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//===-- llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/CombinerHelper.h --------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This contains common combine transformations that may be used in a combine
/// pass,or by the target elsewhere.
/// Targets can pick individual opcode transformations from the helper or use
/// tryCombine which invokes all transformations. All of the transformations
/// return true if the MachineInstruction changed and false otherwise.
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/LowLevelType.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/Register.h"
#include "llvm/IR/InstrTypes.h"
#include <functional>
namespace llvm {
class GISelChangeObserver;
class APFloat;
class APInt;
class ConstantFP;
class GPtrAdd;
class GStore;
class GZExtLoad;
class MachineIRBuilder;
class MachineInstrBuilder;
class MachineRegisterInfo;
class MachineInstr;
class MachineOperand;
class GISelKnownBits;
class MachineDominatorTree;
class LegalizerInfo;
struct LegalityQuery;
class RegisterBank;
class RegisterBankInfo;
class TargetLowering;
class TargetRegisterInfo;
struct PreferredTuple {
LLT Ty; // The result type of the extend.
unsigned ExtendOpcode; // G_ANYEXT/G_SEXT/G_ZEXT
MachineInstr *MI;
struct IndexedLoadStoreMatchInfo {
Register Addr;
Register Base;
Register Offset;
bool IsPre;
struct PtrAddChain {
int64_t Imm;
Register Base;
const RegisterBank *Bank;
struct RegisterImmPair {
Register Reg;
int64_t Imm;
struct ShiftOfShiftedLogic {
MachineInstr *Logic;
MachineInstr *Shift2;
Register LogicNonShiftReg;
uint64_t ValSum;
using BuildFnTy = std::function<void(MachineIRBuilder &)>;
using OperandBuildSteps =
SmallVector<std::function<void(MachineInstrBuilder &)>, 4>;
struct InstructionBuildSteps {
unsigned Opcode = 0; /// The opcode for the produced instruction.
OperandBuildSteps OperandFns; /// Operands to be added to the instruction.
InstructionBuildSteps() = default;
InstructionBuildSteps(unsigned Opcode, const OperandBuildSteps &OperandFns)
: Opcode(Opcode), OperandFns(OperandFns) {}
struct InstructionStepsMatchInfo {
/// Describes instructions to be built during a combine.
SmallVector<InstructionBuildSteps, 2> InstrsToBuild;
InstructionStepsMatchInfo() = default;
std::initializer_list<InstructionBuildSteps> InstrsToBuild)
: InstrsToBuild(InstrsToBuild) {}
class CombinerHelper {
MachineIRBuilder &Builder;
MachineRegisterInfo &MRI;
GISelChangeObserver &Observer;
GISelKnownBits *KB;
MachineDominatorTree *MDT;
bool IsPreLegalize;
const LegalizerInfo *LI;
const RegisterBankInfo *RBI;
const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI;
CombinerHelper(GISelChangeObserver &Observer, MachineIRBuilder &B,
bool IsPreLegalize,
GISelKnownBits *KB = nullptr,
MachineDominatorTree *MDT = nullptr,
const LegalizerInfo *LI = nullptr);
GISelKnownBits *getKnownBits() const {
return KB;
MachineIRBuilder &getBuilder() const {
return Builder;
const TargetLowering &getTargetLowering() const;
/// \returns true if the combiner is running pre-legalization.
bool isPreLegalize() const;
/// \returns true if \p Query is legal on the target.
bool isLegal(const LegalityQuery &Query) const;
/// \return true if the combine is running prior to legalization, or if \p
/// Query is legal on the target.
bool isLegalOrBeforeLegalizer(const LegalityQuery &Query) const;
/// \return true if the combine is running prior to legalization, or if \p Ty
/// is a legal integer constant type on the target.
bool isConstantLegalOrBeforeLegalizer(const LLT Ty) const;
/// MachineRegisterInfo::replaceRegWith() and inform the observer of the changes
void replaceRegWith(MachineRegisterInfo &MRI, Register FromReg, Register ToReg) const;
/// Replace a single register operand with a new register and inform the
/// observer of the changes.
void replaceRegOpWith(MachineRegisterInfo &MRI, MachineOperand &FromRegOp,
Register ToReg) const;
/// Replace the opcode in instruction with a new opcode and inform the
/// observer of the changes.
void replaceOpcodeWith(MachineInstr &FromMI, unsigned ToOpcode) const;
/// Get the register bank of \p Reg.
/// If Reg has not been assigned a register, a register class,
/// or a register bank, then this returns nullptr.
/// \pre Reg.isValid()
const RegisterBank *getRegBank(Register Reg) const;
/// Set the register bank of \p Reg.
