blob: 7535cf0571b947932cbb814a9804ab3c6b3f6269 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: llvm-mc -triple aarch64-windows-gnu -filetype obj -o %t.obj %s
// RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.obj | FileCheck %s
// RUN: llvm-mc -triple aarch64-windows-msvc -filetype obj -o %t.obj %s
// RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t.obj | FileCheck %s
// Check that the nop instruction after the semicolon also is handled
nop; nop
add x0, x0, #42
// CHECK: 0: 1f 20 03 d5 nop
// CHECK: 4: 1f 20 03 d5 nop
// CHECK: 8: 00 a8 00 91 add x0, x0, #42