blob: 93b601c9369f63fbacd4c7ea20e0194db7598e85 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc -mtriple=thumbv7-windows-msvc -fast-isel %s -o - -start-before=stack-protector -stop-after=stack-protector | FileCheck %s
@var = global [2 x i64]* null
declare void @callee()
define void @caller1() sspreq {
; CHECK-LABEL: define void @caller1()
; Prologue:
; CHECK: call void @__security_check_cookie
; CHECK: musttail call void @callee()
; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
%var = alloca [2 x i64]
store [2 x i64]* %var, [2 x i64]** @var
musttail call void @callee()
ret void
define void @justret() sspreq {
; CHECK-LABEL: define void @justret()
; Prologue:
; CHECK: @llvm.stackguard
; CHECK: call void @__security_check_cookie
; CHECK: ret void
%var = alloca [2 x i64]
store [2 x i64]* %var, [2 x i64]** @var
br label %retblock
ret void
declare i64* @callee2()
define i8* @caller2() sspreq {
; CHECK-LABEL: define i8* @caller2()
; Prologue:
; CHECK: @llvm.stackguard
; CHECK: call void @__security_check_cookie
; CHECK: [[TMP:%.*]] = musttail call i64* @callee2()
; CHECK-NEXT: [[RES:%.*]] = bitcast i64* [[TMP]] to i8*
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i8* [[RES]]
%var = alloca [2 x i64]
store [2 x i64]* %var, [2 x i64]** @var
%tmp = musttail call i64* @callee2()
%res = bitcast i64* %tmp to i8*
ret i8* %res