/// Does nothing if the RegBank is null.
/// This is the counterpart to getRegBank.
void setRegBank(Register Reg, const RegisterBank *RegBank);
/// If \p MI is COPY, try to combine it.
/// Returns true if MI changed.
bool tryCombineCopy(MachineInstr &MI);
bool matchCombineCopy(MachineInstr &MI);
void applyCombineCopy(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Returns true if \p DefMI precedes \p UseMI or they are the same
/// instruction. Both must be in the same basic block.
bool isPredecessor(const MachineInstr &DefMI, const MachineInstr &UseMI);
/// Returns true if \p DefMI dominates \p UseMI. By definition an
/// instruction dominates itself.
/// If we haven't been provided with a MachineDominatorTree during
/// construction, this function returns a conservative result that tracks just
/// a single basic block.
bool dominates(const MachineInstr &DefMI, const MachineInstr &UseMI);
/// If \p MI is extend that consumes the result of a load, try to combine it.
/// Returns true if MI changed.
bool tryCombineExtendingLoads(MachineInstr &MI);
bool matchCombineExtendingLoads(MachineInstr &MI, PreferredTuple &MatchInfo);
void applyCombineExtendingLoads(MachineInstr &MI, PreferredTuple &MatchInfo);
/// Match (and (load x), mask) -> zextload x
bool matchCombineLoadWithAndMask(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Combine \p MI into a pre-indexed or post-indexed load/store operation if
/// legal and the surrounding code makes it useful.
bool tryCombineIndexedLoadStore(MachineInstr &MI);
bool matchCombineIndexedLoadStore(MachineInstr &MI, IndexedLoadStoreMatchInfo &MatchInfo);
void applyCombineIndexedLoadStore(MachineInstr &MI, IndexedLoadStoreMatchInfo &MatchInfo);
bool matchSextTruncSextLoad(MachineInstr &MI);
void applySextTruncSextLoad(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Match sext_inreg(load p), imm -> sextload p
bool matchSextInRegOfLoad(MachineInstr &MI, std::tuple<Register, unsigned> &MatchInfo);
void applySextInRegOfLoad(MachineInstr &MI, std::tuple<Register, unsigned> &MatchInfo);
/// Try to combine G_[SU]DIV and G_[SU]REM into a single G_[SU]DIVREM
/// when their source operands are identical.
bool matchCombineDivRem(MachineInstr &MI, MachineInstr *&OtherMI);
void applyCombineDivRem(MachineInstr &MI, MachineInstr *&OtherMI);
/// If a brcond's true block is not the fallthrough, make it so by inverting
/// the condition and swapping operands.
bool matchOptBrCondByInvertingCond(MachineInstr &MI, MachineInstr *&BrCond);
void applyOptBrCondByInvertingCond(MachineInstr &MI, MachineInstr *&BrCond);
/// If \p MI is G_CONCAT_VECTORS, try to combine it.
/// Returns true if MI changed.
/// Right now, we support:
/// - concat_vector(undef, undef) => undef
/// - concat_vector(build_vector(A, B), build_vector(C, D)) =>
/// build_vector(A, B, C, D)
/// \pre MI.getOpcode() == G_CONCAT_VECTORS.
bool tryCombineConcatVectors(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Check if the G_CONCAT_VECTORS \p MI is undef or if it
/// can be flattened into a build_vector.
/// In the first case \p IsUndef will be true.
/// In the second case \p Ops will contain the operands needed
/// to produce the flattened build_vector.
/// \pre MI.getOpcode() == G_CONCAT_VECTORS.
bool matchCombineConcatVectors(MachineInstr &MI, bool &IsUndef,
SmallVectorImpl<Register> &Ops);
/// Replace \p MI with a flattened build_vector with \p Ops or an
/// implicit_def if IsUndef is true.
void applyCombineConcatVectors(MachineInstr &MI, bool IsUndef,
const ArrayRef<Register> Ops);
/// Try to combine G_SHUFFLE_VECTOR into G_CONCAT_VECTORS.
/// Returns true if MI changed.
/// \pre MI.getOpcode() == G_SHUFFLE_VECTOR.
bool tryCombineShuffleVector(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Check if the G_SHUFFLE_VECTOR \p MI can be replaced by a
/// concat_vectors.
/// \p Ops will contain the operands needed to produce the flattened
/// concat_vectors.
/// \pre MI.getOpcode() == G_SHUFFLE_VECTOR.
bool matchCombineShuffleVector(MachineInstr &MI,
SmallVectorImpl<Register> &Ops);
/// Replace \p MI with a concat_vectors with \p Ops.
void applyCombineShuffleVector(MachineInstr &MI,
const ArrayRef<Register> Ops);
/// Optimize memcpy intrinsics et al, e.g. constant len calls.
