blob: a7d8443c4e0952784d5ace2107f4311ee2ec98dd [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: opt < %s -passes=dse -S | FileCheck %s
declare noalias ptr @malloc(i64) "malloc-like"
declare void @foo()
declare void @bar(ptr)
define void @test() {
%obj = call ptr @malloc(i64 8)
store i8 0, ptr %obj
; don't remove store. %obj should be treated like it will be read by the @foo.
; CHECK: store i8 0, ptr %obj
call void @foo() ["deopt" (ptr %obj)]
ret void
define void @test1() {
%obj = call ptr @malloc(i64 8)
store i8 0, ptr %obj
; CHECK: store i8 0, ptr %obj
call void @bar(ptr nocapture %obj)
ret void
define void @test2() {
%obj = call ptr @malloc(i64 8)
store i8 0, ptr %obj
; CHECK-NOT: store i8 0, ptr %obj
call void @foo()
ret void
define void @test3() {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test3(
%s = alloca i64
; Verify that this first store is not considered killed by the second one
; since it could be observed from the deopt continuation.
; CHECK: store i64 1, ptr %s
store i64 1, ptr %s
call void @foo() [ "deopt"(ptr %s) ]
store i64 0, ptr %s
ret void
declare noalias ptr @calloc(i64, i64) inaccessiblememonly allockind("alloc,zeroed")
define void @test4() {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test4
%local_obj = call ptr @calloc(i64 1, i64 4)
call void @foo() ["deopt" (ptr %local_obj)]
store i8 0, ptr %local_obj, align 4
; CHECK-NOT: store i8 0, ptr %local_obj, align 4
call void @bar(ptr nocapture %local_obj)
ret void