w8
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w10
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w8, w11
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v4i8:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: // kill: def $d0 killed $d0 def $q0
; GISEL-NEXT: mov h1, v0.h[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov h2, v0.h[2]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov h3, v0.h[3]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s1
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w10, s2
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s3
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w8, w9
%and_result = call i8 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v4i8(<4 x i8> %a)
ret i8 %and_result
define i8 @test_redand_v8i8(<8 x i8> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v8i8:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: // kill: def $d0 killed $d0 def $q0
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w8, v0.b[1]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w9, v0.b[0]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w10, v0.b[2]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w11, v0.b[3]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w12, v0.b[4]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w13, v0.b[5]
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w9, w8
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w9, v0.b[6]
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w10
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w10, v0.b[7]
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w11
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w12
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w13
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w8, w10
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v8i8:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: // kill: def $d0 killed $d0 def $q0
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b1, v0.b[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b2, v0.b[2]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b3, v0.b[3]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b4, v0.b[4]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b5, v0.b[5]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b6, v0.b[6]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b7, v0.b[7]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s1
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w10, s2
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s3
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w12, s4
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w13, s5
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s6
; GISEL-NEXT: and w10, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s7
; GISEL-NEXT: and w12, w12, w13
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w10
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w9, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w12, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w8, w9
%and_result = call i8 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v8i8(<8 x i8> %a)
ret i8 %and_result
define i8 @test_redand_v16i8(<16 x i8> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v16i8:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: ext v1.16b, v0.16b, v0.16b, #8
; CHECK-NEXT: and v0.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w8, v0.b[1]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w9, v0.b[0]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w10, v0.b[2]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w11, v0.b[3]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w12, v0.b[4]
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w9, w8
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w9, v0.b[5]
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w10
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w10, v0.b[6]
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w11
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w11, v0.b[7]
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w12
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w10
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w8, w11
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v16i8:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: mov d1, v0.d[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: and v0.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b1, v0.b[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b2, v0.b[2]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b3, v0.b[3]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b4, v0.b[4]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b5, v0.b[5]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b6, v0.b[6]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b7, v0.b[7]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s1
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w10, s2
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s3
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w12, s4
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w13, s5
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s6
; GISEL-NEXT: and w10, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s7
; GISEL-NEXT: and w12, w12, w13
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w10
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w9, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w12, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w8, w9
%and_result = call i8 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v16i8(<16 x i8> %a)
ret i8 %and_result
define i8 @test_redand_v32i8(<32 x i8> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v32i8:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: and v0.16b, v0.16b, v1.16b
; CHECK-NEXT: ext v1.16b, v0.16b, v0.16b, #8
; CHECK-NEXT: and v0.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w8, v0.b[1]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w9, v0.b[0]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w10, v0.b[2]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w11, v0.b[3]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w12, v0.b[4]
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w9, w8
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w9, v0.b[5]
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w10
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w10, v0.b[6]
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w11
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w11, v0.b[7]
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w12
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w10
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w8, w11
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v32i8:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: and v0.16b, v0.16b, v1.16b
; GISEL-NEXT: mov d1, v0.d[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: and v0.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b1, v0.b[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b2, v0.b[2]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b3, v0.b[3]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b4, v0.b[4]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b5, v0.b[5]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b6, v0.b[6]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov b7, v0.b[7]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s1
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w10, s2
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s3
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w12, s4
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w13, s5
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s6
; GISEL-NEXT: and w10, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s7
; GISEL-NEXT: and w12, w12, w13
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w10
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w9, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w12, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w8, w9
%and_result = call i8 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v32i8(<32 x i8> %a)
ret i8 %and_result
define i16 @test_redand_v4i16(<4 x i16> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v4i16:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: // kill: def $d0 killed $d0 def $q0
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w8, v0.h[1]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w9, v0.h[0]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w10, v0.h[2]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w11, v0.h[3]
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w9, w8
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w10