/// /p MaxLen if non-zero specifies the max length of a mem libcall to inline.
/// For example (pre-indexed):
/// $addr = G_PTR_ADD $base, $offset
/// [...]
/// $val = G_LOAD $addr
/// [...]
/// $whatever = COPY $addr
/// -->
/// $val, $addr = G_INDEXED_LOAD $base, $offset, 1 (IsPre)
/// [...]
/// $whatever = COPY $addr
/// or (post-indexed):
/// G_STORE $val, $base
/// [...]
/// $addr = G_PTR_ADD $base, $offset
/// [...]
/// $whatever = COPY $addr
/// -->
/// $addr = G_INDEXED_STORE $val, $base, $offset
/// [...]
/// $whatever = COPY $addr
bool tryCombineMemCpyFamily(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned MaxLen = 0);
bool matchPtrAddImmedChain(MachineInstr &MI, PtrAddChain &MatchInfo);
void applyPtrAddImmedChain(MachineInstr &MI, PtrAddChain &MatchInfo);
/// Fold (shift (shift base, x), y) -> (shift base (x+y))
bool matchShiftImmedChain(MachineInstr &MI, RegisterImmPair &MatchInfo);
void applyShiftImmedChain(MachineInstr &MI, RegisterImmPair &MatchInfo);
/// If we have a shift-by-constant of a bitwise logic op that itself has a
/// shift-by-constant operand with identical opcode, we may be able to convert
/// that into 2 independent shifts followed by the logic op.
bool matchShiftOfShiftedLogic(MachineInstr &MI,
ShiftOfShiftedLogic &MatchInfo);
void applyShiftOfShiftedLogic(MachineInstr &MI,
ShiftOfShiftedLogic &MatchInfo);
bool matchCommuteShift(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Transform a multiply by a power-of-2 value to a left shift.
bool matchCombineMulToShl(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned &ShiftVal);
void applyCombineMulToShl(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned &ShiftVal);
// Transform a G_SHL with an extended source into a narrower shift if
// possible.
bool matchCombineShlOfExtend(MachineInstr &MI, RegisterImmPair &MatchData);
void applyCombineShlOfExtend(MachineInstr &MI,
const RegisterImmPair &MatchData);
/// Fold away a merge of an unmerge of the corresponding values.
bool matchCombineMergeUnmerge(MachineInstr &MI, Register &MatchInfo);
/// Reduce a shift by a constant to an unmerge and a shift on a half sized
/// type. This will not produce a shift smaller than \p TargetShiftSize.
bool matchCombineShiftToUnmerge(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned TargetShiftSize,
unsigned &ShiftVal);
void applyCombineShiftToUnmerge(MachineInstr &MI, const unsigned &ShiftVal);
bool tryCombineShiftToUnmerge(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned TargetShiftAmount);
/// Transform <ty,...> G_UNMERGE(G_MERGE ty X, Y, Z) -> ty X, Y, Z.
matchCombineUnmergeMergeToPlainValues(MachineInstr &MI,
SmallVectorImpl<Register> &Operands);
applyCombineUnmergeMergeToPlainValues(MachineInstr &MI,
SmallVectorImpl<Register> &Operands);
/// Transform G_UNMERGE Constant -> Constant1, Constant2, ...
bool matchCombineUnmergeConstant(MachineInstr &MI,
SmallVectorImpl<APInt> &Csts);
void applyCombineUnmergeConstant(MachineInstr &MI,
SmallVectorImpl<APInt> &Csts);
matchCombineUnmergeUndef(MachineInstr &MI,
std::function<void(MachineIRBuilder &)> &MatchInfo);
/// Transform X, Y<dead> = G_UNMERGE Z -> X = G_TRUNC Z.
bool matchCombineUnmergeWithDeadLanesToTrunc(MachineInstr &MI);
void applyCombineUnmergeWithDeadLanesToTrunc(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Transform X, Y = G_UNMERGE(G_ZEXT(Z)) -> X = G_ZEXT(Z); Y = G_CONSTANT 0
bool matchCombineUnmergeZExtToZExt(MachineInstr &MI);
void applyCombineUnmergeZExtToZExt(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Transform fp_instr(cst) to constant result of the fp operation.
void applyCombineConstantFoldFpUnary(MachineInstr &MI, const ConstantFP *Cst);
/// Transform IntToPtr(PtrToInt(x)) to x if cast is in the same address space.
