blob: ce176b683024c1edda8d304a24d0b8726a8e495f [file] [log] [blame]
## This test verifies that llvm-objcopy copies an executable properly. It
## uses llvm-readobj instead of cmp because some parts of the object
## (e.g., the string table) are not identical; the output file is correct but
## some offsets differ from the input file.
# RUN: yaml2obj %s -o %t
# RUN: llvm-objcopy %t %t2
# RUN: llvm-readobj --file-headers --sections %t2 | FileCheck %s
--- !mach-o
magic: 0xFEEDFACF
cputype: 0x01000007
cpusubtype: 0x80000003
filetype: 0x00000002
ncmds: 15
sizeofcmds: 976
flags: 0x00200085
reserved: 0x00000000
- cmd: LC_SEGMENT_64
cmdsize: 72
segname: __PAGEZERO
vmaddr: 0
vmsize: 4294967296
fileoff: 0
filesize: 0
maxprot: 0
initprot: 0
nsects: 0
flags: 0
- cmd: LC_SEGMENT_64
cmdsize: 232
segname: __TEXT
vmaddr: 4294967296
vmsize: 4096
fileoff: 0
filesize: 4096
maxprot: 7
initprot: 5
nsects: 2
flags: 0
- sectname: __text
segname: __TEXT
addr: 0x0000000100000F70
size: 58
offset: 0x00000F70
align: 4
reloff: 0x00000000
nreloc: 0
flags: 0x80000400
reserved1: 0x00000000
reserved2: 0x00000000
reserved3: 0x00000000
- sectname: __unwind_info
segname: __TEXT
addr: 0x0000000100000FAC
size: 72
offset: 0x00000FAC
align: 2
reloff: 0x00000000
nreloc: 0
flags: 0x00000000
reserved1: 0x00000000
reserved2: 0x00000000
reserved3: 0x00000000
- cmd: LC_SEGMENT_64
cmdsize: 232
segname: __DATA
vmaddr: 4294971392
vmsize: 4096
fileoff: 4096
filesize: 4096
maxprot: 7
initprot: 3
nsects: 2
flags: 0
- sectname: __data
segname: __DATA
addr: 0x0000000100001000
size: 4
offset: 0x00001000
align: 2
reloff: 0x00000000
nreloc: 0
flags: 0x00000000
reserved1: 0x00000000
reserved2: 0x00000000
reserved3: 0x00000000
- sectname: __common
segname: __DATA
addr: 0x0000000100001004
size: 4
offset: 0x00000000
align: 2
reloff: 0x00000000
nreloc: 0
flags: 0x00000001
reserved1: 0x00000000
reserved2: 0x00000000
reserved3: 0x00000000
- cmd: LC_SEGMENT_64
cmdsize: 72
segname: __LINKEDIT
vmaddr: 4294975488
vmsize: 4096
fileoff: 8192
filesize: 232
maxprot: 7
initprot: 1
nsects: 0
flags: 0
cmdsize: 48
rebase_off: 0
rebase_size: 0
bind_off: 0
bind_size: 0
weak_bind_off: 0
weak_bind_size: 0
lazy_bind_off: 0
lazy_bind_size: 0
export_off: 8192
export_size: 72
- cmd: LC_SYMTAB
cmdsize: 24
symoff: 8272
nsyms: 6
stroff: 8368
strsize: 56
cmdsize: 80
ilocalsym: 0
nlocalsym: 0
iextdefsym: 0
nextdefsym: 5
iundefsym: 5
nundefsym: 1
tocoff: 0
ntoc: 0
modtaboff: 0
nmodtab: 0
extrefsymoff: 0
nextrefsyms: 0
indirectsymoff: 0
nindirectsyms: 0
extreloff: 0
nextrel: 0
locreloff: 0
nlocrel: 0
cmdsize: 32
name: 12
PayloadString: '/usr/lib/dyld'
ZeroPadBytes: 7
- cmd: LC_UUID
cmdsize: 24
uuid: B6EE4FB7-4E1E-3C7A-80D3-CFBD89DBC0FE
cmdsize: 32
platform: 1
minos: 658944
sdk: 658944
ntools: 1
- tool: 3
version: 29491968
cmdsize: 16
version: 0
- cmd: LC_MAIN
cmdsize: 24
entryoff: 3984
stacksize: 0
cmdsize: 56
name: 24
timestamp: 2
current_version: 82115073
compatibility_version: 65536
PayloadString: '/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib'
ZeroPadBytes: 6
cmdsize: 16
dataoff: 8264
datasize: 8
cmdsize: 16
dataoff: 8272
datasize: 0
TerminalSize: 0
NodeOffset: 0
Name: ''
Flags: 0x0000000000000000
Address: 0x0000000000000000
Other: 0x0000000000000000
ImportName: ''
- TerminalSize: 0
NodeOffset: 5
Name: _
Flags: 0x0000000000000000
Address: 0x0000000000000000
Other: 0x0000000000000000
ImportName: ''
- TerminalSize: 2
NodeOffset: 44
Name: _mh_execute_header
Flags: 0x0000000000000000
Address: 0x0000000000000000
Other: 0x0000000000000000
ImportName: ''
- TerminalSize: 3
NodeOffset: 48
Name: foo
Flags: 0x0000000000000000
Address: 0x0000000000000F70
Other: 0x0000000000000000
ImportName: ''
- TerminalSize: 3
NodeOffset: 53
Name: main
Flags: 0x0000000000000000
Address: 0x0000000000000F90
Other: 0x0000000000000000
ImportName: ''
- TerminalSize: 3
NodeOffset: 58
Name: b
Flags: 0x0000000000000000
Address: 0x0000000000001000
Other: 0x0000000000000000
ImportName: ''
- TerminalSize: 3
NodeOffset: 63
Name: a
Flags: 0x0000000000000000
Address: 0x0000000000001004
Other: 0x0000000000000000
ImportName: ''
- n_strx: 2
n_type: 0x0F
n_sect: 1
n_desc: 16
n_value: 4294967296
- n_strx: 22
n_type: 0x0F
n_sect: 4
n_desc: 0
n_value: 4294971396
- n_strx: 25
n_type: 0x0F
n_sect: 3
n_desc: 0
n_value: 4294971392
- n_strx: 28
n_type: 0x0F
n_sect: 1
n_desc: 0
n_value: 4294971248
- n_strx: 33
n_type: 0x0F
n_sect: 1
n_desc: 0
n_value: 4294971280
- n_strx: 39
n_type: 0x01
n_sect: 0
n_desc: 256
n_value: 0
- ' '
- __mh_execute_header
- _a
- _b
- _foo
- _main
- dyld_stub_binder
# CHECK: FileType: Executable (0x2)
# CHECK: Name: __text
# CHECK: Name: __unwind_info
# CHECK: Name: __data
# CHECK: Name: __common