blob: a0f0698c3c9bc30bbeb485fb9a87374317e4a4ee [file] [log] [blame]
//===- DXContainer.cpp - DXContainer object file implementation -----------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "llvm/Object/DXContainer.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/DXContainer.h"
#include "llvm/Object/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::object;
static Error parseFailed(const Twine &Msg) {
return make_error<GenericBinaryError>(Msg.str(), object_error::parse_failed);
template <typename T>
static Error readStruct(StringRef Buffer, const char *Src, T &Struct) {
// Don't read before the beginning or past the end of the file
if (Src < Buffer.begin() || Src + sizeof(T) > Buffer.end())
return parseFailed("Reading structure out of file bounds");
memcpy(&Struct, Src, sizeof(T));
// DXContainer is always little endian
if (sys::IsBigEndianHost)
return Error::success();
template <typename T>
static Error readInteger(StringRef Buffer, const char *Src, T &Val,
Twine Str = "structure") {
"Cannot call readInteger on non-integral type.");
// Don't read before the beginning or past the end of the file
if (Src < Buffer.begin() || Src + sizeof(T) > Buffer.end())
return parseFailed(Twine("Reading ") + Str + " out of file bounds");
// The DXContainer offset table is comprised of uint32_t values but not padded
// to a 64-bit boundary. So Parts may start unaligned if there is an odd
// number of parts and part data itself is not required to be padded.
if (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(Src) % alignof(T) != 0)
memcpy(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&Val), Src, sizeof(T));
Val = *reinterpret_cast<const T *>(Src);
// DXContainer is always little endian
if (sys::IsBigEndianHost)
return Error::success();
DXContainer::DXContainer(MemoryBufferRef O) : Data(O) {}
Error DXContainer::parseHeader() {
return readStruct(Data.getBuffer(), Data.getBuffer().data(), Header);
Error DXContainer::parseDXILHeader(StringRef Part) {
if (DXIL)
return parseFailed("More than one DXIL part is present in the file");
const char *Current = Part.begin();
dxbc::ProgramHeader Header;
if (Error Err = readStruct(Part, Current, Header))
return Err;
Current += offsetof(dxbc::ProgramHeader, Bitcode) + Header.Bitcode.Offset;
DXIL.emplace(std::make_pair(Header, Current));
return Error::success();
Error DXContainer::parseShaderFlags(StringRef Part) {
if (ShaderFlags)
return parseFailed("More than one SFI0 part is present in the file");
uint64_t FlagValue = 0;
if (Error Err = readInteger(Part, Part.begin(), FlagValue))
return Err;
ShaderFlags = FlagValue;
return Error::success();
Error DXContainer::parseHash(StringRef Part) {
if (Hash)
return parseFailed("More than one HASH part is present in the file");
dxbc::ShaderHash ReadHash;
if (Error Err = readStruct(Part, Part.begin(), ReadHash))
return Err;
Hash = ReadHash;
return Error::success();
Error DXContainer::parsePSVInfo(StringRef Part) {
if (PSVInfo)
return parseFailed("More than one PSV0 part is present in the file");
PSVInfo = DirectX::PSVRuntimeInfo(Part);
// Parsing the PSVRuntime info occurs late because we need to read data from
// other parts first.
return Error::success();
Error DXContainer::parsePartOffsets() {
uint32_t LastOffset =
sizeof(dxbc::Header) + (Header.PartCount * sizeof(uint32_t));
const char *Current = Data.getBuffer().data() + sizeof(dxbc::Header);
for (uint32_t Part = 0; Part < Header.PartCount; ++Part) {
uint32_t PartOffset;
if (Error Err = readInteger(Data.getBuffer(), Current, PartOffset))
return Err;
if (PartOffset < LastOffset)
return parseFailed(
"Part offset for part {0} begins before the previous part ends",
Current += sizeof(uint32_t);
if (PartOffset >= Data.getBufferSize())
return parseFailed("Part offset points beyond boundary of the file");
// To prevent overflow when reading the part name, we subtract the part name
// size from the buffer size, rather than adding to the offset. Since the
// file header is larger than the part header we can't reach this code
// unless the buffer is at least as large as a part header, so this
// subtraction can't underflow.