bool matchCombineI2PToP2I(MachineInstr &MI, Register &Reg);
void applyCombineI2PToP2I(MachineInstr &MI, Register &Reg);
/// Transform PtrToInt(IntToPtr(x)) to x.
void applyCombineP2IToI2P(MachineInstr &MI, Register &Reg);
/// Transform G_ADD (G_PTRTOINT x), y -> G_PTRTOINT (G_PTR_ADD x, y)
/// Transform G_ADD y, (G_PTRTOINT x) -> G_PTRTOINT (G_PTR_ADD x, y)
bool matchCombineAddP2IToPtrAdd(MachineInstr &MI,
std::pair<Register, bool> &PtrRegAndCommute);
void applyCombineAddP2IToPtrAdd(MachineInstr &MI,
std::pair<Register, bool> &PtrRegAndCommute);
// Transform G_PTR_ADD (G_PTRTOINT C1), C2 -> C1 + C2
bool matchCombineConstPtrAddToI2P(MachineInstr &MI, APInt &NewCst);
void applyCombineConstPtrAddToI2P(MachineInstr &MI, APInt &NewCst);
/// Transform anyext(trunc(x)) to x.
bool matchCombineAnyExtTrunc(MachineInstr &MI, Register &Reg);
void applyCombineAnyExtTrunc(MachineInstr &MI, Register &Reg);
/// Transform zext(trunc(x)) to x.
bool matchCombineZextTrunc(MachineInstr &MI, Register &Reg);
/// Transform [asz]ext([asz]ext(x)) to [asz]ext x.
bool matchCombineExtOfExt(MachineInstr &MI,
std::tuple<Register, unsigned> &MatchInfo);
void applyCombineExtOfExt(MachineInstr &MI,
std::tuple<Register, unsigned> &MatchInfo);
/// Transform fabs(fabs(x)) to fabs(x).
void applyCombineFAbsOfFAbs(MachineInstr &MI, Register &Src);
/// Transform fabs(fneg(x)) to fabs(x).
bool matchCombineFAbsOfFNeg(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Transform trunc ([asz]ext x) to x or ([asz]ext x) or (trunc x).
bool matchCombineTruncOfExt(MachineInstr &MI,
std::pair<Register, unsigned> &MatchInfo);
void applyCombineTruncOfExt(MachineInstr &MI,
std::pair<Register, unsigned> &MatchInfo);
/// Transform trunc (shl x, K) to shl (trunc x), K
/// if K < VT.getScalarSizeInBits().
/// Transforms trunc ([al]shr x, K) to (trunc ([al]shr (MidVT (trunc x)), K))
/// if K <= (MidVT.getScalarSizeInBits() - VT.getScalarSizeInBits())
/// MidVT is obtained by finding a legal type between the trunc's src and dst
/// types.
bool matchCombineTruncOfShift(MachineInstr &MI,
std::pair<MachineInstr *, LLT> &MatchInfo);
void applyCombineTruncOfShift(MachineInstr &MI,
std::pair<MachineInstr *, LLT> &MatchInfo);
/// Transform G_MUL(x, -1) to G_SUB(0, x)
void applyCombineMulByNegativeOne(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Return true if any explicit use operand on \p MI is defined by a
bool matchAnyExplicitUseIsUndef(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Return true if all register explicit use operands on \p MI are defined by
bool matchAllExplicitUsesAreUndef(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Return true if a G_SHUFFLE_VECTOR instruction \p MI has an undef mask.
bool matchUndefShuffleVectorMask(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Return true if a G_STORE instruction \p MI is storing an undef value.
bool matchUndefStore(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Return true if a G_SELECT instruction \p MI has an undef comparison.
bool matchUndefSelectCmp(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Return true if a G_{EXTRACT,INSERT}_VECTOR_ELT has an out of range index.
bool matchInsertExtractVecEltOutOfBounds(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Return true if a G_SELECT instruction \p MI has a constant comparison. If
/// true, \p OpIdx will store the operand index of the known selected value.
bool matchConstantSelectCmp(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned &OpIdx);
/// Replace an instruction with a G_FCONSTANT with value \p C.
bool replaceInstWithFConstant(MachineInstr &MI, double C);
/// Replace an instruction with a G_CONSTANT with value \p C.
bool replaceInstWithConstant(MachineInstr &MI, int64_t C);
/// Replace an instruction with a G_CONSTANT with value \p C.
bool replaceInstWithConstant(MachineInstr &MI, APInt C);
/// Replace an instruction with a G_IMPLICIT_DEF.
bool replaceInstWithUndef(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Delete \p MI and replace all of its uses with its \p OpIdx-th operand.