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w8, w11
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v4i16:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: // kill: def $d0 killed $d0 def $q0
; GISEL-NEXT: mov h1, v0.h[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov h2, v0.h[2]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov h3, v0.h[3]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s1
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w10, s2
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s3
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w8, w9
%and_result = call i16 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v4i16(<4 x i16> %a)
ret i16 %and_result
define i16 @test_redand_v8i16(<8 x i16> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v8i16:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: ext v1.16b, v0.16b, v0.16b, #8
; CHECK-NEXT: and v0.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w8, v0.h[1]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w9, v0.h[0]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w10, v0.h[2]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w11, v0.h[3]
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w9, w8
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w10
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w8, w11
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v8i16:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: mov d1, v0.d[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: and v0.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
; GISEL-NEXT: mov h1, v0.h[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov h2, v0.h[2]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov h3, v0.h[3]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s1
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w10, s2
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s3
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w8, w9
%and_result = call i16 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v8i16(<8 x i16> %a)
ret i16 %and_result
define i16 @test_redand_v16i16(<16 x i16> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v16i16:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: and v0.16b, v0.16b, v1.16b
; CHECK-NEXT: ext v1.16b, v0.16b, v0.16b, #8
; CHECK-NEXT: and v0.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w8, v0.h[1]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w9, v0.h[0]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w10, v0.h[2]
; CHECK-NEXT: umov w11, v0.h[3]
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w9, w8
; CHECK-NEXT: and w8, w8, w10
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w8, w11
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v16i16:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: and v0.16b, v0.16b, v1.16b
; GISEL-NEXT: mov d1, v0.d[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: and v0.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
; GISEL-NEXT: mov h1, v0.h[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov h2, v0.h[2]
; GISEL-NEXT: mov h3, v0.h[3]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s1
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w10, s2
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w11, s3
; GISEL-NEXT: and w8, w8, w9
; GISEL-NEXT: and w9, w10, w11
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w8, w9
%and_result = call i16 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v16i16(<16 x i16> %a)
ret i16 %and_result
define i32 @test_redand_v2i32(<2 x i32> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v2i32:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: // kill: def $d0 killed $d0 def $q0
; CHECK-NEXT: mov w8, v0.s[1]
; CHECK-NEXT: fmov w9, s0
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w9, w8
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v2i32:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: // kill: def $d0 killed $d0 def $q0
; GISEL-NEXT: mov s1, v0.s[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s1
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w8, w9
%and_result = call i32 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v2i32(<2 x i32> %a)
ret i32 %and_result
define i32 @test_redand_v4i32(<4 x i32> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v4i32:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: ext v1.16b, v0.16b, v0.16b, #8
; CHECK-NEXT: and v0.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
; CHECK-NEXT: mov w8, v0.s[1]
; CHECK-NEXT: fmov w9, s0
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w9, w8
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v4i32:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: mov d1, v0.d[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: and v0.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
; GISEL-NEXT: mov s1, v0.s[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s1
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w8, w9
%and_result = call i32 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v4i32(<4 x i32> %a)
ret i32 %and_result
define i32 @test_redand_v8i32(<8 x i32> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v8i32:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: and v0.16b, v0.16b, v1.16b
; CHECK-NEXT: ext v1.16b, v0.16b, v0.16b, #8
; CHECK-NEXT: and v0.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
; CHECK-NEXT: mov w8, v0.s[1]
; CHECK-NEXT: fmov w9, s0
; CHECK-NEXT: and w0, w9, w8
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v8i32:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: and v0.16b, v0.16b, v1.16b
; GISEL-NEXT: mov d1, v0.d[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: and v0.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
; GISEL-NEXT: mov s1, v0.s[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w8, s0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov w9, s1
; GISEL-NEXT: and w0, w8, w9
%and_result = call i32 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v8i32(<8 x i32> %a)
ret i32 %and_result
define i64 @test_redand_v2i64(<2 x i64> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v2i64:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: ext v1.16b, v0.16b, v0.16b, #8
; CHECK-NEXT: and v0.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
; CHECK-NEXT: fmov x0, d0
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v2i64:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: mov d1, v0.d[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov x8, d0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov x9, d1
; GISEL-NEXT: and x0, x8, x9
%and_result = call i64 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v2i64(<2 x i64> %a)
ret i64 %and_result
define i64 @test_redand_v4i64(<4 x i64> %a) {
; CHECK-LABEL: test_redand_v4i64:
; CHECK: // %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: and v0.16b, v0.16b, v1.16b
; CHECK-NEXT: ext v1.16b, v0.16b, v0.16b, #8
; CHECK-NEXT: and v0.8b, v0.8b, v1.8b
; CHECK-NEXT: fmov x0, d0
; GISEL-LABEL: test_redand_v4i64:
; GISEL: // %bb.0:
; GISEL-NEXT: and v0.16b, v0.16b, v1.16b
; GISEL-NEXT: mov d1, v0.d[1]
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov x8, d0
; GISEL-NEXT: fmov x9, d1
; GISEL-NEXT: and x0, x8, x9
%and_result = call i64 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v4i64(<4 x i64> %a)
ret i64 %and_result
declare i1 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v1i1(<1 x i1>)
declare i1 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v2i1(<2 x i1>)
declare i1 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v4i1(<4 x i1>)
declare i1 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v8i1(<8 x i1>)
declare i1 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v16i1(<16 x i1>)
declare i64 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v2i64(<2 x i64>)
declare i64 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v4i64(<4 x i64>)
declare i32 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v2i32(<2 x i32>)
declare i32 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v4i32(<4 x i32>)
declare i32 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v8i32(<8 x i32>)
declare i16 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v4i16(<4 x i16>)
declare i16 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v8i16(<8 x i16>)
declare i16 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v16i16(<16 x i16>)
declare i8 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v1i8(<1 x i8>)
declare i8 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v3i8(<3 x i8>)
declare i8 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v4i8(<4 x i8>)
declare i8 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v8i8(<8 x i8>)
declare i8 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v16i8(<16 x i8>)
declare i8 @llvm.vector.reduce.and.v32i8(<32 x i8>)