blob: a1ea7f9db1fd002728e7380b2b0f424f73007d11 [file] [log] [blame]
# This test makes sure that the example builds and executes as expected.
# Instructions for debugging can be found in LLJITWithRemoteDebugging.cpp
# RUN: LLJITWithRemoteDebugging %p/Inputs/argc_sub1_elf.ll | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK1 %s
# CHECK1: Parsing input IR code from: {{.*}}/Inputs/argc_sub1_elf.ll
# CHECK1: Running: main()
# CHECK1: Exit code: 0
# RUN: LLJITWithRemoteDebugging %p/Inputs/argc_sub1_elf.ll --args 2nd 3rd 4th | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK3 %s
# CHECK3: Parsing input IR code from: {{.*}}/Inputs/argc_sub1_elf.ll
# CHECK3: Running: main("2nd", "3rd", "4th")
# CHECK3: Exit code: 3