bool replaceSingleDefInstWithOperand(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned OpIdx);
/// Delete \p MI and replace all of its uses with \p Replacement.
bool replaceSingleDefInstWithReg(MachineInstr &MI, Register Replacement);
/// Return true if \p MOP1 and \p MOP2 are register operands are defined by
/// equivalent instructions.
bool matchEqualDefs(const MachineOperand &MOP1, const MachineOperand &MOP2);
/// Return true if \p MOP is defined by a G_CONSTANT with a value equal to
/// \p C.
bool matchConstantOp(const MachineOperand &MOP, int64_t C);
/// Optimize (cond ? x : x) -> x
bool matchSelectSameVal(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Optimize (x op x) -> x
bool matchBinOpSameVal(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Check if operand \p OpIdx is zero.
bool matchOperandIsZero(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned OpIdx);
/// Check if operand \p OpIdx is undef.
bool matchOperandIsUndef(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned OpIdx);
/// Check if operand \p OpIdx is known to be a power of 2.
bool matchOperandIsKnownToBeAPowerOfTwo(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned OpIdx);
/// Erase \p MI
bool eraseInst(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Return true if MI is a G_ADD which can be simplified to a G_SUB.
bool matchSimplifyAddToSub(MachineInstr &MI,
std::tuple<Register, Register> &MatchInfo);
void applySimplifyAddToSub(MachineInstr &MI,
std::tuple<Register, Register> &MatchInfo);
/// Match (logic_op (op x...), (op y...)) -> (op (logic_op x, y))
matchHoistLogicOpWithSameOpcodeHands(MachineInstr &MI,
InstructionStepsMatchInfo &MatchInfo);
/// Replace \p MI with a series of instructions described in \p MatchInfo.
void applyBuildInstructionSteps(MachineInstr &MI,
InstructionStepsMatchInfo &MatchInfo);
/// Match ashr (shl x, C), C -> sext_inreg (C)
bool matchAshrShlToSextInreg(MachineInstr &MI,
std::tuple<Register, int64_t> &MatchInfo);
void applyAshShlToSextInreg(MachineInstr &MI,
std::tuple<Register, int64_t> &MatchInfo);
/// Fold and(and(x, C1), C2) -> C1&C2 ? and(x, C1&C2) : 0
bool matchOverlappingAnd(MachineInstr &MI,
BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// \return true if \p MI is a G_AND instruction whose operands are x and y
/// where x & y == x or x & y == y. (E.g., one of operands is all-ones value.)
/// \param [in] MI - The G_AND instruction.
/// \param [out] Replacement - A register the G_AND should be replaced with on
/// success.
bool matchRedundantAnd(MachineInstr &MI, Register &Replacement);
/// \return true if \p MI is a G_OR instruction whose operands are x and y
/// where x | y == x or x | y == y. (E.g., one of operands is all-zeros
/// value.)
/// \param [in] MI - The G_OR instruction.
/// \param [out] Replacement - A register the G_OR should be replaced with on
/// success.
bool matchRedundantOr(MachineInstr &MI, Register &Replacement);
/// \return true if \p MI is a G_SEXT_INREG that can be erased.
bool matchRedundantSExtInReg(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Combine inverting a result of a compare into the opposite cond code.
bool matchNotCmp(MachineInstr &MI, SmallVectorImpl<Register> &RegsToNegate);
void applyNotCmp(MachineInstr &MI, SmallVectorImpl<Register> &RegsToNegate);
/// Fold (xor (and x, y), y) -> (and (not x), y)
bool matchXorOfAndWithSameReg(MachineInstr &MI,
std::pair<Register, Register> &MatchInfo);
void applyXorOfAndWithSameReg(MachineInstr &MI,
std::pair<Register, Register> &MatchInfo);
/// Combine G_PTR_ADD with nullptr to G_INTTOPTR
bool matchPtrAddZero(MachineInstr &MI);
void applyPtrAddZero(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Combine G_UREM x, (known power of 2) to an add and bitmasking.
void applySimplifyURemByPow2(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Push a binary operator through a select on constants.
/// binop (select cond, K0, K1), K2 ->
/// select cond, (binop K0, K2), (binop K1, K2)
bool matchFoldBinOpIntoSelect(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned &SelectOpNo);
bool applyFoldBinOpIntoSelect(MachineInstr &MI, const unsigned &SelectOpNo);
bool matchCombineInsertVecElts(MachineInstr &MI,
SmallVectorImpl<Register> &MatchInfo);
void applyCombineInsertVecElts(MachineInstr &MI,
SmallVectorImpl<Register> &MatchInfo);
/// Match expression trees of the form
/// \code
/// sN *a = ...
