blob: f569aec7d49b1ed277c38eb74f0bd12665f741fc [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: not llvm-mc -arch=hexagon %s 2>%t; FileCheck --implicit-check-not=error %s <%t
{ p3:0 = r0
if (! jump:t .Lfoo }
# CHECK: error: register `P0' used with `.new' but not validly modified in the same packet
{ c4 = r0
if (! jump:t .Lfoo }
# CHECK: error: register `P0' used with `.new' but not validly modified in the same packet
{ c4 = r0
p0 = r0
if (! jump:t .Lfoo }
# CHECK: error: register `P0' used with `.new' but not validly modified in the same packet
# CHECK: error: register `P3_0' modified more than once