if (PartOffset >= Data.getBufferSize() - sizeof(dxbc::PartHeader::Name))
return parseFailed("File not large enough to read part name");
dxbc::PartType PT =
dxbc::parsePartType(Data.getBuffer().substr(PartOffset, 4));
uint32_t PartDataStart = PartOffset + sizeof(dxbc::PartHeader);
uint32_t PartSize;
if (Error Err = readInteger(Data.getBuffer(),
Data.getBufferStart() + PartOffset + 4,
PartSize, "part size"))
return Err;
StringRef PartData = Data.getBuffer().substr(PartDataStart, PartSize);
LastOffset = PartOffset + PartSize;
switch (PT) {
case dxbc::PartType::DXIL:
if (Error Err = parseDXILHeader(PartData))
return Err;
case dxbc::PartType::SFI0:
if (Error Err = parseShaderFlags(PartData))
return Err;
case dxbc::PartType::HASH:
if (Error Err = parseHash(PartData))
return Err;
case dxbc::PartType::PSV0:
if (Error Err = parsePSVInfo(PartData))
return Err;
case dxbc::PartType::Unknown:
// Fully parsing the PSVInfo requires knowing the shader kind which we read
// out of the program header in the DXIL part.
if (PSVInfo) {
if (!DXIL)
return parseFailed("Cannot fully parse pipeline state validation "
"information without DXIL part.");
if (Error Err = PSVInfo->parse(DXIL->first.ShaderKind))
return Err;
return Error::success();
Expected<DXContainer> DXContainer::create(MemoryBufferRef Object) {
DXContainer Container(Object);
if (Error Err = Container.parseHeader())
return std::move(Err);
if (Error Err = Container.parsePartOffsets())
return std::move(Err);
return Container;
void DXContainer::PartIterator::updateIteratorImpl(const uint32_t Offset) {
StringRef Buffer = Container.Data.getBuffer();
const char *Current = + Offset;
// Offsets are validated during parsing, so all offsets in the container are
// valid and contain enough readable data to read a header.
cantFail(readStruct(Buffer, Current, IteratorState.Part));
IteratorState.Data =
StringRef(Current + sizeof(dxbc::PartHeader), IteratorState.Part.Size);
IteratorState.Offset = Offset;
Error DirectX::PSVRuntimeInfo::parse(uint16_t ShaderKind) {
Triple::EnvironmentType ShaderStage = dxbc::getShaderStage(ShaderKind);
const char *Current = Data.begin();
if (Error Err = readInteger(Data, Current, Size))
return Err;
Current += sizeof(uint32_t);
StringRef PSVInfoData = Data.substr(sizeof(uint32_t), Size);
using namespace dxbc::PSV;
const uint32_t PSVVersion = getVersion();
// Detect the PSVVersion by looking at the size field.
if (PSVVersion == 2) {
v2::RuntimeInfo Info;
if (Error Err = readStruct(PSVInfoData, Current, Info))
return Err;
if (sys::IsBigEndianHost)
BasicInfo = Info;
} else if (PSVVersion == 1) {
v1::RuntimeInfo Info;
if (Error Err = readStruct(PSVInfoData, Current, Info))
return Err;
if (sys::IsBigEndianHost)
BasicInfo = Info;
} else {
v0::RuntimeInfo Info;
if (Error Err = readStruct(PSVInfoData, Current, Info))
return Err;
if (sys::IsBigEndianHost)
BasicInfo = Info;
Current += Size;
uint32_t ResourceCount = 0;
if (Error Err = readInteger(Data, Current, ResourceCount))
return Err;
Current += sizeof(uint32_t);
Resources.Stride = (PSVVersion < 2) ? sizeof(v0::ResourceBindInfo)
: sizeof(v2::ResourceBindInfo);
size_t BindingDataSize = Resources.Stride * ResourceCount;
Resources.Data = Data.substr(Current - Data.begin(), BindingDataSize);
Current += BindingDataSize;
return Error::success();