/// sM val = a[0] | (a[1] << N) | (a[2] << 2N) | (a[3] << 3N) ...
/// \endcode
/// And check if the tree can be replaced with a M-bit load + possibly a
/// bswap.
bool matchLoadOrCombine(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
bool matchExtendThroughPhis(MachineInstr &MI, MachineInstr *&ExtMI);
void applyExtendThroughPhis(MachineInstr &MI, MachineInstr *&ExtMI);
bool matchExtractVecEltBuildVec(MachineInstr &MI, Register &Reg);
void applyExtractVecEltBuildVec(MachineInstr &MI, Register &Reg);
bool matchExtractAllEltsFromBuildVector(
MachineInstr &MI,
SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<Register, MachineInstr *>> &MatchInfo);
void applyExtractAllEltsFromBuildVector(
MachineInstr &MI,
SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<Register, MachineInstr *>> &MatchInfo);
/// Use a function which takes in a MachineIRBuilder to perform a combine.
/// By default, it erases the instruction \p MI from the function.
void applyBuildFn(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Use a function which takes in a MachineIRBuilder to perform a combine.
/// This variant does not erase \p MI after calling the build function.
void applyBuildFnNoErase(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
bool matchOrShiftToFunnelShift(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
bool matchFunnelShiftToRotate(MachineInstr &MI);
void applyFunnelShiftToRotate(MachineInstr &MI);
bool matchRotateOutOfRange(MachineInstr &MI);
void applyRotateOutOfRange(MachineInstr &MI);
/// \returns true if a G_ICMP instruction \p MI can be replaced with a true
/// or false constant based off of KnownBits information.
bool matchICmpToTrueFalseKnownBits(MachineInstr &MI, int64_t &MatchInfo);
/// \returns true if a G_ICMP \p MI can be replaced with its LHS based off of
/// KnownBits information.
matchICmpToLHSKnownBits(MachineInstr &MI,
BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// \returns true if (and (or x, c1), c2) can be replaced with (and x, c2)
bool matchAndOrDisjointMask(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
bool matchBitfieldExtractFromSExtInReg(MachineInstr &MI,
BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Match: and (lshr x, cst), mask -> ubfx x, cst, width
bool matchBitfieldExtractFromAnd(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Match: shr (shl x, n), k -> sbfx/ubfx x, pos, width
bool matchBitfieldExtractFromShr(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Match: shr (and x, n), k -> ubfx x, pos, width
bool matchBitfieldExtractFromShrAnd(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
// Helpers for reassociation:
bool matchReassocConstantInnerRHS(GPtrAdd &MI, MachineInstr *RHS,
BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
bool matchReassocFoldConstantsInSubTree(GPtrAdd &MI, MachineInstr *LHS,
MachineInstr *RHS,
BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
bool matchReassocConstantInnerLHS(GPtrAdd &MI, MachineInstr *LHS,
MachineInstr *RHS, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Reassociate pointer calculations with G_ADD involved, to allow better
/// addressing mode usage.
bool matchReassocPtrAdd(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Do constant folding when opportunities are exposed after MIR building.
bool matchConstantFold(MachineInstr &MI, APInt &MatchInfo);
/// \returns true if it is possible to narrow the width of a scalar binop
/// feeding a G_AND instruction \p MI.
bool matchNarrowBinopFeedingAnd(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Given an G_UDIV \p MI expressing a divide by constant, return an
/// expression that implements it by multiplying by a magic number.
/// Ref: "Hacker's Delight" or "The PowerPC Compiler Writer's Guide".
MachineInstr *buildUDivUsingMul(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Combine G_UDIV by constant into a multiply by magic constant.
bool matchUDivByConst(MachineInstr &MI);
void applyUDivByConst(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Given an G_SDIV \p MI expressing a signed divide by constant, return an
/// expression that implements it by multiplying by a magic number.
/// Ref: "Hacker's Delight" or "The PowerPC Compiler Writer's Guide".
MachineInstr *buildSDivUsingMul(MachineInstr &MI);
bool matchSDivByConst(MachineInstr &MI);
void applySDivByConst(MachineInstr &MI);
// G_UMULH x, (1 << c)) -> x >> (bitwidth - c)
bool matchUMulHToLShr(MachineInstr &MI);
void applyUMulHToLShr(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Try to transform \p MI by using all of the above
/// combine functions. Returns true if changed.
bool tryCombine(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Emit loads and stores that perform the given memcpy.
/// Assumes \p MI is a G_MEMCPY_INLINE
/// TODO: implement dynamically sized inline memcpy,
/// and rename: s/bool tryEmit/void emit/
bool tryEmitMemcpyInline(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Match:
/// (G_UMULO x, 2) -> (G_UADDO x, x)
/// (G_SMULO x, 2) -> (G_SADDO x, x)
bool matchMulOBy2(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Match:
/// (G_*MULO x, 0) -> 0 + no carry out
bool matchMulOBy0(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Match:
/// (G_*ADDO x, 0) -> x + no carry out
bool matchAddOBy0(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Match:
/// (G_*ADDE x, y, 0) -> (G_*ADDO x, y)
/// (G_*SUBE x, y, 0) -> (G_*SUBO x, y)
bool matchAddEToAddO(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Transform (fadd x, fneg(y)) -> (fsub x, y)
/// (fadd fneg(x), y) -> (fsub y, x)
/// (fsub x, fneg(y)) -> (fadd x, y)
/// (fmul fneg(x), fneg(y)) -> (fmul x, y)
/// (fdiv fneg(x), fneg(y)) -> (fdiv x, y)
/// (fmad fneg(x), fneg(y), z) -> (fmad x, y, z)
/// (fma fneg(x), fneg(y), z) -> (fma x, y, z)
bool matchRedundantNegOperands(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
bool matchFsubToFneg(MachineInstr &MI, Register &MatchInfo);
void applyFsubToFneg(MachineInstr &MI, Register &MatchInfo);
bool canCombineFMadOrFMA(MachineInstr &MI, bool &AllowFusionGlobally,
bool &HasFMAD, bool &Aggressive,
bool CanReassociate = false);
/// Transform (fadd (fmul x, y), z) -> (fma x, y, z)
/// (fadd (fmul x, y), z) -> (fmad x, y, z)
bool matchCombineFAddFMulToFMadOrFMA(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Transform (fadd (fpext (fmul x, y)), z) -> (fma (fpext x), (fpext y), z)
/// (fadd (fpext (fmul x, y)), z) -> (fmad (fpext x), (fpext y), z)
bool matchCombineFAddFpExtFMulToFMadOrFMA(MachineInstr &MI,
BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Transform (fadd (fma x, y, (fmul u, v)), z) -> (fma x, y, (fma u, v, z))
/// (fadd (fmad x, y, (fmul u, v)), z) -> (fmad x, y, (fmad u, v, z))
bool matchCombineFAddFMAFMulToFMadOrFMA(MachineInstr &MI,
BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
// Transform (fadd (fma x, y, (fpext (fmul u, v))), z)
// -> (fma x, y, (fma (fpext u), (fpext v), z))
// (fadd (fmad x, y, (fpext (fmul u, v))), z)
// -> (fmad x, y, (fmad (fpext u), (fpext v), z))
bool matchCombineFAddFpExtFMulToFMadOrFMAAggressive(MachineInstr &MI,
BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Transform (fsub (fmul x, y), z) -> (fma x, y, -z)
/// (fsub (fmul x, y), z) -> (fmad x, y, -z)
bool matchCombineFSubFMulToFMadOrFMA(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Transform (fsub (fneg (fmul, x, y)), z) -> (fma (fneg x), y, (fneg z))
/// (fsub (fneg (fmul, x, y)), z) -> (fmad (fneg x), y, (fneg z))
bool matchCombineFSubFNegFMulToFMadOrFMA(MachineInstr &MI,
BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Transform (fsub (fpext (fmul x, y)), z)
/// -> (fma (fpext x), (fpext y), (fneg z))
/// (fsub (fpext (fmul x, y)), z)
/// -> (fmad (fpext x), (fpext y), (fneg z))
bool matchCombineFSubFpExtFMulToFMadOrFMA(MachineInstr &MI,
BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Transform (fsub (fpext (fneg (fmul x, y))), z)
/// -> (fneg (fma (fpext x), (fpext y), z))
/// (fsub (fpext (fneg (fmul x, y))), z)
/// -> (fneg (fmad (fpext x), (fpext y), z))
bool matchCombineFSubFpExtFNegFMulToFMadOrFMA(MachineInstr &MI,
BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Fold boolean selects to logical operations.
bool matchSelectToLogical(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
bool matchCombineFMinMaxNaN(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned &Info);
/// Transform G_ADD(x, G_SUB(y, x)) to y.
/// Transform G_ADD(G_SUB(y, x), x) to y.
bool matchAddSubSameReg(MachineInstr &MI, Register &Src);
bool matchBuildVectorIdentityFold(MachineInstr &MI, Register &MatchInfo);
bool matchTruncBuildVectorFold(MachineInstr &MI, Register &MatchInfo);
bool matchTruncLshrBuildVectorFold(MachineInstr &MI, Register &MatchInfo);
/// Transform:
/// (x + y) - y -> x
/// (x + y) - x -> y
/// x - (y + x) -> 0 - y
/// x - (x + z) -> 0 - z
bool matchSubAddSameReg(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// \returns true if it is possible to simplify a select instruction \p MI
/// to a min/max instruction of some sort.
bool matchSimplifySelectToMinMax(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Transform:
/// (X + Y) == X -> Y == 0
/// (X - Y) == X -> Y == 0
/// (X ^ Y) == X -> Y == 0
/// (X + Y) != X -> Y != 0
/// (X - Y) != X -> Y != 0
/// (X ^ Y) != X -> Y != 0
bool matchRedundantBinOpInEquality(MachineInstr &MI, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
/// Match shifts greater or equal to the bitwidth of the operation.
bool matchShiftsTooBig(MachineInstr &MI);
/// Given a non-indexed load or store instruction \p MI, find an offset that
/// can be usefully and legally folded into it as a post-indexing operation.
/// \returns true if a candidate is found.
bool findPostIndexCandidate(MachineInstr &MI, Register &Addr, Register &Base,
Register &Offset);
/// Given a non-indexed load or store instruction \p MI, find an offset that
/// can be usefully and legally folded into it as a pre-indexing operation.
/// \returns true if a candidate is found.
bool findPreIndexCandidate(MachineInstr &MI, Register &Addr, Register &Base,
Register &Offset);
/// Helper function for matchLoadOrCombine. Searches for Registers
/// which may have been produced by a load instruction + some arithmetic.
/// \param [in] Root - The search root.
/// \returns The Registers found during the search.
std::optional<SmallVector<Register, 8>>
findCandidatesForLoadOrCombine(const MachineInstr *Root) const;
/// Helper function for matchLoadOrCombine.
/// Checks if every register in \p RegsToVisit is defined by a load
/// instruction + some arithmetic.
/// \param [out] MemOffset2Idx - Maps the byte positions each load ends up
/// at to the index of the load.
/// \param [in] MemSizeInBits - The number of bits each load should produce.
/// \returns On success, a 3-tuple containing lowest-index load found, the
/// lowest index, and the last load in the sequence.
std::optional<std::tuple<GZExtLoad *, int64_t, GZExtLoad *>>
SmallDenseMap<int64_t, int64_t, 8> &MemOffset2Idx,
const SmallVector<Register, 8> &RegsToVisit,
const unsigned MemSizeInBits);
/// Examines the G_PTR_ADD instruction \p PtrAdd and determines if performing
/// a re-association of its operands would break an existing legal addressing
/// mode that the address computation currently represents.
bool reassociationCanBreakAddressingModePattern(MachineInstr &PtrAdd);
/// Behavior when a floating point min/max is given one NaN and one
/// non-NaN as input.
enum class SelectPatternNaNBehaviour {
NOT_APPLICABLE = 0, /// NaN behavior not applicable.
RETURNS_NAN, /// Given one NaN input, returns the NaN.
RETURNS_OTHER, /// Given one NaN input, returns the non-NaN.
RETURNS_ANY /// Given one NaN input, can return either (or both operands are
/// known non-NaN.)
/// \returns which of \p LHS and \p RHS would be the result of a non-equality
/// floating point comparison where one of \p LHS and \p RHS may be NaN.
/// If both \p LHS and \p RHS may be NaN, returns
/// SelectPatternNaNBehaviour::NOT_APPLICABLE.
computeRetValAgainstNaN(Register LHS, Register RHS,
bool IsOrderedComparison) const;
/// Determines the floating point min/max opcode which should be used for
/// a G_SELECT fed by a G_FCMP with predicate \p Pred.
/// \returns 0 if this G_SELECT should not be combined to a floating point
/// min or max. If it should be combined, returns one of
/// Helper function for matchFPSelectToMinMax.
unsigned getFPMinMaxOpcForSelect(CmpInst::Predicate Pred, LLT DstTy,
SelectPatternNaNBehaviour VsNaNRetVal) const;
/// Handle floating point cases for matchSimplifySelectToMinMax.
/// E.g.
/// select (fcmp uge x, 1.0) x, 1.0 -> fmax x, 1.0
/// select (fcmp uge x, 1.0) 1.0, x -> fminnm x, 1.0
bool matchFPSelectToMinMax(Register Dst, Register Cond, Register TrueVal,
Register FalseVal, BuildFnTy &MatchInfo);
} // namespace llvm